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11~ORTGAGE s3-- ~~c-o7c~ <br />(Partieiptio.> <br />Tha mortgage made -and entered-into this J /'~ day at February <br />19 $3' , by and between Albee Printing Company, Inc. <br />(hcrtinafter re[erred to as mortgagor) sad FIVE POINTS SANK <br />(hereinafter referred to a <br />mortgagee), who maintaim an office and place of bwiner at 2015 North Broadway, Crand Island,. <br />Nebraska <br />Wrrx¢sstirtt, that for the conrideration herelndter elated, receipt of which is hexby acknotrledgaid~.tbe <br />mortgagor does hereby mortgage, Bell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his wcceawrs-and aaaigtta, alt <br />of the folbtring ddcribed property situated and bring in the County of HALL , <br />State of Nebraska <br />A part of the south half (S~) of the northeast quarter (NE's) and a part of the <br />southeast quarter (SEIy) of Section Twenty Four {24) in Township Eleven (11) North,, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M., lying north of the Union Pacific Railroad Com- <br />pany land: More particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the <br />north right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, which point is 866.0 <br />feet southwesterly fram the intersection of the east line of the south half {S~) of -- <br />the northeast quarter {NEB) of Section Twenty Four (24}, in Township Eleven {lI) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P.M., and the North right of way line of <br />the Union Pacific Railroad Company; running thence southwesterly upon and along the <br />north right of way line of the Unian Pacific Railroad Company, 100.0 feet: deflecting <br />thence right 90op0' and running northwesterly for a distance of 200.0 feet: deflecting <br />thence right 90°00' and running northeasterly parallel to the north right of way line <br />of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, 100.0 feet; deflecting thence right 90000' <br />and running southeasterly for a distance of 200.0 feet, to the actual paint of <br />beginning. <br />Together with sad iocladiagall buildings, all fixtures iaclading but not limited to all plumbiad, heatiag, lighting, <br />veatilatiag, re{eigentiag, iaciaentiag, air eoaditioaiag eppatatas, and elevetoes (the mortgagor hereby declaring that <br />it is intended that the hews breein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently installed es part of the realty), <br />and all iwpaovewents sow or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaweats and appanenanees and all other rights there- <br />antu belonging, w in aaywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, all rights of <br />mdewption, and the teats, issues, and profits of the above described property (provided, however, that the mortgagr,r <br />shalt be entitled to the possession of said property and to collect and mtsie the mots, issues, and profits until default <br />fiereanderh To-have and to hold the same oaeo the mortgagee and the sutxessors is interest of the mortgagee forever <br />is [ec siwple or such other estate, if arty, as is stated herein. <br />The ri,ortgagor covenants that he is lawfully stied and possessed o[ and has the right to scll and convey acid <br />property; that the uttte is Coe from all eneumbrancce czetpt as hereinabove recited: and that ht hereby binds <br />himself sad hif stteceswta in interest to warrant and deCtad the title aforesaid thereto and every part thtrtof against <br />the elalrr~ of all iatraiuta wliomwevcr. <br />7'itla.hPatrt-~tt,ctti is given to aetuct the vaamrnt o(a promissory Holt dated ,2~ (4. ~~ <br />inekwpriigiiltHrwaot,f$"dC~ ,siRtted6y Ron A,lbes. Preszdent <br />iitbaiat#ini- elbee-Fein ittg Company, Inc, <br />Saw r('#bt bra 3RgE? mN$Yiq 4~1 &'JtY ~(;rqa ,y pp p{SaO:.e ,~ <br />