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~3-~ppps~ MORTGAGE <br />This mortgage made and entered into this ~ 4th day of February <br />19 ~~,6yand between Stephen D. Nuss and Mary A. Nuss, husband & wife <br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} and Commercial National $ank and Trust Company <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />mortgagee); who maintains an off-ce and place of business at 424 West 3rd street in Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WiTNESSEtH, that fcr the-consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />does fietrby mortgage, self, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, al[ of the fol- <br />lowing desta~ibed property situated and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />Suite Four (4}, in Brentwood-By-The-Lake, Condominium Property Regime II, <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together with all the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, al) the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all <br />easements, rights; royalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including <br />all heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment and all fixtures of every description belonging to the <br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition <br />thereto the following described properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a pazt of the realty, and <br />are a portion o€-the security for the indebtedness herein stated. (lf Wane, state "none") None <br />To-have and to hofd the same-onto the Mortgagee, as herein provided; <br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized and possessed of and has the right to eel! and convey said property; that the <br />same is free from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and <br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated February 4, 1983 <br />[n the principal sum of S 15,t?OD.OD ,signed by Stephen D. & Marv A. Nuss <br />in behalf of themselves <br />alsp, as such aoto or notes-may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing. <br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned far any <br />reason tit by.tWy tttethod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall ai once bee;ome due and <br />F?!yakie at the election of the hoiden hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of tide as above stated <br />in one ittstatcg-shat! Writ constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />l., The rnRrtgag4r covettltAts and agrees as fotltnvs: <br />a. To proatplly pity- tht; indetitedtuxs evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the manner <br />~tii4'tE~, ptOVideu. <br />b. 7o pay all'; taxmp, asnyptts, water rates, and other governmental or municipal charges, tines, or <br />impositions, for.wtadt provi~ttn has not btcn made hereinheforc, and will promptly deliver the vt'ficial receipts <br />therefor to tttr said mortgagee, <br />c. Ta pay, such expCnt and fs>es as tray be "ttxcurred in the pratretlan and maizttenauc~e of said property°. <br />ina`IuditrQ shq-tees ofaay attorney etttployed by tttts martgag+fc for the collectiosz of any ar alt of the indehtedtetKs <br />hereby sc~utstl, Vr forrelosure by mcutgager"s sale, car court prrxx~edings, ar in an rather iiti}tativn yr pr;xes;dinit <br />afftacting said prgpcrty. <br />