<br />MORTGAGE 83--t)G~3~e-`~'°
<br />THIS INDENTURE, msde this _--_.14th _.._____-. __-- say of __... January ._ -- - is .$3. , by and between
<br />of Ha 11 County. Nebraska, az mortgagor S ,and Home Federal Savings and Loan Assceiation of Grand Island, a wrporation
<br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States n! America with its principal office and place of business at Grand !stand, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee;
<br />WITNESSETH: Thar saidmortgagor_S ,for and in consideration of thestmof_.~IVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED
<br />NI_~TY- FVFN DD_I ~RS AND N~1DD ----------_-~---=--- iioitars{<- S"„197 s10 _i,
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do -___-__~___ fay thex prexems mortgage and warrant utito saidmartga'ga, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, afl the fallowing described real esta[q situated m the County of
<br />aad State of Nebraska, ro-wit
<br />Together wuh all heating, ate vnditionmg, ltghung. and pluntbtng eyutpmunt and futures, mcludmf; screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors. and window shades or blinds, used on or m ronnectiaa w+th satd prapertv. a bather the same are now lorateti un sae property or hereafter
<br />placed the~xun.
<br />TG HAVE ANU'IY) HOLU 1'HE SAME, together with atl and >rnKUlnr the tenements. henditamenta and appurcenances theretmtn be-
<br />longing, oc in aaywisa appertamutg, forever, and warrant the (rtle to the .nine- Enid morgagor5 hercbv rovennnt. with said
<br />mortgagee that t he,~!. dT2 et the debeery hereof, [he iawfu{ owner S of the prcmues above com•eyG i and descritxd.
<br />and dT'E? steed of a goad end mdefeasrble estate .ri +nher+tnncr [hereof, free and clear of afl enrumbrances, and that - t he _,~! will
<br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against ter clamrs and iemands ut ail persons whomsoever.
<br />PR¢i'I¢E¢ALWAXS, and this matrvsatetts wezrcuted era delavered tom==secure the pay errant of the sum of - FIYE~H4U~ANIZ_.
<br />FOUR_HUPiDREIZ_ N.IfIETY-SEYEAI DOLLARS ANO_ NOL 100__ ------ Ik,ilars ig S,_49Z. O0 _ ~.
<br />with interea4 thereon, together wtth such charges and advances as may tx• due arxf payable to aaa mortKager under the trmn and conditions
<br />of the Ptt,missory, ante of even date harewtth and srtvr.ri hrrabv, executed t,y swd mortgagor $ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in avid note, and to secure the parfarmattce of all the terms and condtons mntamrd tM•rem. 'Chr terms of surd note are hereby incorporated
<br />herein by this rnfernnce.
<br />IC is the intention aad sgraament of the ptuues hems shat thts mortKnge shell also secure any future advances made u, said mortgagor S
<br />by said martgrgaa, and any and ell tndebttsdnass m adduwn to the amount aixrve stated whu•!. sa+d murcgagars, or any of them, muy owe to
<br />said mortgagee, (awavar evfdenoad, whether t,y note. 6uuk nccuunt er uthervtsr. 1'hs nwrtKaKe shall renwin +n full (om• and rflec[ betwr,•n
<br />the parties hereto and thav hers, petsonat reptesentaUves, successors and ass+gru. until ail amounts secured hereunder, including httum
<br />advanccw, are paid in fuL' with interest.
<br />The mortgsgor._S hereby assign _. _ to >aid martgagex ail rents and tncame artsing nt any and all tunes fttrm satil property an<i
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee w its agent, at rt_s ap[ion, upon default, to take charge of said property and collar[ all rents and ineamr
<br />46erefrrart and apply the same to the payment of mteress, pnncipal, msurnntr prem+ums, races, assessments. ropa+rs ur irnpmven,ente
<br />tremasary to keep said property a tenaauble co~itan, ar to ocher charges ar payments proviaed for trerrin ar in the torte hens>y secutad. This
<br />rent assignment shall continue in forte tmtil the unpaxi t,sianre „f said note +s tulfy pits. "f hr taking of fx,ss,>snton henwuder shall u: nu mamrer
<br />prevent or retard said rnurtgsgea in the collection at Bard sums by foractosere ar otherwise.
<br />Tim failure of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />sanm at any later time, aad to ixtnisi spun trot enforce -stnct vomplwnce wrth al 4he [tarots and provision. of satd Hate and of th+s nwrt{;aKe.
<br />if aatd mortgagor 5 shah cause to be pea to said rnortgagan the ensue amount duo tt hereunder, and under the 4crms sett! pmvu~uras
<br />of said torte bateby attcuted, ineludir>g future advattcas, and any eztanswns or renewals iheruat in arcurdarxr wtth the icrms and pn,visions
<br />therwE, aad ii Haiti rnortgrt~r._ &, shalt tnmpiy wish all the prvvivinns of smitl note and of this mortgage. then these pn!sen4- shalt be until:
<br />otltarw'isa to remaie is (n- Fmee and tf[fee#„ and scud mortgagee slap be eatitlezt to the puasnsswn of alt ai sae property, and nmy, at its ,gxtn,rt.
<br />tlani~re tLa trbpM of said frost aad atw regttuaarued thereby to Ise ttnmaliatefy due sod payable., Graf may ioreclosca this axrrl.Kage
<br />ar take arty ailwr IsRai aC6foa to juotacE ifs righE. Appraiaement waived.
<br />Thia rrtrutga*e akall be bitWipg upon sat! shall rgttuu. to the benefit oI the haul. ezr+xtu>rs, admfniatratars. m+caeast>rs ntx} ata+igns of the
<br />artsva'Wtrtiaa 2tetete.
<br />IN WI"}'NIYr.*3£i Nt}}};}}alp, ariti,Mwtyrgor 5.. its Y£.. heteunw sat - iC hand S,. the ,fay xirxl Yt,ar first atwvr
<br />~~ ~ ~~
<br />~~S'~~R ~. GA5Tt1R ~ ~~~~70R
<br />