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<br />This form is used in connec- <br />lion with mortgaggs insured <br />MORTGAGE -ttttt>er,t;~ one- to four-family <br />~ptttoi~i~fts of the National <br />Housing Act.' <br />THfSMORTGAGE;madeandexeeutedttris 11th` day of February ,A.D. <br />I9 83 , byarrtibetween R. Andreror Hanson attd Vicki Lpnti Hanson, Husband" aii'd toT.i£ <br />of the Gountyflf Ha11 ,and State of Nebraska; party of the firsYpart, hereiiiaffer called <br />the#Qixtgagbr,and Superior i~rtgai3e, Inc. <br />a corporation organizedand existing under the laws of Neksraska <br />party of the second part; hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br />WITNBSSETH; Thatthe said 14ortggaagur, for and in ccsnsidet^ation of the sum of Forty Seven- Tficitisand <br />Five Hur;dred and Nof 100ths°---------- Dollars {S 7 00.00 ~ )• Paid by'the 1Ciort- <br />gaa?ee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sald and b}~ fhese presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gnin. Sett, Canvey and Confirm unto the itifartgagee: its successors and assigns; forever, the fofhiwiti(e-descritxd <br />rea! estate, situated in the County of Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />The South Ten (10) feet of Lot Six (6), all of Lot Seven (7j,,.and <br />the North Five {5) feet of Lot Eight {g) Wolfe's Subdivision in the <br />City o£ Grand Island, Hall Cotutty, Nebraska <br />uf'the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in al! acres according to Gnr!em-, <br />mentsurvev: <br />TU HAVE, AND 'if) HGLH the prem,~es abuts desiribui, with alt the appurtenances thereunto finlonging and inchtding <br />;ill heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and tyuipmrnt now ur heres.ttet attached to ur used in:cmtnection with.said'reabcstate <br />unto the tifortgagee, and to its aucceasura and assigns, forev,:r 'fhr 6iurtgagur represents to,.and covenants with, the-Morl~-. <br />gee;-that the Mortgagor has gaud right to <eH and .unxey said premises: that they art free from encumltance; ansl that the; <br />Mortgagor wits warrant and defend the same against tttr lawful claims of sH prrsoits whomsuevrr and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by relittgirishes all rights of homestead, and nit menial rights, cutter in taw of in equity, and ail other c,ondngeut interests of the <br />Mttgagor in and [u the above-descritxed premises. the intention being tit convey hereby an absolute titk, in fte simple; includ- <br />ittg all reghis o€ humrstead, and ether nghts end mteresta a; aforesaid, - <br />PRt)l'1DEll ALAS AYS',:ntdthese prrsrme ere exec uttd and delivered upxm the fottuwittg-eondttinns, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agues lu pay to the 'sturtgigrr, ur order, the principal sum of Forty Seven Thousand Five <br />Hundred and No/100ths------------- tktlara{S 47,500.00 ), <br />with interest f tarn date at the ,ate a; Thirteen and One-Half pee centum ( 13.5 °~) Per annum on <br />the unpaid balance anti{-paid. 'fhe .aid principal and interest ,halt he payable at the office of Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />in Grand Island, NE 68801 , or at such other place as the balder of <br />the note may designate in writing. in monthly msialimenis of Five Hundred Forty Fate and 07/i00ths------ <br />fkliars tS ~qq. 07 ), commencing on the first day of <br />Itp=i.1 tl- , t 3 83, and on tttc fiir,t day of cash month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest are. {u8y paid, except that the final payment of principal sod interest, if nut wooer paid, shall be due and <br />payable un the first day of March, 2013 ; all accoW ing to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sort' nuts of even date hereciith exect,ted ir} the :aid hfortgagur. <br />The Mortgagor in order mute futi} to pn,tcct the ~tcunty of thts 4fort$age, agreea: <br />t . That he tvilt pay the ittdobtedness, as heteinbetare provided. Privilege is teamed to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amount equal to atat or mute monthly payments cut the principal that are next due on the note, art the first day of any month <br />ptii>r tc maiotaty~ Pttrayded, Auwr+er, That whiten ta<>tice c,f an imemiun to excr~i>s au~h privilege is given at least thirty till) <br />days prior 4ttpcepaymeat. <br />', Th4t, tugetlter wilts, 3~ at ;t~~3iti~a== t~~, tttr ntantltfy p», mrt:ts tt{ pt . col n,.„' irtertat payatale undo: the irrma oF.the <br />ttete secured t~ttb~ tlxe`4iorlgafttrr wiUpay to the Murt#,agre, on the ntst dry of eai2}t,rwnth,unul thesaid txttwis (uAy paid, the <br />tolktwintt stiEits: <br />t`a) Atnutttu suttnt to {uuvt3e tht hnEder hrmitf` with funds to pay fhe next tnorigage insuranue ptcmtunt it zfus <br />tusetun~nt and the note scented borsht' are in8urtd, trt a mtmlhly ehazgr (ftt lfeii of a rriangoge ixbttntnne ftre- <br />miurrrr if they ue Ite-d txY the Sertetary caf ff cwstng and ttrbast Ikweft,pruent, as ft~llows: <br />tit It atuf a~-, kung az ::eu, ,acsti „} .x-rn cats- and $us ,r,-slrumeu± e,a uts,.red ~,t art aetnsuaed under the ptu- <br />+risto~ oC tist'1~,ttt+na3 ikwsing Act., an arnuunt suf6cirnt to:zutnuiatr its the #utatds ut Nte holder imr< <br />eta=sresa r xt ~.: st3tat »ttan m~ r.3a- urs.s v.sat wt~v a, texaewxra6 ti'£ q.'1($ Cdt+ NZ'si3#2.tk2`+Ili/l <br />ktt+3 921i3kt t9-7L+) <br />