<br />~,=~-.a.., ~~j~ ~ - _ ~ -~--
<br />#ztt=FARM LEASE C~~J ~ Tha ttd mn <=en eraz sapglY aanaaa Lrneq,n, xabr.
<br />THIS.r3GREE~t1E1VT, Yfade and entered i)ato this 23rd dny of March ~g8.2,
<br />{~ by'-and- betiereen Meierside Farms , Inc. -------------------------------------------
<br />I party of 'the first part, and Ned H. Meier and Barbara D. Meier, husband and wife, -----
<br />pttrty af! the second part, bl%IT:vE.SSETH, Thai th¢ said party of the Just part fins this day Zeas¢d t+nto tla¢ ~r¢rty
<br />of the sefand part the faltozt•ing drseribed property, sihaat¢d in the County of Hall and State of
<br />Nebraska, ao zadt:
<br />Th¢ SW nastier of srrtian 12 , in 7'ozt~nship 12N ,Range lOW of the 6th- F, hj,,
<br />together zsitTs FkX no barildbag,; and inrpraveaar)zts thcrca)z aced thereto app¢rtaining
<br />front the lst day of March trf32, tU the 28th day of February , 1985';
<br />and the said second party, in consideration of the teasuzg c,t Ilse abo'e prsnrises, larraby love--Hants and agrees zcYtTt
<br />tltc said party of fhe first part to pay th¢ said party of tlce first part as trot far th¢ sa)ne as faltazcr, to-udt:
<br />1. Party of the First Part to receive 40% of the grain produced
<br />and agrees to pay 40% of all fertilizer, insecticide and
<br />herbicide, and irrigation expenses.
<br />2. Party of the First Part agrees to pay for 40% of all routine.
<br />maintenance and repair on the pivot and all expenses for major
<br />repairs on the pivot.
<br />3. Party of the Second Part will receive 60% of the grain produced
<br />and agrees to pay all crop production expenses and pivot repair
<br />and maintenance expenses that Party of the First Part does
<br />not pay.
<br />r~ f AA'T) tI" IS FURTIiLh :-AI ,ESSI1 1('IZI t Is -ere n 1< ;-irtts +rreta t '1 sasa~ party of the first part ~ ~~
<br />~, should it d.eu- t r -sa...t n zt -. rl:- .,.-.a t -n. 7r rr .aa y .r t/ut r-<'ond pat t, sanpioy nesa mad it
<br />i
<br />rs t equipmc-nt.-ta ga upon a,kaa parr iscs and cu tt,.rat¢ tke tops n r rr~t <=r~r t tens ur is as arcs-thing That is necessary to pro ~ ~~ -
<br />{, r ntot¢ fh¢tr griru~tlt ors - : e, ru at any !rare bctar< tltrl arE ,n dzs ga~raaraes, tht ~lral< f°s-pcytse a; fire same to be a
<br />li
<br />{_ ~ !i¢n a~an said secar:d r r t s' s;`trfn- e) zatd f>~eps. ~ r,
<br />~ ~iNI}IT IS EGRTHLh atP1tESSI,P =(Gk6E:% by the -v t' of the second part that they z.rill carefafly pro ~ ti
<br />tsct all buildings, fine:°s anti trstpra°vs)nents of <«`ry l~nrd tiwt are nazo an .,aid pn>ntises ar that snag be ¢arcted
<br />~ thersan d#titrg Ilk: rrr±tinua:r r j _ars t`efae; thct they,tn;t frourpti2' at il:e• arpuutiun of t&a terns hsrein granted )Meld #
<br />up possession of surd prcrniscs °rtTsoat r:otice, sort€,r ttrt par i al the first part, in as good repair as they nax• are or t
<br />} assay be at easy bane durir3 fire c ntiuuaraie of fles_s l<r.s , or-zzrtary ~sar anti loss b4 5re e.rreptetl. Said second ;arty
<br />r also e.rpressly agrees to haul sass statist ripen Sara L.red ra_irrcazletts the nsonths of and ~~
<br />i ~ all a+ant+re accrranulatt•d ttrerr+sn nd they zcdtl 1'esp the ndtiz•atid lands jp
<br />?[ j a( sr3id pre)nises fret. frons ,t=z 't, •ad ursb~ov all x[reeds Tr'ax<! }hs fe)rcrs and about old tfrs buildings, tnflulit))g all
<br />cafhisbtsrs and zrerda ,nr ;la.~ hrgln.',zy odjornurg th¢ land a)tti slang Ilse lr„rdcrs of the fields before they ripsaw tltsir s¢sds; j
<br />2~ t f
<br />}~ 4 that they zuiil krrp Ilse rt~t-11, panrp and av>uinsi.'l an said prrnaisrs in gaud repair, r-rrsptiurutl toss by Jseavy zeirui or ,~
<br />~, ~ firs excepted. ~;
<br />AND IT IS FUKTHER --1i~liEEL> trh the part 5' of tics srra)+d part that they ,iritl awt sub-Ist nor in any '~
<br />t
<br />!j nutrtntr release any` part of tlrs df'scribed prrtnut, zrszhoat t_ -,ans.')tt of party of filar first para. i
<br />ri AND !T IS FUIiTHGR .~4L'rREI:U that ilzc party of the lest part and its agents utay ga u~pan said prext)tiseo
<br />at axiy Bute to irup<d .l:e same ar tv rase ~ insprc- ascents 'aeraan end to plozt+ for juhtre eraps and to sazc• s)nai! ~ '
<br />[grain to corn and s€u;ble grtrund firs tti (atf tra~Jarc th- c: -lrrafian of this !case. '
<br />T'ha ce'v~ana»ts hsrein sisal e.rt¢nd to ttrfd br' bin,ling capon flu heir, r.racatars and adtarit:istrniars of th¢ parties ~
<br />r; #o #his lsase. rat J' ~1 ~ p'1 `~
<br />~~ 'A 13 A`~RTFiF:R E,t'Rk:SBt.Y ,LGRLFll the[ tr,a socucd party =hall x, care the porform..ncc ui the t,~nns and fv d tons of ipye Ihaaa o `~
<br />t[ their t by String kn the fire[ partF ua demsgd a chattel mortgage spas sal of sap par4 of the crags ¢.rYttlaB~ar~gatharbd an sai~ ~~
<br />~~ PrCntidea dariss8 *stii to ~inl if sa£d .f~=ean,1 pane sha13 negroe[ or e. tone to -t ~~ ~ ;.h.sbetteY'Sis"~ - Y ~-~ ~ r th~v ~ -i
<br />Tie a ~sge po g. demand, if Ml: '~
<br />shoo at. nay ima g oar .t to giro tu, f.r P t pera.:a c: Po~.•.n, tq_a, r' "a'a R p d rvp Y Part Ehcraof, of la any ~ !i
<br />- a# the Bandit of rtx[s cntza,. n [fits lease shoo tn-r«{;y earmulata-ttt ~ opuuq qF rho first par{Y, and ~ order -ta entarta - ita{~`
<br />ngg•{aa3rntagt f re t ahai3. aL a.e eaBarY to ma4a a teVa `4 as dog the of shat] haeun.a dn~ an ry
<br />} . Yaaaver paaaass au ai aaifi pre ti r and craps [n ffi the aid s rood party shall u, that eragt h r
<br />jj anRirapad. Gard.crag fast the b weft of aid ' rr~tp and afia37 hu paid far ancB son te.= as follows: P ps~e' a u
<br />,i 1.aapired term ,or each at pr a~-.oat&`~_.-and- at its ept;an pracnra ,qty croga a
<br />ta:d. to Reek -ar7tPt }R-"", 7. t reap seA tip Pad 1h withal a r(tl prtiCaUti9 thUleut 5$tA1! he' OPgiia - of Xpggpeaa..13, t
<br />i erred tar ~,Ae-"ia`sd party en the pre+nast~s ~. Sa.Ugg [he i:nta spaat hY `~ _"'~~ eoaneaua, tN asxtth: 4 c d fir. PaYniaa[ of rent and ang {~
<br />' -,~.tn
<br />~ tgcr larfur haztie) duo Heat yaR1 rd, the raft atLer, if areY. shall Peed Kn 9ti~^awgal~p ctY is fall atioteatwa f snkv7aRa q jrlaaCin~ y
<br />i 3.+6~di n? ~ -rr+pr, en? aaada - p d nr' hlnt, r say ether *ani* etas h{tu hareander iF •day,~ha~ agreed ilt-t We r raaanka- and
<br />;ywtLt+d 4a Cho rarara~a aide at this iaatrnutan:, st ess7, ere haragY rnrarpninWd iota au3 made a parE ni t~TiES^iaaa -- _.__ _ __. g~~ ;~
<br />52gn.~d tint .~I s t __ - day of 'xt~- to 82 . . t. , ~ ~{
<br />~ Sigxrd oath d~Plf~Rrrd trs the pres+ratm trf MEI IDE MS It~~ ~~,~p~c
<br />,.
<br />' x~~~._._._r~`f'4''tx--:~--.... _. ....., f3 ll~ L .,. .,. r ~ .(,~aEx,dl~
<br />_... Y ~', ,tr
<br />..r
<br />Pre cent >w'
<br />_ - .. toad E~ Ma a, xJ,..~~ a `` 1rw;41<9t'~z'~
<br />~ .
<br />' klarbara D. Meter
<br />