83 r°i~ 0 ~'~ ~~'
<br />arM, without aemarw, Stott M immecliaterY sue and payable by Trus+. o. and Shall
<br />M8r Imereaf it tM maximum aliawenl@ legal rata pr OVraea. ROWever Ynat dt Ine
<br />option of Beneficiary or Trustee such sums may M added to the painc!pa! nalanee
<br />of Any intle6ladness secured nereny and snap Mar ma s interest as sucn
<br />Inrlebtetlness antl snail Da paybOlP ratably over tR0 rama vino term 1Rareni
<br />tg. AnipnmaM m itMia. Baneiiclary aMU Hare the ngnr. Cower And autnonty
<br />OUttrtg }he continuants lot inis Trust peed t0 eeliacl ins rnnt8. i93ue9 antl pmtitS O!
<br />!M Property eM of ary personal proPertY lOCatrrd thereon wr,.n ¢: wlinout fekrnp
<br />poteesabn Or the property affOLted nrerepy, and Trustor nerp?,y absOlutsly and
<br />untOntllliOnany d3aigne ail SuGR r n13, r and pro!its to Baneflclary
<br />Benentiery, hpWever, Mrsby cpn9ani5 10 the TruatOr'g c:rla-iron and r@tentfOn Ot
<br />such rents, IasUeB end prollts as they accrue and Mcoma payable so long fl
<br />Trustor Is not. at sucn limes, in tlefault wrm respect tc payment of a
<br />IrftlebtetlneSS Securatl Mretry or In ma par}ormanc0 pt any aoreemant nnrauntler
<br />Upon eny such default, Berteflcfary may al any pare. aitnar in {>e.sgn by again. yr by
<br />S receiver to M eppointetl by a ourt, witnoul no!ICa and wrthOUr regard tq the
<br />etlepueCy of eny 9e urity for the Inaebtatlness Mrsby s red sal inter uROn anA
<br />tek@ poesesalon of ins Property or any part thereni. and Pro its own name sue for Dr
<br />OIMrwIN taile0t 6UCh reMS. Issues ana D'ofits rneluding ;hose past due antl
<br />unpaid, end apP!Y tM same. less costs antl avoensfs or oDnrap¢n and ,:onaciion
<br />including reaaonabie attorney yeas, upon any indsptedness .sec~rea ngreby. and rrt
<br />uen order es Beneficiary may d@termrne !bi oerrvrm s:;cn pets n repafr ~_
<br />protection es may M necessary or pmppr to cOnseroe the value of Ine Property. ic;
<br />lease the acme p eny part meraot iT sucn rental, term and upon such snnditrDns
<br />as Ira lodgement may dktal9. UNess Trustor anA Beneflaarv agree other-arse to
<br />writing, any application Of rents. is Or proofs to an aeniadnass secures
<br />hereby Mall oat extentl or postpone ~ine tlue data qi the ns dument parmanfx ds
<br />provloed In saltl promissory note or cnenge the a!tteunr nr Soto ~nstalimen;s ins
<br />entering upon And leklnp PoSSasSla, of tea Prpp@ny the Caripciron O% sucn rants.
<br />issues and Rrofhs, and Ma appti0atian tneraor as Atorasard, snarl n0[ wawa or ..urn
<br />any default pr not)te ¢f default naraunder o aiidate env ac! done Gursusm tq
<br />6UCh nD1140 T; u.Slp dlb0 8a9igns tq BanatiLiarY, ai further s . rift ror ins
<br />perf¢mWrice of IM obligations secured Hereby a r
<br />Wnien Tay Mve peen p may nereatEer ,rye depcs~i0d'w+In ss;tl ? ustor by anyniassea
<br />of ih0 Property, to se a ins payment c n ,.r<nr. deraul; ~n
<br />performance of any of me provrstons n .enf Tr.. stmnao ees to
<br />antl Oeposite to me Beneitclarv pellverv c wnnen r ~ n
<br />rC18B Of ins nght9 4mnnsa na•ern . "upvng~s a -
<br />e,o 0
<br />M SuftlClent to require sar0 [anent tc pee sa~a~+en• ~...e Benal•:,iarY ~,nn~ ~rriner
<br />rtOnCO.
<br />n. t.Naad PMnMN. wmm~ to oars arm demand. Trustor snap rumen m Trustee
<br />e a<Mtlule Ceritfirm to M true, senmp Lorin a Ine o+ space In ma stoat
<br />Property roan In strait. tnGUtlmg, In ee e' mean r the tenants antl
<br />¢c<utanta, a dea<nphOn Of inn apace occUAieOSDy sucn errant anA orcvpdnt, me
<br />tames payable ip sucn apace antl sucn pmnr mtormanan and documems wren
<br />rNpt<t 109Utn iNaea ana IennnClBE as inn Trustee me4 reOVeat
<br />WnhWt inn poor wwrlttM at IIustee, L•cstar s . e<`h c
<br />Indirottiy, wttn reaPOGt to any lease oaf SDaca In IhB G@scriMd prsmisee'rwnretner
<br />aUOR tnaN la rpw a hereafter m exr4tenca. ia) steep! or permd any prapaYment
<br />aluWnt or advance rant wrepie ehereunaer, .b1 fences a terminus ins soma q
<br />aOCIPt eny CanGellitlon, IerminatlOn pr 9urtBnaar ih0re01, or permit anY event to
<br />OCCUr Whkh WOUM tlnldieLM baeee iMrauMOt !c ".ermrnate or Castel tea same: rc
<br />amens p modify iM same a0 en to issues iM term tn0reot, t a1 parable
<br />t1KKWittler, Or LP tMnpe any renewal provl3mne tMrAln COnfarnCar iC? w r
<br />detwlt tnarwranr or prNtn 1Mreo1, lei give any c not, w aDDrorai
<br />ttwaunan ar take anY other acnOn rn rvn iM~ewrtn. q awrin e
<br />thaaundet, wmcn W Wt0 Mve iM affect Ot m~palring inn value OI ie5apr 9 ~nlerBSt
<br />ttnrnundar, M iM Property 6ublA¢t Inn NO, or of rmPamnq the paaifron Or mtmtlet
<br />01 tM TNaiN p BermllDbry-, or ITt sail. assrpn meapa, mortgage O otnarwisa
<br />d1aDON O}, p MDUnfDOn its :rtlerKt In a*•y sucn !seas or 8ny rents. n8u0a Or prOtnB
<br />Issuing or anainp InereuMer
<br />12 CaWNraetlon, p tIM to any pan of ins PrnpariT nnsu M taker. in ;:Onoamnepon
<br />PrOCaadpga. try ngM of eminent domain o+ similar acton, Or inert M aaitl unae+
<br />tnrNt of r:ondemnalton, an aw1rW, dsmlpN ana Drceeaaa are Meepy aesrgnad
<br />aM ansli !b paltl [O 88rroflclaiy woo snail a„„^p!Y sucn awards. oemages ar:d
<br />praONOa to IM soma secUrnC O'I tM Trust (kM, w:tR the ezCa9E, ~l any, Pnrd 101ne
<br />Tnratp. Trustor wfil promptly, and wlin due dtrpanca. raper. ar and •estora !M
<br />rsmatMnq part of tM Trust Property !O its farmer condruan subatantrany to LM
<br />extant that tM Nmn may M feaaibie antl so es to conaii W to a ccmpfal6 and uxnre
<br />umt
<br />t3, Faara Ad##rreas. UPOn tNUNt of iruatar, t3aMttcfa+Y. a! 9anancrs7 a Apron,
<br />prM t0 reaOrrWytnce of IM WopBny tq inn TrvalOr, may mdke tutWa ad.an,;na In
<br />iM Tmatp. Sutn suture adWnG88, w:tn Inte!aal tMraon. Ef all bB aeCUfa] uy tn:3
<br />Trust DNtl wtron evMineao by prame~nry note aem*g rnat sa~C nc orb
<br />lerUnad hereby; prOVi000 toes at nc time xRaU S[tU+ s urge pr,nLrpa~ tE5 r ra
<br />ab+anpas, oat uxludlgg sums aovencay m Grote-l Me see,-~r:tr. a ea, :rs
<br />Mndnd Ixrcant (100X10! iM onpmai pnnc+par amounts saturna Mrnbr:~
<br />it. Ratttadla4 Qmm4BVw An rernedrea grnYwad in iNa "I rust Daeo ere orsuncr and
<br />CumulafM W airy OIhN rgnl p rBmWy Unaa INE TNSt Debi ar atiargad try raw U
<br />Autry, and may W sxactsaa cOnCUningY, draaDendw,py p su<caaervalY
<br />t6, AaaaNntlaw: Naraaalaa: baN. Upon oalaWt or T.uetar .n tM wrmimt of an;
<br />nttlebNdttaaa lacuna naapy w rn inn partpmaace of any agraemsnt Mrwnoer
<br />BntalkNry may dacua aft soma ascWaa haNy ImmepialaY tlw antl Payapln py
<br />tlNtWfy t0 Tr WIN Oi WntiM tlNlaaUOn W M1wit. TM TfWtN antis Mw tM
<br />p0lsat OI NN of 1M Prap«ty aM it BsMffclirY tledtrN iM PrapertY to W aoW, .1
<br />atoll Oapoill Wttn TNlIN Ihb Thai DaBO and tp RrOMi3apy rWUa end aatumint9
<br />avWanckig a%panditurN eacurna Mrsby, arxt aMG tlWiva to TruatN, a wntlsn
<br />t10ttN 91 dfeull irW aMCtion to uYN tM HopertY to ba seta, antl iM TrU#SN rn
<br />rum atuu gapers • simile Noises in IM fpm rpuieetl by Iaw, wmcn Anab M tluly
<br />tllad fp rrytord M TnatN.
<br />tb AIM IM faDaa of sucn lima as rosy M rtlduirad OT taw fpfcwinp tM ra^pa
<br />itbtt of Ntd notlca of tlafaWt. and not:.v of Mtautt arW nob<e at seta RaY;::p
<br />paNt gtren N ragWrad Dy Uw, TruaiN, wiinOUi oamBnY art Ttuator, snn:i sei~
<br />tM Prapwly on tM seta and at tM bm6 antl elect aea:prwtea .n seta Hance ar
<br />salq at PaWlc auction to iM htgneet pitldir, iM DurcMaa Pnca payae;e .n
<br />IatatYl lnOMY at iM UntiN Slues at [.ni pm@ of sire. T?W pbrbOr: Ccnautt:rry
<br />1M sib !MY. fp any CauN M asartu upnotant, postpone iM sate tram tone
<br />t01t11M Lmtl d Mail W tOmRlateO and, i0 every sucn use. rroi:L9 at pWtpOna~
<br />mNd atoll N gtvM pY pOMi<tlec4rstiOn StwiWi QY Wth yVraOn 1S IM Irma
<br />and pitw teat appotntN far fns uls, pnwtCad, it tM sate rs pnatpOSMa ter
<br />to!gar tMn (i! day peYand tM aaY Iseupnatad in iM notrte ¢f sett, nntwe
<br />maapf Mail M given in tM setts manner u tM p:ginal ~t,Cy, pt ~.
<br />TtWW anaii a%aCUtf and a.tivsr W iM Pu~ctuaa nb DeN COnvaYing !M
<br />PrapP$ aoW, prR WtityOrut any i.Oran4 t W wa(anly. expNb, u< LmpliN. TM
<br />rapiuN m IM Wad W any maltnra p ta<l6 aniil i>f Nn<iusiw aroof of tM
<br />IMUdWINY mvspt. Any PMlCn. lMtudirhT itan®ttcrary, nLY p„rchifa s! IM
<br />seta
<br />~ Vyhart TtWtN NW pursuant to tM pOwua iwrsm, iM t'rvatN snap apO;y tM
<br />Rropeda W fM ei7a to paY*mnt Gt tM testa a~ unsnsea of axerLtung tM
<br />Ofraar M aaA and M tM seta, In AuQinq tM Parman: oa FM Twezee a Fete
<br />actuNly incarrad, not to gonW „.__._..._ sG fli tM aAie P-rq;a, 8Mt then t0
<br />hfa llama M sepparapwDn ~!.n tM pent iMrP 6btW
<br />~( AfM WT/!N art {tirY+R Oliatttred to auOPb#rpxaph ~l it ttW sate rY aY Tr W:N, n+
<br />SPR pirYpar L%ar'rl Nd dinar C%MIt 01 forlcfaauri And rata it 1M sate !# pu! Win[
<br />' tpladOW aYiciNUra. 1.M proeiWa Ot seta shah G app;lad rn tM O+oar aittaa
<br />to iha payWramgE -
<br />?$ GNipl say artaanGam ittW RrOCWaa itt:anrNE'~.tfOn Wdn SUCH tale ana u'
<br />any raYanW stamps;
<br />re Duttef srW Obllgatiana of iraatee. lal the duties and obugetlons Ot Tiu9tee
<br />shelf be aatermined sglery Cy Ine e•prBSS provlsrgna of me Trust peed and Trustee
<br />Snell noY be Ilabre except tar Ina Rerfe.manre of such dutle5 antl obllL"3;iQne es BTB
<br />specmcally set tnnn ri and n implied c ants o ¢bllpadone Y,a4 M
<br />rnvpsea upon tru Slee ^(PMV p of (nis TouSl Deed Snell regulre Tru9teeRo
<br />ax Pend or nsk nis q und.s, n romerwise Incur any Ilnanclal obilpetlOn in the
<br />nerlOrmen<B pt env pl Its duties he,eundBr, or In the BXercl9a of any O} Its ngnt or
<br />powers, it it shrill hove grpunAS for Mlleving (het the r0payment of 9UCh IUntl9 p
<br />atlequate Indamnily against sucn nsk b+ IlaOluty Ig not reBEOnably es9ur0d tO lt; (t)
<br />Trustee maY c suit with c sal Of ors o n Chonsinp antl the etlVlte Of such
<br />I shall M toil and tompfete authprizalion antl protectlpn in iM reapxt 01
<br />any echon taken or sutferaa by it Mraundar in pool faith and reliance thereon; (d)
<br />Trustee Snail not ba Irapre Fvr anY action 18ken by him In gootl faith antl
<br />Mllevetl Oy nirn IoM 8utnorizeA or within the tllscreilon or rights OI Rowers
<br />cOniBfrBtl Upon Vt nY in18 TrU9f De9tl
<br />t 1 AddttloMt s.¢¢nty Irrotrumenta. Trustor, at Its expenga, will axBCUtB end tlBllver
<br />O iha TrusiBe, Dromppy uUVn demand, sucn 9e<urity Instruments a may M
<br />resulted by Trnslea, to form and substance setistactory f6 Trustee, cOVOrinq any OI
<br />the Property canveYed by inis Trust peed. wnlen security Instruments anal) Oe
<br />eadlnpnal sxunty for Trustol's toltMN peripman<e of ail of !M terms, cuvenenta
<br />anA conanlan3 of tots Trust Deed. the promissory notes securetl Hamby, and eny
<br />at Mr se urity instruments ex Outatl In co nection wlln this treneBetlOn. SUCK
<br />Instruments snarl pe renDro@danr rilev. antl rerecorded ana ranted, et Truetru'a
<br />expense
<br />'i3 18iibllanwuf-
<br />m} In ;hb want eny one or more of the povislons eonlalnrta In this TYWt peetl p
<br />the promissory note or any stoat securNy tnatrument given in connectlon won
<br />tn45 transatilOn shat: icr any reason ba neitl 10 M Invalid, Iliegil Of
<br />nnmomeame m any respect. sucn tnvaiitllry, Illepailty, of unentpceablllry
<br />u.^.8n, at the Ophon oY BOnaftCiarv. rtot ana04 8ny OinOt ptOylalOn 01 ihb That
<br />Dent, Dut inis Trvet Deed snail M construetl ae If sucn invalid, IIIBgaI, p
<br />unentorcaeb:a prOV!ainn Had Herat bean Con[einBtl Mreln Of themin.
<br />•or Tars Trust Cb@d snarl t>e construed atcoroing to tM laws of tM State of
<br />kebre8ka.
<br />~~. -s Trust coed SMU more to ana ulna tM Mba, IegatNa, aerlae9a,
<br />aamm.snaton exncutprs..su<cessors ana assigns altM paroles Mroto.
<br />id) Trustor EMIT pay alt m 9 levied uDOn tnlS Trust Ueetl or iha oebt EBCUfetl
<br />e•app tngatner w:t^. any otRSr texas or eE98asments wmcn may M levlrm
<br />t ins Tn:sten qr BenenCary or iha legal sober of saltl promissory note
<br />_.r ac..nun,,,..ne lndnniedness eritlenced inereby.
<br />.., erRenaYBr „ a Herein. rho sinew mMr anon .opines inn plural, the
<br />~~.^guiar + node: snail M apPpteole to ail gantlets. ana the term
<br />Renehcrarv Jsrte r arr!uoa eny payee of ins IndaDlBdness hereby aecuretl or
<br />a ,..anE.¢r tnnren• wnefnar Ov CparatlOn of leW Or OtMrW158.
<br />`y Succatp inratN. Beneric;arv may trcrn nine Io Ilme auMtltute a aucCeaaor or
<br />namrro Horan or acting nereuntler to a%ecute lh19 Tmet
<br />castle Upon Isucnyepavm~im@m enq w;ihWt <onvayence to iM auccNap TmetN,
<br />aMn M vaAlaa w ii hpa. pOwela, an0 tlvtlea cOnferretl Upon any
<br />~:stneat nee D aCtlnp ne•euntler. Earn auto BpROlntment ono
<br />veahiuhOn er a BM ma08 pY written rnaifUmBnt DY BerwhClary, comalnlOQ
<br />•eteranta w mIS iru31 peal ant ns Mace et racom. wMCn when recortletl In Ine
<br />otike of tM PrYptetsr o+ Asses or ins County or caunt189 in which Nitl DrolaertY Is
<br />sr(unted eRall M cORCiva~.a Dnx,l ¢I proper apWlninbnt 01 tM 6uCCeaap TmatN.
<br />TM Iwappnp ppwer of aubsti[ution 8rW IM protetlure themiole atoll not tM
<br />or :na newer ana procadwe provttletl for by Iaw ror the aubatitutlOn of
<br />~s.ee~r tmsleas:n tea peace ~'me truatN
<br />^n ForDein+iCa pY BnMtiNary p Trw1N NM • WaMr. Any forebearance by
<br />Aanaficr+ry or trvataa .n inq any ngnt w medy nxeuMet, or Otlterwlae
<br />`toraad pY appr~aDrn iAw~ s r ne` M a waver OI or preclUtle IM e%erClae 01 any
<br />Apn; nr ramrby n r. l.,newrsa, ?M waiver ¢y t3eneh<iary or TryatN of any
<br />au:t of 'ruainra,mta~ihia Trust peed anon not M aaeme0 t0 oe s waiter Of any
<br />O,ner u{ s;mi!ar tlaraults supse0uenuy gccurrnq.
<br />t Tnuip NrN gaNaie0. Exlenaon of tM time for DiYment or motllfleatlon or
<br />ization O!'ne sums saturna Ov Imo Trust Daetl prflnleo by Benenelary to any
<br />miera9l o! Truatp shell Hal Operate iD rel9aae, in any manner, tM
<br />ga¢tlrty~ *.M interne: 7rusiOr nr Trustor a succeaaor In interest. Beneflclary atoll
<br />-et pn raqum.d w romn,ance wvteetl±nqa agairat sucn auceeasor p reiuN to
<br />na fw pa,manf or ptnerw;se motley emvnizaUOn of tM some aecuretl by
<br />1,i Tr„E: 4 ea Gy ransnn ur any vamand ma0e by ;M Orfginsl Trustor antl Truatot's
<br />2 Dilaun. .t :Rare anaic M a oainuit urrda inis Deep of Trust p urWbr any Attar
<br />.onpaga, sna Bananrary rr:a, cure sucn aetau:q ana tM amounts etlrancea by,
<br />nthyr costa ana ax 01 2M benetlciary :n cuHtp sucn tlefault, with
<br />mtarpt a! iM dafaup rain LariamBtl '.n ins NUta Decured hereby from the time of
<br />:M adrancoa ur Garments Soso M auaatl to the uWabladnNS BeCUIiMt ny this Trues
<br />peed ono may ba tpnetted maunder at any lima alter the tlme of sucn atlrencne
<br />m wr .ants ana atoll M deamaa to M secured hereby.
<br />2! 'DPBan to FancWa. Upon tM DOCUrance al any Oetauit Mreunoer, Benaliclary
<br />Soso Mra tM ophon In ipatwae inis fruit Dnea in tM manner provlOW by law for
<br />tM twncroaare of mortgages on tea, mapany.
<br />:< TNatoYa ttlgMS, Absent Oslauil Until a v rtefnul\ In IM payment of
<br />;nabo:rwrieas nasty tacured cr until tM bream of any Covenant Mfeln tanlalned,
<br />.na irua::x. rte sut.:asanrs ono assipna. snail posaeaa antl enloy IM property, ono
<br />vs tea rama and Pti,tsts tMrefram, Upon paYrnenl Ot all soma slcWad by thiD
<br />~iuai Deeo. 8enefl<t8ry shalt rpauagt Truatae t0 reoonvey iM Property antl aheil
<br />rratWer ih:8 Treat peetl ana au notes avtaancinp rnaepteorYesa aecure0 by this
<br />ual Deep to Trustee Tr gy the Dropariy wiinOUl Warranty ana
<br />- nniletl mertltu. Tne Grantee In any
<br />apa:a a
<br />c-=emdsaa `~a peiYvn ¢s pereons entdrN tnereta,'~ acrd
<br />echats Ina er, ~ol~ ns r~attart Or facia aM( ae c nciualva PrWI of tM
<br />frvtnfuirreaa ttWreot Such Demon cr panona shall pay all CDSta of recoMinp, if 8ny.
<br />J5 AeOaMntbn M tM Evans d TnMta. In inn anent tM ripe to sa;tl rNl estate to
<br />naterrw. n: caz:: a.:ao to Ga .aa. fr;,m me unvarslpnea for eny reason ar
<br />br eny .matnud wnatawr ;nalAa: a un,,c:Pa. sum ono accrues interest snail at
<br />Ca Dn<Gn.`e dtrrs and payable at ii:6 e!ect:on Ot tea Beng,ilCiary. FEliur@ 10 tlxer Olga
<br />, .r qpl:;>r, net baneaa: o+ n s arx:.-a states :n one instants atoll ne:
<br />•"onsuwte a wn er ei ihb r~gnt vc. axer~ttsa sna name in ma scent of any suhaa9uant
<br />~ansfaa.
<br />m.7n?taaad Ot trust la lunl~x•iu GSxe 3a:atl _-. _ - ... .. ._. _.._.._ -.....
<br />ixacuiW oY Truatct to -_ TrustN.
<br />NtWlnpiptin<Ipsi,WUtQ< -
<br />tyoliirf aM n+a0 FOe rau0 u wilt me ~egrita OI "lM)s V W lantl(IW as tOrtpwa
<br />Ah turns ihNr aw.u+id'ta+apv.
<br />TM NrnYat+ ~, rf wY_ tp tM pKa^.~n :Egnay arrttf sp instate
<br />