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<br />Phis form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgagee -insured <br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />QQ ~}t,,' Housing Act. <br />Tiffsu MORTGAGE: trade andexecuted This 31st" day of January ,A.D. <br />f9'~ gg . , byartdtsetween' Sharon M". Merritttan, a .single person <br />ofth~Countyirf Hall ,and State o€ Nebraska, party bf [tie first part, hereinafter called <br />tlir Morigtigbr: and ' SUp~riar MOrCgage: Tsic. <br />'a eorporati©n organized and existingunder [tie laws of Nebraska <br />party ofitlie second part, tiercinafter tailed the Mortgagee; ' <br />LvfTNESSETtf: Tkiaithesaid Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty, Six Thousand Seven <br />Hundred E'~f~y ~nd Na/]k0t)t~ts--------------^DO[lars (5 46, 750.00 ' ). Paid by the Mort- <br />gagee, the recetpi a w tc is ereby ac now edged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does ;Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Set)i Convey- and Confirm unto -the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-deSCribCd <br />real estate."situated in the County of Ball ;and State <br />of Nebraska; to wit: <br />Lots Five l5}, and Lot Seven i71, Black Eleven (11),.College- <br />Addition to bleat Lawn, an Addition to the City of-Grand Island; <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />of the Sfi;th Principal Meridian, containing in all acres according to Govern- <br />mein survey: <br />TO HAVE AND TG HOLD the premises abttre described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and ittc)uding <br />all heating, plumbingand &ghdnghxtures and equipment mew or hereafter attached to ur used in connection with said realestate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to; amt covenants with, the Mortga-. <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has good right to ,ell and convey said premixes; that they from encumbrance; and the! the; <br />Mortgagor willwa~rant and defend the same against the tawfui claims of alt persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hers- <br />byrehnquishes ail rigfits o[ homestead. and all martial rights, zither in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of [he <br />Mortgagorin and to the above-dsscritxd premises, the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in tee simple; inc}ud- <br />ingatt rights of homestead; arulother rights and interests a. aforesaid. <br />PROVIDED AL WAYS, and these presents are executed amlddivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />Tlie Mortgagor agrees to pay tv the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Forty Sit[ Thousand -Seven <br />Htutdr~l Fiirtg and, No/100ths--^--------~'liars(5 46,750.00. )> <br />with interest from Date at Ute rate of ~~Ve ,~ One-Half per centum ( 12.5 k}per annum on <br />the unpaid fialartCS until-paid. The said prineipai and interest shall be payable at the office of Superior Mortgagee Inc. <br />' in Grand Island, NE 68801 or also~h other $)a~e4as,.tgr~~~lderof <br />the note maydesignate in writing. rnmonthly installment; of Four Hundred Ninety Ezght an /~1 5---- <br />--- - lAi(tars tS 448.44 ), commencing on the first day of <br />M~z'eh- . 19 8g and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest are, ;f:;lly paid,. except-that chs. final payment of principal and interest, if nut sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payable on the first day. of . Febxuary, 2013 ; alt according to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sory note gfeven date herewith exttuted liy the said-Mortgagor, <br />The Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security of tMs Mortgage, ogress: <br />1. 'that !~ wiitpay tftuittdebisdness; as hsreinbc[ore provided. Privilege is ieserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amowu equ{tl to om or morc,monthly payments on the principal that arc ttexrdae on the-Hots, on the first day of any month <br />Pr'mr to ~= f3tntndstl lntwever-_ Tftatwtitim notice of an intention to exercise Bitch privilege is given at least thirty (30) <br />days prior tttMspay meat„, <br />?. Thitt, togct)rcr >yitlt, and in, athtitiun tc~, the mwuhty payraettts of prim:ipai and tntersst-payable nratst iho tsrma of the <br />[aria sxcurarl liereh} , the !ilruttiaBStt.wl paY W the Mortg;{gee, gnths first day of each month until the sttitfnote is fully Paid, the <br />ftrl&+IVrn.,(t Burns- <br />{a3 ,inr.aunt gatfirie at" rs.gtrov#le the itt~der lteti<of vrlUr funds to pay the next moxtgsge insurance peanttum if this <br />utstsunittut tttul the note secute[l lrccreby »te insutsd,-ter a tnontldy chstge tin lfetr cif a mtrrrgtige fnsrtranre Prc` <br />mftcnt) if shay ar.• held, tFy the 3ertttary of ifonsing artd ihban (9esxlopmrnt; as follovrs: <br />{l} if and so Isrng as artist notrr of overt date anti this mstrunient air rnsurtd ur arc rctrtsured urnier tits itrct- <br />vi'attna'+r! tied Natitrtnak titnisfn~ ,Act; an ainounC sufficient to aerumulatc to the hands of the [[older tote <br />tt~inca r tan~~ tlest,~t wra;~ cony u.-w«s *,a~ svba+v +r - STRT>fi Gf~ NLf81i,kSKA <br />rrUU ~7Si~M t9-rttt <br />