<br />83-~~~~~v"~ MORTGAGE
<br />- 1'HI3- fNDENTURE, soda thia.~.._z~th .i__.._.,..__ day of ~... Januar~....__...---__.._-. 19 _83__, by and between
<br />Dennis Marion Melfean, a single person
<br />of HdI ~ County, Nebratka, as mortgagor ,and Home Frderai Savings and Loan Association of Grand island, a co
<br />rpora{ion
<br />otgatiziad and euiating undo-tht taws of the t7aited-Stairs of Amen.a with its principal office and place of business at Grand (stand, Nebraska, as
<br />t~tgagesc
<br />WtTtVESSETf[; That stdd mortgagow ,for and in mnsideraoon of the sum of Ten Thousand Three
<br />Hundred Dnilars and NDf-100 ----------------------------- haitarsfS 103300.00
<br />),
<br />the rettipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do P S by these presents maxgage atdwarran[Unto said mbrtgagce;titssutxuuors andassigns,
<br />forever, alt the following described rmi estate, situated in the County o(_ Na I,1 - - - .
<br />and State of Nebraska,. to-wit:
<br />- Together with aft hinting. air mnditia¢ittg, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, tncludtng screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and wt¢dow shades or bliada. used an or in connection wnh said property, whetfter the same are now hxattd on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TG HAVE ANA TG HGLD THE SAhfE, 6agether with slt and sittgtttar the tenements, heredetatnents and appurtenantrs IhereunUt be~
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to the same. Sad [norgagnr. hereby covenant S_-..with said
<br />mortgagee Lhat ... he .- .. __ ~.~_ __- , at the detic•ery hereof. the 3awtui owner of the premtsrs above conveyed and described,
<br />and-__~;y___.. _ seized of a good etd indefeasible estate of inhewitaace therein, free and clear of ail ettcumtvences, and that _.._ he __.. will
<br />wa[nnt std dtdend the title thereto iorever against the claims and demands aF all persons whamwaever.
<br />pRGV f DED ALWA YS, sad thin inatneme¢t is executed and delivered to sexutr the parrnrnt of the sum of _. - ....
<br />--_--,IFtI_IHflllSAND._THREE.1iUiiDAEO._DOLLARS_A6tD__ND~.1DD_-----f>ullaraiS ]_Q,3D11.DQ___--_____f,
<br />-with interact thereon, tagettty with such charges and sdvancea as may 'tae due and payable to said trwrtgager under the terms and mnditians
<br />of the ptoadsanry torte of even date hetewilh amt secured hereby, exarutrd fry said rtw.rtgagor .. to said mortgagee. payable as exprrsstd
<br />in mid note. std tq aecttre the parfttrtnante of all the terms and cnaditiana con[aintd tl:etein. 'T'he terrors of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />hareia by this ra$veoea.
<br />k is the intention and agtaettiaat o! the pawtim hareta that thin mortgage ahsll else secure a¢,v future advances made to said mortgagor _ __,
<br />by acid tnortgytae, and any acrd all fmkbtattnaas in sddttmn to the amount attuvr stated whist. said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />mid tnortgafpm, however evidentrd, wha,ther by rota, txaok acrattnt or otfterwise. This nautgage shall mmain in lull force and eflect Fx4.wrrn
<br />the }woes 6etera sad than halo, pteat»twl tepteaa¢Wwves, sutxessors and assigns. until all amounts second iaereutder, including fuiun•
<br />advamate, are paid in hdl with iataeest.
<br />Tha tnoetgsgor_ hereby amignS_._. to said mortgagee rtl tints and uttvme arcing at any end all tun¢et from said property and
<br />- - ~Y atiiterize said tmrigagee err its agent« at its option. upon default, to fake charge of mid property and rnllect all rents and income
<br />' - titttrefttmt sad apply the asate to the payment of loosest, principal, i¢surattre Premiums, taxes, assmsm~ts. repairs or improvements
<br />. ~ kaaPeaid'paW~t7 ntEatr®6ahMcandition: or to otfeer.ehargen or paytrteata prevded tar }terein a< m the rwte hereby secured. This
<br />txaM.aai;oment atta{t imit3t¢x in Erma uatd tfae ttapaid balance of said hate is fully paid. The takistg o7 possraaion hereunder shall in no manner
<br />-- pnroant or rdard said mtxtgage is the collection of said earns by tozerlasute to otherwise.
<br />", 'T'he fsfEai+e td tbe: tttoetgagen to taext aqy of its rights hereundm at say lima shall not Ae conatrtrad~ as n waiver of its right to as~.vt the
<br />meta a6aty Tatar lima,. std tc iaaist upon and enforce stns nmpfiaacr with off the terms atad pxnvisiona of said note sod of this ttnrtgagr.
<br />f 1 said Giaat~gor ahaY dtua to be paid W said ttarrtgagee the entire aaatatat due it tieteunder, and under the terms and pmvusions
<br />of aaid_noaa Atnhy aatatzad, ioehr$na-fitttue adrarit.>~, std any eztnsaiom or renewals Eharaof in atcsanlance with the tatm5 ntd pmvistons
<br />:. tltaa•att..tttd ~.aNtid ..._.._._.. ahdl coaopiy waih.afi the pnsvisiam a# said mra em! of this rtaariBaga, then these presmtta shalt be void:
<br />otire+rriea to twtelnfa-tty~ isenaatdaileat, std stid~ !halt be retitled W the pnttaea+ian of ell of mid ptnpan.y, and may, at its Option,
<br />-- tlatdtµt tit r~latie td sand taa6a told ~4 fndehte&aaaa rataraaezttad thaeaby to be immediately due std pnyabk, std may lotaclaaa thin mortgage
<br />- err-take atgr a-tit'- aaSiaa.:ta peelers. iris tip. Aunt wtirad.
<br />'Tbtia aasL4~ ahau he spat std a!d! amira to the h~e~#tt of the h+dta, asaetttora, adminiatmiora. au<reaanra atd.a+taigva td the
<br />nEilt~ise jtyiEat ttaaat6.
<br />EN Y4fi'f'af5 wN61k8[tF, aaid;,hlnttgagnt, - . ha .5.. Ftareattte set .., hi.S-._ . _ bald tttr day and ,veer lftnt alxtve
<br />°°___ _ .u 'U ~~N
<br />f
<br />3,
<br />tr.21
<br />