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MORTGAGE <br />THIS INDENTURE, made tlvs___.._.__2.$t.}}._.__.___.dey af_.__.JdI1Jf,1Y_'~!_ -- -_ „_„_ 19_~Q_, by and between <br />___-_ GER7RUE ANTCZAK,__AN_ UNREMARRIED WIDOW _____ ._._ __._________ <br />of HdI ~ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor , and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand (stand, a corporation <br />organirsd and existing under the laws of the United States of America with iu principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />rtmngagee; <br />W[TNESSETH: That said mortgagor-^, for aa6 in consideration of the sum of <br />SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100 ----------------- „_„___,~ 6,000.00 <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do o c ___ by these presems mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns, <br />forever, ail the following described real estate, ztuated in the County of __ u~1 i __ _ _ _- ______ <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit <br />LOT EIGHT {8} IN BLOCK ONE (I), WIEBE ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all htwting, air condihonmg, hghtmg, and plumbing eympment and fixtures, including screens, awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on nr m cunnecUOn wnh said propem'. whether the same ttre now located on said properly or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO }iAYE ANU TO HOLD THE SAME. togathar with alt and singular the tenements, hrreditamen[s and appurtenances thereunto hr <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever. and xarrttnt the title to the same. timd morgagor hereby eovcnant $... with said <br />mortgagee that She 15.. , at the deitvery hereof, the lawtui owner of the prt+mises above conveyed and descnbed. <br />and-.7..5. _ seurd of a good fled indefeasible estate of rnhentance [harem, free and clear of alt encumbrances, and that .$he-_. _. will <br />watzant alai defend the title therew forever against the rtauns and demm~ds of all persons whomsoever. <br />VftOYiDED ALWAYS, and Chia instrument as executed end delivered w secure [F.e payment of the sum of ____. -__...____. <br />__SIX-ZktOLtSAND__DQLLARS_PNIl_NO/.100 _____________________ f:ottarsis (hDOQ.~Q__. ______.__1. <br />with inwresi thera~n, together with such chargr_s and advances as may be due and payable w said nurngngee under the terms end cundiLians <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and salvor! hereby, executed he antd rnnrtgagor _.$_ to card mortgagee. payable as expressed <br />in safd tmw, and to secure the performance of all the terms and rondi[ions cortarned therein. 7'he terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />herein by Ghis refarancr. <br />It is the intention sod agreement of the parties hereua that ihrs mungagr shall also secure any future advances made w said mortgagor.. $ <br />by acid mortgagee, and any and ell indebtedness m addition Lo the amount atwve stated which surd mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidantnd, whether by note, lxwk account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect betw[r•n <br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal reprrsrrita[rves, successors and assigns, untd alt amounts sev;ured hereunder. includinK Cuturr <br />udvancea, are paid in full with interest. <br />The mortgagor__..._.. hereby assign ._ S._. w said mortgagee alt rents and income analog at any end all times from said property and <br />bereby authwiae said mortgagee err its agent, a[ its option, upon defflutt., w take charge of card property and collect al! rents and income <br />therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal. insurance premiums, taxe>, nsseavments, repairs or improvements <br />netesaaty to peep twirl property in tamnteble mnditinn, ex to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This <br />rertE assignment shalt continue in force untd the unpaid balance of said atilt is fully paid. 'phe caking of prssessron hrnntndrr shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee is the colleetian of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />The failum of the nwrtgsgee to assert troy of its rights hereunder at any time shalt not br construed as a waiver of its right to assert the <br />salon at any later lima, and w insist upon amt eninrce strict compliance with alt the terms and pruvisums of card note and of this nwrtgagr. <br />if said nLOrtgagor a1tsU cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due i[. hereunder, and under the terms amt pnav[suvts <br />tai acid noes hereby aes[trad, including ivture advaores, ami any extensions ur renewals thermt in uccurdarrce with the terms and provisions <br />thereof, and if at[bl mortgsgor __ .__ shall comply with all the provisions of said now and of this mortgage, [hen ttieae presents shat) tae vout; <br />otherwise to mmriin is full fot~ and eHest, anti said nwrtgagre shall tea entiUatl w the possession of all of said prolairty, and maq, at its opton. <br />dselate the wygls of aaitf torte sod all iadektodnesa reptasenlad thrraby w !ere immrdinwly due amf payable. amt may for[v:love this rtxartguge <br />ar take any other legtd action to t ire right. Appraiaeraen6 waived. <br />Tbar mnttgage shall tie binding upon and ahalf enure Co Lhe betrafit of the hairs, rxrcvwrs, adrnimstraton, surcaswms anti assigns ul t ho <br />reapa:ttva'panisa ltereua. <br />fN Wf'1'AfEiSS WHERF:4fF, acid A'turtgagor ... 4a $ herevnua atx _ f1LJ". hand tier derv and year first setn>ve <br />wzi;~sn. ~ <br />t ^^--- ,,~~~.~ <br />,.^r ERTRUE ANTCZAK <br />