<br />THiS TRUST DEED, made this 24th day of JANUARY , ig 83 ,
<br />be and betwesn:
<br />HER OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more, herein-
<br />after Gaited "Trustor" whose mailing address is 1521 NORTH LOCUST GRAND ISLAND NE 68801
<br />and
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is P 0 BOX 428 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 and
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />P. 0. BOX 1566, GRAND ISLAND, NE 6$802 ,
<br />WlTNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in 1L~LL County, Nebraska:
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and alt of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each aggreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of 4N~ ~x~~i~~ND 1''IFT'Y-FOUR Dollars ($ 10.054.23 ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory Hate bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Dead; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms sat forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shaft t>e due and payable on the 24th day of JANUARY , 19 90 .
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. WYltltb' a TIIM. TrunWr is lawful+y 5er20d of iM Propene; n Ms pogo ngnr sod
<br />lawful tutrlOrify to NII iM convey IM Properly: itro PrdpenY rs free arq char of an
<br />tiefia and entUmbrencea axcaoi hand rrow of record: orb Trvamr wdr we+rant acrd
<br />fNfwM [M bbe to Ine Pmps[tY uM0 lne 7ruatce and rte aucceaepes aM aes,pns
<br />}Or{vN. tpa{Ml iM cl{imE O{ ail peripna T<UitOr, a; rte expenBe. wUl mainl0rn aM
<br />preetrye iM Mn pi thif TIUnt Uaetl N t Iron upon IM Trust Property subleCt Only to
<br />aictrmbnnuafa4fting as OI IM dill heraol, Wrii Cau}e ImS Trust LJeetl, arM aacn
<br />ArrAntlmtnl ay nuppiempnt thenb, to W !lied antl reGwded an n rrw+tpig{ at me
<br />Tnul Prpptrty {n }yGn,ninrbf antl m 6uWf place, end well likn wcR other aclron e}
<br />in tM opinion of Trustee may M rpurced M any M-Baent pr !ueura ,aw m antler to
<br />perlad4 tnAfnlain aM proliGl iM 1ron of !RIS Trust Deep, ae IM sirtw may ba from
<br />tuna IO tbM tm{ntled I# suOpi@Inenlad.
<br />2. -t~wNpi ~ PrbttpN and MIMt{4 Ttusia aMn punct WI!Y WrY tM prtnGpal al,
<br />arq intNfat on, aaW pramiaeoty rrofe includrnp anY' adrarrcea :nerftp aE provsdetl
<br />tbstin on iM Gatsa aM at iM pta~ an0 !n tM rtawnw prpwtlea tnerain a+W wit:
<br />pundlWily paytIXm iii igrpfmflfta. FOMiltpni and 7NaviSiOM O: any atnpr SeGUnt}
<br />IMtruafenE giwnlis COnntCUOn wain this banatCbpn.
<br />& Pr'{tirwtian arrd MaMitn{rrmt tl Property. Traitor wdt rbt Gwnmp anY waaia
<br />upprs tM ProntrtY ind wlh. at art pme}, malnieln the name to g60o adW orb
<br />CIX18ii70n antl will m{kt from bma t0 fimn, ail rapauS, renewa!5. repraGemE!•ts.
<br />1ttpNMi Aetl rmprarMAnh w nrAlpnabiY regYi[wd ie prev@nl waBle,
<br />4mpNrtnBr+4 a delirioratwn a laid pmpeefY. No bueiotng or imprOYwnwnl now ar
<br />tttrta{tiY frtFtfd upon 1M PiaPM1Y dhi11 i!e aharea, raaeoYao Crc dnma,shea
<br />'wiiaoui bliprloY YwdttaSrNt-Y11 d BtnBbrvuy,
<br />{. ~ b PraptrQr_ fn Gafa W any Oa,:+agn t0, or dA4rucNM of, LM truaidi+rGa,
<br />lmpr¢YtmatLa oTRO. tank PYOV{*ty eoMi:lutmp Part of !na Trua. Property. wMtMy
<br />iUOn Yeti eb F4v{YW JYy 1natNf+rCf Qr c±nxwcse, Trv:stor, a' ~t adse cca! ar,0
<br />_ __ ___ . __ __ _ __ ,v' tM sores aS nBArry as
<br />KfptMt§rt twfta ~dt{~ Ymntidiilary awn to such damage at daaLVUCtto++ar won
<br />6ubff 41Mngt{ saN AfifytlroYq as T,uytIN maY 3nen, apprOprwta D'ow0@d svCh
<br />FMnQwi and alltritiMe +}a n6! maiartApY -~sinn tMt vAluf arN atlf'!lY Oi wtn
<br />BiplGirl§i. Hlrpr{+YafilMtf li!A DittonilltY trfR 4hdt ear3irnp •nfrned+ilNy prror Fa
<br />awGn da+Mgf +X dt{trUFilPn- Trualot ehn11 dB 4nt.tt,Ia to rermbOryenYert! !tom ;nn
<br />Tnmtsta tas4aSet,tW tM flfi wtfuliaKf PsaCfada lCewetl }y iryflf0. tWS OnrY h0
<br />IfU fitMt rrr rM tpipa% aam aiU{oAid UMN itue prUr+fw?n.
<br />§ P.iyr{rt11t TntrtlM_ d TiU}lur 3E i <,'+4vPNatrpf-. z! wtu Ur an th! .ja rwt;essa±y tv
<br />ff+{{tt'vf !Ti aatpoyiNl axgWAGa, f'.pnt• arHd br:viFfpei Uiute? Snd t®xb O} !np eteie W
<br />Ba atpaapC!Ai+r.Mp
<br />B bMllitrrYt-, Teufi+ar, f. :p, @rPwMa, w .xce!e.: x+ee w + +rb ippr s :'.
<br />RrrMtiawY. frrwwa>•av won rin+a M *-rs s+m rt~norena ~3e=~+st am ~pa~z,,+xaa D:v,.wr;r_
<br />::=x+fbwtABp aM Prsa,frm ipf,.at Was rr irca r:ywia.,rr,i; h..ws<;. ant e=prey po-~sa
<br />°'.zeYfrtd d+r itszxrwyd a+sw aiaro .:=mpaaa axK,.-. - xrpa.M wow! rc at
<br />aa1 onw h1++~irad yHG@hS a> two !, iajWawA- . .. U,. ! n =,:+ancf
<br />fp~r.Kr aaeL^ot wi +swarVda irw• •... a+n„,::a t,. • wrxwd flr m..
<br />ea4 Ysbe±ntmf ~+ sew. w>=rca~•~.. ~•x afl tco w~m,v w.rrro se~
<br />;'>%~ew--'a»a~x - r^AecS+ s~w,.epi~swrY=r
<br />m• s w s~, >~.w r,~~. .,. . _ s - . a.~a~b - i..._ awrz- .a ,r,d
<br />+EnpaCbye partrel. Ail rn5wartce pOI1C,es maintained pursuant l0 thi3 TYUaI DBeO
<br />snap name Trvatee an0 BenahClary an rnaurede, aB lMir feBpeCpve mterB818 may
<br />appear. and prpYrtle Thal IMre snail ba n0 cdncellatlon or mOditication w11hOU1
<br />hlteen data prror wrpten nopNtanpn to Truntee antl BBMbCIery- to tM avant any
<br />VahGy tyreuMar le nqt renewed on or MfOre fifteen tley9 prior 10 tts ezpiralion
<br />tlale, TrvEYee or 8enellcrary may prpGUre ouch msuranGE antl iM cast lnertl0l shall
<br />Da adtlM to tM !pan natured by this Trust Deed eM shall near mlereal aI the
<br />greiiN Of tM m10reB1 rate apeGiftBtl IMram Or IM hrgne8t lnlere8t rate eulMnZnd
<br />DY tM taws of IM Slate of Nebraska Trueior aMU dBilver l0 BaMtltrary IM arlginel
<br />VOirGrBS OI Inaur BntB end ranewni3 In@teol Of memo GOpIB9 Of auto pOii0leE antl
<br />is Ihereot. FapprB t0 fwnrsM1 msuranco by TNSIOr, or renewals ee requfre0
<br />nEreunder snail, dt iM pPUOn pt 88MticlerY. cpMbtute a tleteult. All unearned
<br />B nerepy assrpned to TruSiBe as adduional aecuruq antl d sAle And
<br />of iM PeOpBrty Dy IIro Trustee snail operate io convey to IRB purcnBSer
<br />nhe Terusto~ s In{Brest m and to au ppliciaS CI Insurance upon tM Trust Properly
<br />~ Ttiq iptl A{NfirMnb. Tru910f 51,ei1 pay alt laxBB and apeCrol 8a865Bmenle
<br />avlM ar a5seased against ur due upon the Properly Detwe delinquency, and will
<br />„e.hv9t tp BAMtiGwry eOpres Ot eneerpta stwwmg paYrpertt o van lasaa And
<br />^eCNI assessm@nis. Ii 8eneticrary snail sp request, crustal agrexs iMt iMrB snail
<br />^e added to eacR aanu<;rc pdymant raquhao tp be matla ReefunUer An amount
<br />estimattb DY Trusi¢E tU t>e sufficient t0 enable Trustor to pay. a: (east 3C aaya
<br />aafar¢ dehnpu¢nCy, an tafEe. as5essmems O+ O.R¢r VubllC sharp@s dgalnet ine
<br />Trust PraDeriY. Ine Note secured Dy'nrs Trust Dead, ar upiln account p[ Ine debt or
<br />s uan o! this Trust D¢ed, lagnlner wI;R Rremwnts N+ rn, a rByuved to oU
<br />UvlUesi! G er tms TrUSf Deed a ¢sl 5hd11 D¢SparabfB to Truster in
<br />respecf tnwraot Upon Demand by Trusiae, tTrusiar shah Ueirver t0 7ruslea SUCK
<br />addpbnel Bums of m Hey as are rretE}Sary la makB ep any dBficlenCy rn rna
<br />a.t Donis nBCBSSarY:G enable Trustee tU pay arty al Itro rp,Bpomp h@ms.
<br />a AdMlbrul LNne. it„}ipr shall mahB ah payments Ot Into*eal end prVOCrpal arW
<br />Ceymenle Vt any p[RBI cRa[pea, taear and expenae4 FUnlraFiftl ip tM 9A10 tU any
<br />9aiBbnG'+en noklars a Rria+oeMitFianee under anY prror rrnet pond, Maripage or
<br />::fMr sbCUri1Y iglea.r•en4 bettlce tM pate fMY Ara dahnquetu 8nd tp paY any Diner
<br />claim when }AOpardliea IM aeeuriry $ranied Mrem.
<br />ProltFtWn of liMhsltry't B{oorly'. GRUUFd TrUelor tau tU mike anY {1nYmnnt,
<br />tali tU db anY ACt to tttrroin G+lwbftl, M h any ACibn W prgttatl4rip IS tOnimBnm,d
<br />wfi,cn mil~a4ly t*1Kis BeneriClary'E minreat ire fM Rrbp{rly, {nGUd+hg, but opt
<br />/rmfiM fp. fineMnt doym,m, mEWVenCY. n anpements Or peen:rredings mvpivu+p e
<br />DaMtNPi ar del:adBnl, tRair 8axfdf:c[arY Gr rTnrai@e 9Ui wllnaut UbitgOlipn is dp sp.
<br />wttMVi nbbci l0 r+r dartWnd URpu iruSlOe, AMt wAhpU! eA!eaSp,g 7<U31a: from
<br />any GpapA»a•? hnewurMee. m `•roka ae n0 rrta SAmf, spa meY pwY. purrnpae,
<br />.wt-^xs•mp: onnn,+anye c~.>amrarr,t;e.. rnargu u, nh:n l:r malwGBmanlM
<br />rvriRBr + 4 iC 5hW;i a V F!pie@+tY. aFlnG A vr:h [h+w~prb tnx
<br />aeewe rc . tabihnxana a+nanay w~nacn.er am,xmta
<br />~ru-r. ,, xai >rnas`+ensa o+ro ;:alxa a;i.andya'Baa.« xb:GariB
<br />vvaa;.;,.. m
<br />.. _ _. _ maa,~
<br />,.. - w tw,err,.,a•r ~~ -
<br />+.usas.r. _ .r ha. a.r m,
<br />,.. a« .. ,... r+k «.s, rx ..,.,., < ..=t..M.r= r«, ,., wo •,E.,n+x
<br />