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<br />ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS <br />DEBTOR WARRANTS AND COVE!*A1V7'S: {1) That exceDC for the aecurlty Interest granted hereby Debtor la, or to the eztent that this <br />agraemenF states that tbe- Collateral la to be acquired after the date hereof, will be, the owner o[ the Coliaierai tree tram arty adverse lien„ ee- <br />curitq InterenF or encumbrance; and that Debtor will defend the Collateral against all claims and demands o[ alt -eraons at any time claiming <br />the-same or any lntereat therdn, {2) That no flnanemg statement eovertng the Collateral or any proceeds thereof in on file in any public office <br />and that nt the reQUest'oC Secured Patty, Debtor will join with Secured Party in,executing one or more financing statements pursuant to the <br />Nebraska=-IIhiforta-Cpmittereial Lbde in form satisfactory to Secured Party and wtlt pay the coat of filing such financing statement, thin security <br />agreement eM any continuation or termlanUon statement, In all public offices wherever flung la deemed by Secured Party to be necessary or <br />dedrable: and it the-Collateral b attached to real estate prior to the Derfectlon of the security interest granted hereby or If the Collateral <br />includes crops or oil,. gas or mAereia to be extracted or timber to be cut, Debtor wilt, on demand o[ Secured Party, furnish Secured Party <br />with a disclaimer or dlaclejmera or subordination agreement signed by all persona having an Interest in the real estate, disclaiming or aub- <br />ordlnaling any lntereat in Lhe Collateral which is prior to the interest o! Secured Party. (3) Not to self, transfer or dispose o[ the Collateral. <br />nor take-the same or'altempt to take the same from the county where kept as above stated, without the Drlor written consent of the Secured <br />Party. (41 To pay all taxes and aaaeaamenta of every nature whtch may be levied or assessed against the Collateral. (5) Not to permit or allow <br />any adverse Ilan, security interest or encumbrance whatsoever upon the Collateral, and not to permit the snme to be attached or reDlerined. <br />(6) That the Colinrernl is to aMw c~ndttfon, n!!d that he •xili at !~.~ c:rr. expamst, k^eD the same ?n gac-d cordit?nr. end front time to time. <br />forthwith, replace and repair all such parts of the Collateral as may be broken, worn ouS or damaged without allowing any Ilan to be created <br />upon the Collateral on account of such replacement or repairs, and that the Secured Parq• may examine end inspect the Collateral at ary' time. <br />wherever located. (7) That he wilt at his own expense keep Ure Collateral Insured In a company satisfactory to Secured Party against loss, as <br />aPDroprtate, by theh, coliialon, [!re and extended coverage, with loss payable to Secured Party as Sts Interest may appear, and will on demand <br />deliver said Doliclea of insurance or furnish proof of such insurance to Secured Party. (S) At its option Secured Party may procure such insur- <br />ance. discharge Lazes, liens or security interests or other encumbrances at any time levied or placed on the Collateral and may pay for the repair <br />o! any damage or Injury to or for the Dreaerratlon and maintenance of the Collateral Debtor agrees to reimburse Secured Party on demand <br />for any payment or expense incurred by Secured Party pursuant to the foregoing nuthorizatlon. Until such reimbursement, the amount of any <br />noon payment, with lntereat at the rate of 9~ per annum tram dote of payment until reimbursement, shalt be added to the Indebtedness owed <br />by Debtor and shall be secured by this agreement. {9) That he wilt not use the Cailaterel in violation of arty apDlicabie statute, regulation or <br />ord[nanm and If any of the Collateral la motor vehicles the snme will not be rented, used in rental serrice nor in any speed or endurance con- <br />teat. (10) Debtor will pay Secured Pat~y any and all costs sad expenses incurred in recovering posseaston nt the Collateral and incurred in <br />enforcing this aecurlty agreement, and the snme shall be secured by thLV security agreement. <br />UNTIL DEFAULT Debtor may have posseaelon o[ the Collaterel and use it In any lawful manner not Inconsistent with this agreement <br />and not imm~statent with any policy of insurance thereon. and upon default Secured Party shall hate the immediate right to the possession <br />of the Collateral <br />DEBTOR SHALL BE IN DEFAULT under tide agreement upon the happening of any of the following create or cond)tfona: (I) default <br />in the payment of pertormaace of any obligation, covenant or linbliity conminN or referred to herein or In any note evldencing the acme; (2) <br />any warranty, representation-or statement made or furnished to Secured Party by or on behalf of Debtor proven to have been false In any ma- <br />terial respect when made or furnished: (3) any avant w•hieh resulu in the acceleration of the maturity of the indebtedness of Debtor to others <br />under any fndenture, agreement or undertaking; (1) loss, taett, damage. destruction sale or encumbrance to or of any of the Collateral. or the <br />making of any levy, sef:ure or attachment thereof or thereon; (5> death, dlaaolutfon. termination of existenct, imob~enc>•, bustneaa Lallure, ap- <br />pointment of a receiver of any part o[ the property of, asaignmen[ for the benefit of creditors by, or the commencement of any proceeding under <br />any bankruptcy or Insolvency laws by or against Debtor or any guarentor or aureq~ for Debtor. <br />UPON SUtRi DEFAUL2 and at any time thereafter, or it tt deems itself Insecure. Secured Party may declare sit Obligations secured <br />heroby Immediately due and Payable and shall here the remedies oP a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code. Secured <br />Party may require- Debtor to assemble tae Collateral and delher or make It available to Secured Patty nt • place to be designated by Secured <br />Patty which is reasona6ky convenient [o Oath polies. Unleaa the Cottaterat is perishable or threatens to decline apeed3ly In value or is of a type <br />cuatomatily sold on,a recogafaed market, Secured Putt' will glre Debtor reaaonrtbie notice of the time and Flace o[ any public sate thereof or <br />of the lima after which anp Drivete sate or any other intended disposition !hereof b to be made. The requirements of ressonable notice shall be <br />met 1L such aotitt is mailed, postage prepaid, to the addreu oL I>QDior ehow•n at the beginning of this agreement nt leant [R•e days before the <br />time of the sale or diaDOaftbn. <br />No waiver by Secured Party of any default shall operate as a waiver of any other default or of the same default on a future occasion. <br />Tha taking of this aecurlty agreement shall not waive or Impair any other ae<uri13' said Secured Party may hu•e or hereafter acquire for the <br />Daymept of the above /ndeDtedneaa nor shall the taking of any au<h edditlonal aecurlty waive or impair this aecurlty agreement; but said <br />Secured Party may resort to say security It may here in the oNer it may deem proper, and notwlthatanding any collateral aecurlty, Scoured <br />Party shall retaip iL rights of setoff against Debtor. <br />Aft rights of Secured Putt' hereuadar shalt inure to the benefit of its suttaswre and assigns; and all promises and duties of Debtor <br />shall Dind h4 heirs; emcutora or administntora or his or Its aucceaaora or assigns. It there be more than one Debtor, their liabllitiea here• <br />uadar shall ba joint arM several. <br />TAb agreement shall become effective wAea it fa signed Ay Debtor. <br />fit, w `'r <br />z~ t a~s~ <br />~ ~r't - i W ~ <br />_ ~ ~ <br />i ~~ <br />~' ~> ~ ~ ~ ~' gip <br />~~ ~ ~ e , ~~ <br />.~ • , <br />