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MORTGAGE <br />8~~~06~~ <br />• This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />under the one• to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing Act. <br />THFS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 10th day of Febrttary ,A.D. <br />19 g3 ,by and between Milton F. Ehly and Diane C.Ehly, husband and wife <br />ofihe County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the firs[ part, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and The United States National Bank of Omaha <br />a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the United States of America <br />party of the second part, hereinafter caned the Mortgagee, <br />WiTNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Thousand and No/1~Oths <br />__________________________ _ _Rpliars (S 4p p0.00 >. Paid by the ore- <br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sald and 6}t~6ese presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain; Sell, Convey and Confirm unto thr Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described <br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Fractional Lot Four (4), in Block One Hundred Sixteen (116), Railroad Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and Fractional Lot Four (4) in <br />Block One Hundred Sixteen (1I6} in Koenig and Wiebets Addition to theCity of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska excepting therefrom the Northerly Eighty-five and <br />three tenths feet (N 85.3') thereof, according to the recorded plat thereof. <br />of thr Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all <br />mentsurvey: <br />acres according to Govern- <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises about described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including <br />all heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said teal estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its wccessors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagex represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has gaud right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the <br />Mangagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Mangagor here- <br />by relinquishes aft rights uE homestead, and all martial rights, either in law ur in eyuity, and aU other contingent imerests of the <br />Mortgagar in and to the above-described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in tee simple, includ- <br />ing all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PROV IDED AL W AYS, and thew presents arr executed and delivered upon thr following wnditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees [o pay [o the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Forty Thousand and No/100ths <br />----------_,_ _-__-r..._-_------------__!]ttllars la 40, 000.00 h <br />with interest from date at the rate aC Twelve per abntwn ( 12.00 90) per annum on <br />the unpaid ba{ance until paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of The United States <br />National Bank of Omaha <br />m Rmaha, Nebraska . or at such other place as the holder of <br />the note may designate in writing, in monthly instal menu of Four Hundred Eleven and 45/100ths---------- <br />~__-,~__~__,,,,____ _ DtoUars (S 477 77 5q ), commenting on the first day of <br />A ri1 - • 19 $3, and onZllL ~i'st day of rash month thereafter until thr principal and in- <br />terest arr fully paid, except th-~t tFte itnal papmem of principal and interest. if not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payable on the first day of March 2013 ;all according ro the terms of a certain promis- <br />sory note of rven date herrwilh executed by the said Mangagor. <br />The Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the settuity of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />L That he wilt pay the indtbtrdness, as hertinbetore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, ar in an <br />amount equal to orre or more monthly payments on the principa That art next due on the Hatt, on the first day of any month <br />prier to maturity: Provided, however, That written notice of an intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty f30! <br />days prior to prepaymtnt. <br />?. 'Thai, together with. and in addition ta, the monthly paymrnts of principal and interest payable under the terms of the <br />note stcpred hereby, the Mortgagor will pay to the Mortgagee, on the first day of each moath anti! the will Holt is fully paid, the <br />ta) A+nount suffir~nt #a provide the holder hrteof with titnds to pay tiro next mongagr msutance prrnuutu if this <br />mserumtttt; anti Litt note rEwcuttd hereby ass insured, at a nwntttly charge tin flea of a nranggtfr insrttrncr t+rr" <br />rrtita7ar) if they sit iirid by the Secretary of Housbtg and Urban Development, as follows: <br />(1) if and so long as raid. nt,ct at turn data and this instrument art ttist+rrd ar axe reinsured umler the pro <br />visit°trq ai thr Nata3rttd thrusittg Aft, an amtatnt suffietrtet to at;cumulata at the hinds oi' the ttultter amr <br />tt»<tu.aax F is ~-? t+9M ,+,r,~re **sw De wey arses e+w n vxtrwrrcd 4TATF' Ot' N Ftiii:-S K .1 <br />t6UD=Si2ta;1M tr3~r41 <br />