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<br />I1~~RTGAG <br />Return to SSA <br />Tb», and mtRed into this ~1$~ d of `-^~~ ~~ ~ ~./` <br />14~j :-byand~hetwaan cIBB(ld F~ F'~RODUGTIONS, INC. <br />(heremafTCr referred to a martgagorj and the Administrator of the Small Busiaer Adtstinistratioo, as agenc7 of the <br />Government of the United Sfates of America (hereinafter referred to a mortgagee), who-maintains.m o6we and <br />pbteaofbewesrat Fhpise State Building, 19th and Farnam, Ot»aha, Nebraska 68102" <br />Ate,- that- for the eoosideration heteinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby- ae!<aowledg~sd.<tbe <br />asstgagar`does hereby moetgage, sail; Rraat, assign;-and convey unto the m+artgadea, his.snecasors:and.assi~--all <br />of the fallowing described property situated and being in the Countp of HALL <br />State of ~~~ <br />A31 of I.Qts Six (ti} through Sixteen (16j , in Block Five (5} , <br />Clark's Addition to the Village of 4JOOd River. Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Together with cad -adudiag all bu$dittga, aU fixtures induding but not limited io all plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing, veutihNing, rofrlgerating, iaeinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and devators (the mortgagor hcreby <br />dech-ring-.that it is intended that the items herein enumerated shad be deemed, to have been permanently in- <br />sialled as part of th~.realtp}, and al! improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and <br />appurtenabces and alI antes rights thereunto belonging, or in ,anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />versions, remainder and remainders, all ri{hts of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the abova <br />dexribed pt»pa;ty {provided,. however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled is the possession of said property <br />cad to a®lteet and retain the rents, .issues, and profits until default hereunder}. To have and to hold the same <br />unto- the mortgagee awi the suceessore in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other e&tale, <br />if any, as is stttted herein. <br />The tsatt.aovngsAt(~ tifat he is Lwtttll' aei=ad attd pa+sesssd of cad; has the right to sail cad convey said <br />ptultwttrc that tba.sstsa is #rea-Cram alt eudesabrsaees etteept a hareinabove recited: cad that he hereby binds <br />bi~tswlf cadhiu ~a,n,tttarwt,ta watrapt and detect the titta afatmsid thereto :nd ovary part thereof against <br />tieclri~ts at all petwtty wh0(ghsataar.; , re~eeivable <br />inArvmeat is oven ta.saeare the payment of a promiswry aota,/datad April 22, 1982 <br />in tba pr~ncipil-sow af; 49i>3~!~94 ~, l'r~ident and Se~'etary , <br />iw-lawl~tilfaf t~.~ f`ibercJ1si88 Rtaduetitms, Tnc. <br />flew 47?4' i ~f 3 r+AN,LMl, u~ 4Mrlx.,. <br />