~ ~ .~.,
<br />63%y--REAL EBTATE MORTGAGE-WIIH Tax Ctauae Tte Huttmsn feneral 3apply fi nee, L~ncul Nebr.
<br />THAT
<br />RICHARD E. STEPHENS, JR. (Mortgagor )
<br />pf; Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consideration of t1:e sum of
<br />One hundred fifty thousand and no/100-------------------------DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONY'EY +tnto
<br />GRESHAM STATE BANK (,Mortgagee )
<br />of York Caunty, and State of Nebraska tJ:e following de•seribed premises
<br />shunted in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-xt+it:
<br />The Easterly Two-Thirds (E 2/3) of Lot Five (5), in Block
<br />Fifty-Six (56) in the Original Town, now City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention bein_q to canve~~ hereby an obsolete title in t`ee simple including alt the rights of homestead and dazeer.
<br />TO H.41~'E AND TO HOLD the premises aboze described, oath alb the ap¢urtrnancas U+ereunta belonging
<br />unto the said nwrtga_gee and to its heirs and assigns, forevrr, provided a/cc~oys, and these presents are upon
<br />thr express condilion tlrad if the aforesaid mortgagor his heirs, e.recutors, administrators or assigns shall
<br />pay ar cause to be paid to the said mortgagee its heirs, exrcutors, administrators or assigns, the sum of
<br />Dollars, pagable as faldows, to-xvit:
<br />$150, 000.00 Dollars on the 18th day of June r9 83
<br />Dollars cn the day of rq
<br />Dollars on the day of tg
<br />Dollars an thr day of r9
<br />Dollars on the day of rg
<br />tt•ith interest thereon at 16 per ce»t per annum, payableat mat~+ly a!1 according to the tenor and e~ett
<br />of a certain pramissors note of said
<br />beonag euen date oath these presents. and shut! pay all lases and assessments levied upon said real estate, and adl other
<br />taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this marigage or the xote sshich this mortgage is given to secure, b€fore the
<br />rams becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings an said premises insured for the sum of $
<br />doss, of any, palnblr to the said mortgagee, thrn these presents to be void, other2vise to be and remain in full farce.
<br />tT' 15 FURTHER AGREED ?r) That if the said rnortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such
<br />insuranc€, the said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum sa advanced, oath interest
<br />at per cent shat! be paid b}•said marEgagos, and this mortgagr shall stand as sscsority far the same. (a) That
<br />a failure to pay any of said money, either principal or interest ;when the same becornrs due, or a failure to cotnpty with
<br />any of the foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum- of money herein secured to become du€ and coilectibtr
<br />at on€e at the option of the mortgagee,
<br />Signed this /~ day of t~'2~te~f~'.- , rfl~,~'i"~ y .~_'
<br />f . ~ ~~ f~4 j f~ }
<br />!n presence of ... ,l t c'"::'.~i2' !-,."``,:~.... f ~ .1. ~~ ~~" L r~~,,.;t
<br />J" ~ ,
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