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<br />This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />MORTGAGE under the dt~ to fnnr_family <br />"pitdvisiori5 of the Nationaf <br />Housing Act. <br />~t it;:}~i~~ z <br />THIS MOftTGAt'i E, made and executed this 1$th day of January A,D, <br />f4 $3 , byaridfietween Jamie D. Larsen and Dianne D1. Larsen, htasbatx3 atxl wife <br />of theCountyof Na 1't ,and State of Nebraska, party of ilie first par4 hereinaftercalled <br />the Mongagar, and y~hilcl Financial Corporation , <br />a earporation orgartiztd and existing under the talus of the State of Minnesota <br />partyof the second part, hereinafter calved the Mottgagee, ' <br />4VI?NESSETH: Thatthe said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of 71LTL~Y ~ THOUSAL~7D F1VE <br />H[JNt7RF,D DQLd,2~R.9 AND- NC) t ---- Dollars ($ 31, 500:00 ), paid by [ho- Mort- <br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, SeN, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, itie fnt#owing-desctibe<} <br />rtafestate, sitceted in the County of Hall ~ and State <br />of Nebraska, to wii: <br />i~at Text (Z) , in Black Twettty Seven (27) , in Charles F]asmer' s . <br />Assitiort to-the City of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of the Sixth principal Meridian, containing in all LeSS tktatl three acres according to Govern- <br />mentsurvey: <br />T(1 HAV E AND TCi HQLD the premises above described, with a!1 the appurtenances therountcr belonging and including <br />all htating,plumbingand lighting fixtures and equipment now ur hereafter attached to or used in connextion with said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. "the Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Murtga- <br />get, that the Mortgagor has goad right to sell and convey said prtmises; that they are fret from encumbrane;e; and that Ehc <br />Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the same against zhe lawful claims of aN ptrsans whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor hue- <br />byrefinquishes aft righh of tfomestead, and a!! martial rights, either in !aw or inequity, and aN other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor inand to the aL~uve-+descrihtd prtmises. the intention Ming to convey hereby an ataolute title, in fee simple, includ- <br />irsg alt rights o€ homestead, and o~htt rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />pROV IllED ALW AYS, and these presents are executed and drltvercd upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgage agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, ur order, the principal sum of TI-iIRTY CdSE THWSAt9D FIVE <br />EA?DIDRF~ 1]t?I,LAFLS. ANp I~ CgypS..._____Y_~~_~,.f]ulla: s (531, 500.00 ), <br />with interest frorn dare at the rate of F,L,h'Vf~ AND q~-fiAf,F per ctntum (11.5Q0 %) per annum on <br />the unpaid hafance anti} paid. Tht said principal and interest shat( 6e payable at the office of Rothschild Finat~ial COrptJr- <br />ation, De jr~, of Honor Building, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn or ar such atficr place as the holder of <br />the note maYdesigaate in writing, in monthfY instaffinents of THREE HfJIstDRF~'1 T[dII,UE D(3Lj,tt.RS AND 17f100--- <br />--~ [)offers t$ 3124 ,17 1, commencing on the first day of <br />torch . t9 $3 an un the first day of each month thereafter until the principaf and in- <br />terest arc fatly paid, except that the ftruaf payment of principal and interest, i[ not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payabft an the first day of -F , 2A,L3 ; all accvarding to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sory Helve of even date herewith execute ley the said Mortgagor. <br />the Mortgagor in order mitre faNy to protect the security of this Mortgage, egrets: <br />f. 'f~ he wilt pay the ittdGt+tedness, as htreinbefore provaftd. privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amoum tgaal toottt•or tr~athfy payments on the pristeipaf that are next due un the state, nn the frcst day uf'any momh <br />Prtur to maturitq.:pt»trtided> hotvtrtr,'f'hat wrttttn txuicc of an intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty t3N) <br />~Ys Pricx t+aprtpaytecatt. <br /><. That, tttgelhtt gitk, attdin addition to, the munthfy paytatnts ut principal amt interest payable under the terms of the <br />tart xcurnd hereby, the hiPrtyagu# +vitf pay to the Mortgafee, an the first daY tai lath month until. the shift tenet is tugy Paid, the <br />fuNow;ng sums: <br />(a) rAmoun4 sufYtnt+ttt to pantidt-the holder ballot with tuttda to pay the next mortgage inaurattce premium tf this <br />usstrunta~t and die Holt recttrad htttby art htsurttf, or a monthly charge tin tftti aja rrrrufggge rhsurtetcr f»e- <br />ntittrwJ }f tSraty art ftefd by list Sccrettary of lttatsing and flrtran fkvtfnprnem, as fotfuws: <br />f H 6t and ao futtg as said note of tvtta dau and this retatrutrttnt art msuttd of alt reutsun:d under the pru- <br />a~ ~ tiff PFat~i thutsiteg Act, axe atnrw~ ~ffft}cnt t0 aacumu#ate in the Itattds of the ItcAdcr .mt <br />f4wia,tsRa rac a ~ ones ..a,:tp *aa ~ uwa wale waWV ae+arsaad :s"t'ATt"a left N~ti~f ttG~ <br />+ttea~atasas to-rat <br />