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_._..._ . <br />la. Lonx CHARGES $3-- fl004~~ <br />It cavvld be.that Lhe loan secured by the Security Instrument is subject to a law which.sets maximum <br />loan charges and that law is in reted•so tlist'the interest of otherloan:charges collected or to be collected <br />in connection with the loan would exceed-permitted limits. If this •is the case, then:. (A) any' such Ioaa. <br />Charge shall be reduced by the araouttt~ n~sae~ry;tc+ reduces the chasge to the-pematteel limit;-and (B') any <br />sums already collected fmm Borrowex which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. <br />Lender may choose to make thus refitud'}iy reducing the principal owed.-under the- Note or hq making.a <br />dRi@"cit payment to BOrtower. - - - - - - - - - <br />G. PRIOR LIENS <br />If Lender determines that: all orauy part of the sums secured by this:Secnrity instmmieat era subj <br />to a lien which, has priority over this Security Instntment, Lender a-ay.send Borrower a notice identifying <br />tfsat lien: Borrower shall promptly act with regard to,tY~at lien as provided in paragraph 4 of the Security <br />Instrument or shall pmmgtly secure an agreement in a fora satisfactory to Lender snlmrdinatiag that:lien <br />to this Security Ins@rument.- Failure to provide evldenca that Lender has first-lien shall constitute a default <br />uader:the terms of`this Note. <br />1):- `TItA1~FSFER OF TIIE PRUPERTY <br />If there is a-transfero#'tlie Property- subject to paragraph 17 of the Security. Instrament Lender <br />may rogcure=(1) an htcrease is the current Note interest rate, or (2) an increase in Cor'remova~ of) the <br />!snit oa the amount of-arty one interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change in the Base <br />Index figure, -or all o€ these; as a condition of Leader's waiving the option to accelerate provided in para- <br />graph 1?: <br />By signing thin. Borrower egress to all of the above. <br />-w:------:-.-_. --------- _n~~ <br />illtam D. Blender <br />STAfiE OF NBBRASISA, ......._ ......................_~:1.....--°-•--....._......_.........--------. County ss: <br />t)a this ..........._. 28 ---..._...._._... day of ......._J .................... 19.~.., before me, the undersigned, <br />a Notary Public duly commiasiotted and qualified for said county, personally came ......................._..........-•--- <br />_Sii.LLi,am..3x.:..81 eades.; ........................................•----......._......:_.......__...._.._----°.._.__. _.._.. <br />to ute ltnorra= to bo the idsrttical peraoa(a) whose name(s) are subscribed to-the foregoing irrstavment anc~ <br />aclEnowledged the ezeartlon thereof to be ........~is.._--....---•.---.._.._...-•---... voluntary act-sad dead. <br />~I'TPIESS-mar hand-and notarial seal at ...._..__ ~..IS....~?1~:..........°--..._. in said county, <br />the-:date-aforesaid: <br />Pdy Carnmiesion eYpi[ea: ..........._ ......................................__.....................i'va.~s~i;;ciio <br />.. _, - .. :-:, ~*a 84~rd Q+vdtlaolRlriAitlrm~tiv. Asian Emvby~r MtF. <br />i.... _ - _- _ - - <br />~~ -. - <br />i <br /> <br />