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r <br />51457-1-20 <br />j This form is used in connec- <br />*,~r~~^t r tion with mortgages insured <br />lY1~R 1" ITAITE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing Aet. <br />TfilS MOR'ttiAGlr, miade aud:execated Phis 31 day of J&Tttat"~r ,A:D. <br />t9' $3 , hyandbttweetr Donald ~+zarrcis Batetttiorst and Helen Elaine- Batenhorat, husband <br />'and wife, jointly and mach >.n their'. asm- right, <br />uF the Cnunty of Hall ,and Stara of Nbbraska,. patty of the first part, hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, aitd- FIRS2' "FE11Ef+AIi -SAFINGS- AND LOAN ASSOCIiSTION OF LINCOLN , <br />acnrparationarg>itrizedandcxistrngunderYhe-laws of The- United- States of America , <br />party ofYftesecond'pan; hereinafter called the Mortgagee', <br />W fTNESSETH: That the said Mangagor, for and in considerafion of the sum of Fdrty Six Thousand Five Hundred anc' <br />OO/100 DnllarstS 46500.00 ),paidbytheMort- <br />gagee, the realer -of 'wkieh is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />ggin. Seii Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, [he foflowing-described <br />real estatesituatedintkeCountyof Hall ,and State <br />of Nebraska. to wit< <br />Iot Ztt~nty (20), in Block Five (5), in Valley View <br />Sutidivisiait, in the North One 'Ilzotasand One Htmdred tree <br />(1103.0) Feet of the East Half of the Northeast-Quarter <br />(E~ai`~) of Section T~itty Two(22), Township Eleuert (ll) <br />Ntx'th, Range. Nine (4) West of the 6th P.Ni. , in Hall <br />Cotmty, Nebraska. <br />aftheSixthFritx:ipalMsridian,cuntaininginsll city praperty aeresaccordingtoGovern- <br />m'eni survey: <br />T©HAVE AND Tr} HQI,D the premises above described, with art the appurtenances thereunm belonging and including <br />alt heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and eyuipment now or hereafter aaacked to or used in connection with said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. 't'he Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga- <br />gee, that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the <br />Mortgagor willwarrant~nd-:defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor here- <br />byrelinquishes a#i ripittsaf homestexd, and all martial rights, either in law or inequity, and all other oontingent interests of the <br />.Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, zhe intention being to convey hereby an absolu[n title, in fee simple, inelud- <br />irtg allrigh{s at homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />PRt)VIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Forty Six Thousand Five Hundred sad <br />RO/ItN} DoltarstS 46500.00 ), <br />with intxlrestfrom dateat~tlte rate ul Twelve per xntum ( 12.000 °~)-per annum on <br />the unpaidbaiance unlit paid. Tire said prirtcipa# artd interest shall be payable atthe offtce of gi rs t Federal Savings <br />and. Loan- Assoc-atiou of Littcaln <br />to Ltteoln, Nebraska . ur at such other place as the holder of <br />tke nata may desigtlate in writing, in monthly i~tailmenis of Four Hundred Seventy Ei ht a4d 4 / 00 <br />Do#iars {S 47~~9 }, c~lttmencutg on the first day of <br />Marcn , t9 83, and on t rat day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />re~est arc fatty paid;. except that- the final payment of pritcipal and interest, if not sooner paid, shalt be due and <br />pay~bie on thrftrst day of Febtva ry , 2013 :all according to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sriry notevf eveq~lateherewithexecuted by the said Mortgagor. <br />-The Mattgagorinorder more fatty to prattx;t thesecurity of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />f; 't'hat he w}iI pay itte.tttdebkedacss. as hereinbefote provided. -Privitego is reserved to pxy the debt in. whale, or in an <br />amount egttal to yne ur more mngtidy paytaent8 an.the principal that are nextdue on the note; on fire firsldaY of any month <br />prior to maturity: Ra,-idtd, hou~p~,1'}t~t svriiien-:notice ai an intention to exercise such privilege is given at.kasi tttirtY (30} <br />days prhu to prepaynteat. <br />_. 'I'twt, ttKethtr w irk, and in adttitum lo, the monthly payments of pripcipal and interest payait~ utxier flee terms of the <br />1 note ucurad ?,crehy , tkc Mong~gut w## pay to th+t ~tartgr~e+e, an the fast daY a# each month utttii the sails twte is fuliY paid. fire <br />Fla faltowingwmc: <br />t~} AtnounlsufYipertt topruv,da the h<ddcr iuretxf-wittt.hutxtti to-p~v ehc natct tnort~ge,tusu pr+trrdttm if this <br />ntstrunit:r+t utd the oixa orated hereby ors ittaut®d,-ot a ntontidy xdtu~e tier ricer of a »turt~gc-instwravtee pre- <br />mutrnl if" thoy are held by tke Senelafy-ofliattsittgarullJrhan i)ev¢#opntant, as follows: <br />(33 ii and w, long as slid ,rote of awl-data soul the ~nstrutur=ut are trustr~ yr ato teirtsurr~istmiar tka era- <br />vtlia~ ut t8r W titxwt ~ Act; art atitouui sofi3c,enl to aecuruulsric ut tits hant#s of the htalder one <br />ritm~tt~,t,s#atge b`t`AT((€#}A IVte'HHalt3lf+l <br />Mttit +srttY.4a ww usx,t ,<`rap?a is a+tt+~ <br />_ +ttit?3TZtt3M [g.~g} <br />