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:f. <br />#. <br />83--- f7 G Q-Ei~' ~. <br />shall have been paid or the payment thereof provided for to <br />the.satisfaetion of Trustee. At such time as a Bond shall be <br />deemed-to be paid hereunder, as aforesaid, such Bond shall no <br />longer be secured by or entitled to the benefits of this <br />Indenture, except for the purposes of any such payment from <br />such moneys or Governmental Obligations. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, no deposit under clause <br />(a}(ii) of the immediately preceding paragraph shall be <br />deemed a payment of such Bond as aforesaid until (a) proper <br />notice of redemption of such Bond shall have been previously <br />given in accordance with Article III of this Indenture, or in <br />the event said Bond is not to be redeemed within the next <br />succeeding sixty (60) days, until Company shall have given <br />Trustee on behalf of Issuer, in form satisfactory to Trustee, <br />irrevocable instructions to notify, as soon as practicable, <br />the holder or owner of the Bond in accordance with Article <br />III hereof, that the deposit required by (a)(ii) above has <br />been made with Trustee and that said Bond is deemed to have <br />been paid in accordance with this Article and stating the <br />maturity or redemption date upon which moneys are to be <br />available for the payment of the principal of and the appli- <br />cable redemption premium, if any, on said Bond, plus interest <br />thereon to the due date thereof; or (b) the maturity of such <br />Bond. <br />All moneys so deposited with Trustee as provided in this <br />Article may at the direction of Company also be invested and <br />reinvested in Governmental Obligations, maturing in the <br />amounts and times as hereinbefare set forth, and all income <br />from all Governmental Obligations in the hands of Trustee <br />pursuant to this Article which is not required for the pay- <br />ment of the Bond and interest and premium, if any, thereon <br />with respect to which such moneys shall have been so depos- <br />ited, shall be deposited in the Bond Fund as and when real- <br />ized and collected for use and applicatior_ as are other <br />moneys deposited in the Bond Fund. <br />Issuer and Trustee hereby cover_ant that no deposit will <br />be made or accepted hereunder and no use made of any such <br />deposit which would cause the Bonds to be treated as arbi- <br />trage bonds within the meaning of section 103(c)(2) of the <br />Gode. <br />Notwithstanding any provision of any other Article of <br />this Indenture which may be contrary to the provisions of <br />this Article, all moneys or Governmental Obligations set <br />aside and held in trust pursuant to the provisions of this <br />Article for the payment of Bonds (including interest and <br />premium thereon, if any} shall be applied to and used solely <br />-28- <br /> <br /> <br />