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<br />TRUST DEED <br />~3-- i1G0~7~~~? <br />TH[5 DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this__~~ft today of _ F~tbri~Iy -- , J 9_$3- <br />by and between VE3N ~• W~I~ AND BONNA M• WED~GTitstor,andTITLE INSIIRANCE COMPANY OF MINN~6QSQAee, <br />Husband and Wife <br />and SBCIJRITY PAGiFIC FINANCE CbRP4RATI0N __.____~._-._-._______-_.__- Beneficiary. <br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee [he following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or <br />hereafter erected err placed on the real estate, situated in ___ _____HALL ____ County, in the State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Fifteen (15), and the West Five (5) feet of Lot Sixteen (16}, Block Three <br />(3), in Westerhoffrs Second Subdivision being a restsbdivision of the South <br />Property known as: gal! {S~ of Block Three (3), and Four {4}, and the North Half (iP~) of Block <br />Five (5) and Six {6), Westerhoff's First Subdivision to the City of Graced <br />Island, Ha1I County, Nebraska. <br />Fded for Record_ ____.______ at __ _--M• <br />in Book of <br />Page <br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, ++tth all rights, prnt!eges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trus[ee, <br />his executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns forever. And the hrustur Hereby eepressly waives, releases, and relinquishes <br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, herefit, and estate whatecrr, in and ro the above~deseribed premises and each <br />and every part thereof, which is given by or results from cell ia++, of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption of <br />homestead. And the Tnrstor covenants with the Trustee that he rs-ill forever warrant and defend the title to the same against the <br />lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />iN TRUST HOWEVER, Cor the following de,cribed purposes: ss'HFREAS, the ?rustur did nn this date execute a <br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for the pcinctpal amoum of 5. 12~~_~6__ _______ __._._________ and interest thereon <br />according to the terms oC said Promissiin Note; ,aid Prarni,>ory Note firing payable m nwnth(y installments at such piece as <br />the Beneficiary may designate in writing from time [o time. Not+vithnandutg any provision contained herein or in said <br />Promissary Note to the contrary, it net sooner paid, cell .ums due and o.rmg. under the terms of raid Promissary Note shall be <br />paid on or before February 22. ~3 <br />1t is agreed by and between the parurs herero that until f;h^g r-, Nuarr of i?rfuult, the Trustor shall: (1) pap all presen[ <br />and future taxes and assessments, general and special, against satd property before t he same becomes deiinyuent or actionable; <br />(2) keep cell improvements erected on [he land insured as mat hr rcyuircd from time to time by beneficiary against loss by fire <br />and other hazards, casualties and cunnngrncirs..:. ,uch ama,:nts ,:nd for ,uh periods as are reasonable and may be required <br />by ixneGciary, and to keep all policies of such msurarce in force ur effect ttpoa the property herein described constantly <br />assigned and delivered to henefician, 131 pay and comply ++tth cell of the terms and conditions of any Lien, claim or <br />indebtedness the[ may be senior to ur take precedence :o thi, i'ru,t Decd as ,von a, any such payment on such lien, claim or <br />indebtedness shall become due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep any said agreemrnta, beneficiary may pay such tax, pay for <br />such insurance ur pay off such liens ur claims or indebrednrss as the case may br, and the money su expended together, thereon <br />as provided by the terms of the aforenrrn[iortrd Promt,xxy Note, .hail hr arrurrd by this Trust Deed, and the Trustor agrees <br />to repay the same upon demand, and upon !allure to du sa the haiancr oC the aaachrd note shall become immediately due and <br />payable at the option of the benefreiary: ty),pecificatly confer upon the Trustee the power of sale as provided in Nebraska lea-; <br />(5) retain possession of the premises and a>Itect the rrtus and re+enues therrfrorn. <br />Upon payment of all the sums secured by thi, Trwt Decd. the Beneficiary shall request the Trustee to reconvey the <br />property and shall surrender this Trust Dred and all notes evidencrng indebtrdttess ,ecurecl by this Trust Derd to the Trustor. <br />Trustee shall reconvey the property ~ ithuut warratay to the prnon or person Irgaih entitled thereto; but if default br made in <br />tht payment of said nu[e or an} pan thereof or an} of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful performance of any or <br />either of said agreements as aforesaid, then the whole of ,atd note snail become due and br paid as hereinafter provided, and <br />this deed shall remain in fors; the Tru,tre ur his attotnry may proceed to self the property in its entirety or in parcels at the <br />option of the Tnutee hereinbefore dray.*ibed at pubh~ u~tton, to the highe>t t,idder, for gash. However, the power of safe <br />trerein conferred upon the Trustee slrafi trot be raerciaed until (11 the Trtntee shall first file fur recortf, in the uCficc itf the <br />Te'QIS{ef of dredc Of rain ~Qnntc whrr.*tn ttL'• tntct nntnr~rt+ cx vunr nar7 nr ., n-rl sh,~rrin 4s .u stated , n,,fire of ,iNra~,ls, <br />identifying the Trustre by stating the name. of the Tru,u+r and names therein and giving rhr book and page where the same is <br />recorded., a deuription of the trust property, and cuntauring a statement that a breach of an nhhgatian fur which the trust <br />property was conveyed as security has tcurrrd, and srthng forth the na[urc tt1' ,urn breach and of his elceaon to sell ur cause <br />#0 4fe stztd such property to safely the ohligatiun; and f~1 alter the lapse ui not less than one month, tine Trustee shall gtve <br />Ri~Ue<of ~)tas-provided by Nebraska law..-liter notice of default and lapse of not Irss than one month, the T"ru,trr ehall give <br />wr9ttrn nakcof the Ame and place of lair parncutarly dr+cribing the pruprr[v to he ,ntd by puhiicatwn of wrL+ nonce. ut least <br />h~~C times, onie s week Ye>r fivt con4rcutrve weeks, the leaf puhitcatiun tt? br ar bast tp day, but not [Wore than t0 duys pnctt to <br />the sale; in yomc newspa~r having a general crrculation m eech cerunty m whrch the property to L•e sold, ut ,sm:r p:rit thereof, <br />iS 5ituar.Rtt. Upon such sails. rhr Trrtstee shaft exriute and drhver a deed vi conveyance rtt the ,.raperty said to .!.e purchaser to <br />pwch~rrs thete~f and any -statemem or trcetal €>f fact in ,och deed to refauun to the eaet+~nc Ott the power ai ,uk' and ,tie ut <br />{he )xroPerty ttestrd therein. mcludinp. rct+ta'ts azucrinrrrg acre mating, pees,>nal det~atry aracJ riuLhcatt,?r. at ttu u~tttvr o! <br />dafaaslr, an} mailrng ancf the pubhiatiun and pustrug ref nutter of sale, andthr ~trtrdu.i rat ..rlc_ and ,t,~h +r. aai s1ru11 crtn;tuute <br />prime faa3rCtrh fi kt su~rr „e~€nplsrtne~ aucl eCrrH.lg3rae r=>dunsr tkmre,xf -n t,tvrxr r.~ „3rta t-r,V~ f~ut: tasea. a=tvt cncesutbtan:c=~ <br />of v~~tctc srrct ~knhusr ar:ur;r, fhe 1 sutv~`+ dr~rd atrall trr~ta;e ;o caxosra tr „ , .. a.ea. ,+ahaus ,.gn. =r.:irn_t ustn, ~:',c <br />i)fiti~ib#Ad <br />