<br />TRUST DEED c. $3-u0~4s w°
<br />TNiSTRUSTDEED,madethis 14th day of January tg83
<br />be and between:
<br />(qi ___Jack L. Butner & Larry B. Parker, As Tenants in Common and Each in Their Own Right
<br />,whether one or more, herein-
<br />aftercaiied "Trustor" whose mailing address Is 424 East South Grand Island NE 6$801
<br />and
<br />(g) John A: Wolf, Attorney-At-Law,
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is 0
<br />and
<br />(C) First Savings Company
<br />PO BOX 1 ,Grand Is an NE as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar (51.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, skuated in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Two (2) In Block One Hundred Forty Five (145) In Union Pacific
<br />Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute Utle in fee simple, including ail the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all trui#dings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and nit of the
<br />foregoing, together with said properly are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECUfllNG pe~~~~cg~~er~~~venant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of 4 s (5.12 , 331.90*** )r
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other piece as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shah be due and payable on the 14th day of Jan. , tg 95
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. YyanuwY «Tnle. Tntstgr is tiwtuitY aeizad OI nta PropanY- H naa good rttmt arw
<br />Mwt@f Wth«YtY tq cad aM e«twy !M Pntperty; the Propeety ra hen and eWr of aH
<br />ilMUt arw DrtGambfartgt ugepl HQna now of record: antl Tfa31« wiH Warrant aM
<br />datMM tM title to the PropMly umo iM T:uattl and na auccaasora and aesrpro
<br />hNara+, apaaas[ iM c41ma W Nt pHtona. Trust«, at rte axparms, wtu naamsla am]
<br />preMrYa the dot «Mta irult Peed u • Han upon the Trust Property augtsct only to
<br />artLVaWraaoelt eaunrq es of Me dab resreot. wilt cause Mq 7rtut Daae_ and eapn
<br />aatpalmant «au~MmMit Ihalb, to iM #Hed and tecordW as a rttprtgape «tne
<br />Tract Peppr#y In sric#t manner antl in au<Ir plaaa. and NH take ouch otMr aeitpn as
<br />M the gpinipa a# TNaiN roar tN tegufred oy any preMnl or futures Nw m onler !0
<br />Pertegt. mamtaM and protrct ttN lion W tma iruai Mad, as the name rntY to Narn
<br />nrpa ro 1Hna ametttlea «supyemented.
<br />2 raTwlst of PzFrrW aed tetatael7rwt« of Wi Purrrnaaih pay Me vrrnc+val o#.
<br />antl inWMt «r, aNd ptomisegry rtota Mgtua+ng any adrancrra tttareto as grawdad
<br />Staretagrt me deNt atal at tint ptac} and M tM raagaer mov+ded Rrerain pad wiu
<br />PtMadPtih tarrloem ati agtaaraarth, gtatdt#iaaa arM proyiat«rs a any other aeAwtry
<br />atNragkrtt gtYea let mMtao#taa won Rags trartaac uon
<br />&.!!atawNw std 1leraaaean d /rq@rq. TnrsPor wst# rt« comma a+ry weMe
<br />apop.Fha OtgPeAty artd wW, M alt tm,.s, mafaydn the same m gong ortlM arq
<br />daetdtBbrr arrd ado m4e, trnal SmN to itrM, iH r@Wira, rsnewaN, rsa++ge+ronta.
<br />ati~pana MM ~-wtugn an tweoe,WY retnarev to prwenl waste.
<br />hrgiMalMd:?r 4#eted.OFaflpa Of said propMly. No tarek}trig or Fm«gwenan4 oar or
<br />hltreNtu ewdlW. apps-tM.Propeny Naif tea at}Maa. rartrGwad or rtaYtpiittNd
<br />wtl#bW the.OfMr'eatagrtaontatnd#ten!#IC{ary~
<br /><. AMU/a 4 f#gw1}r. M cue «a+ty dMitapa t0. «dasaupliaH etl, iM tlaiWtlpa,
<br />~a par;.___. ttrztpMh f%o+Ktnatatg tqn d lira Treat Prgpsr#y. wMN1M
<br />atttt+ toM N aoyarad #}y lne@+anw or ottrrww. Trust«, aF tt! wN cart and
<br />aapwtee, rata «txYtdtty taM«w *@p/r, repiaaa Mrd nOttits7 ttx Gams an rxMh as
<br />RradBw64te ~aMrdimn iarer,edtlzeryttnorteauca dameYsorrMat+uctaM «wfM
<br />aaeA 4haYgaa sad shMa#iama 4 7rua#a rt+aY dwm araytoprtrta aerrfdW aura
<br />doagae and attMed«u dd eWt rttaWkq#Ir tssean lira aaa,a aatd iHatty or avon
<br />~. ~ ama pMa«ettiny trorn Hsat axNtdng trnww.{,MMy p+tnr to
<br />ttaata ar dYnna$aa. Tr@ttar aaaM >w s+dnMd Sp wkmburtanwnt ham ttw
<br />TMNae mtlte eahgd o? flea rtntneMMrge P+aaeade rauaiYedCy T+alt@e, mn onN tc
<br />the IarNrtt ~ i# W i+AV 4 f @m atPMkMd utMer lava pogo{ aa.
<br />~ . ~ Traataf VC a Ca1'palttan. tt wig del a31 tomes +MCeeWy to
<br />eaiaiM«! tWfhe awe prNnetyae aaAae 1M lawn a1 tM AtaN o!
<br />d= tlaleeaee. T,@ehtr; at tin sapMea„ ar*a Riaanaa\ win+ tnatrta.s apiuaead by
<br />aWli rtaAen# ap Hat tmwaYar»w,a an0 @a+larrar pegpawy,
<br />rraa+h agAYirat9na #tY #as. tptttnityi., tgregrto, ana ol-+x a«ua
<br />peaerai wr artlrMne taArW@d aarMtfIIa ~4 sa an amount ague; to ar
<br />aw.r s@r+ twxLaa PMGtH tl th1 tqa te#aavvarv+Y YeWS tntiaat; ey'+d Kgy~ar yr
<br />tSretnat rniyn VN1F rcaearrt@ sad of a'aatt arM4EWt as NvaaAaagertCY t-axnM3 fie xwrrars
<br />__... kn+•aaG ! at fNF!4af aralr?au erAa as B+i`e.#tlrary only e%atnra te+ .N
<br />taapat#aa_ Z wqg raanp~! wfFTt salsa! 9dSr@e rAYaWrQwaare3R as ®a'MHaG'lteY may
<br />> mtawre rettartar rrrr trw araieaa«ta pv -maarsa.» r+t rrw +=w.xeaaa rfi nN
<br />reapaCUM partNB. All (nWraxa pdWiea +AirnlNnatl purawnt t9 tole Trust Oeetl
<br />soon name TruttN and Benstkfary as HNUrMia. es tftMr taattaCNYe fniereab may
<br />appe@t, an0 prgande that mere noon be no CanCMlaiton ar nmdificatron wlihoul
<br />hiteen nay! «t« wnttan nava<afron to truttee and Beneficiary, In the swot anq
<br />ponCY nMaurWM is nai rarlerBd an ar nB}Or8 aft..n glY6 pH« tq It! @%plrttron
<br />data TneMN « Baneffetary may prgaura svgn inauwncs •ntl tM goat Ihafaol shall
<br />!H atlaed ro IM fain eecuted try Imo TNSt Deed and sttaN bear Intatesl at Ma
<br />greMM at ttb intarpt wte apacitiad ttrerein «iM nigneat intaroai rata authorized
<br />oY the Nws of late-Buie d Nebraska, Truaf« anaH ds]Ner M Berrrfrolary the «ip1M1
<br />pWtctN « Mrturanq attd ronewMa tnerent-« maerrp ottpls6 Ot auon p«khes and
<br />iaMwala [fbran[. Patfara ro f Wrtiah fnwraxe qy Trust«, « renawMe as requiretl
<br />aer@ur@!er anMl, ai Me optbn of Banenciary, gonstituta a detlUll. AU umMfletl
<br />umo are herepy aeafgrred t0 TruaHe t6 Wtlitbnil tseuttlY and l sale antl
<br />^onveyanC@ of ine Prapeny oy SM TruAtes ahan Operata t0 torney ro Inc purChasG
<br />the Tract«'a fntMen} In antl to all patmea a} inturalip! Yitan the TruAi Properly.
<br />I Teaw Mid #at@w@r111. Trtutot anali pay en taxes antl speoral alagHnenia
<br />+eYktl « aaaeawd agMrtAt « QW upon the ProPSrty 6elgro dalietquency, attd will
<br />Mlhr@r to Benaffctary cop1H of rppaipb aMwtng payment of 9ugh !axon aM
<br />apeoNi aaaaeafnenla, i! Benefttiary ahaH Ag reQU@si, Truafa agreB{ that MMe anon
<br />M added tg saCA itarto«c PaY++reni regraretl to he made fNreunder en amWnt
<br />ealtrnatatl oY rruslee ip ire nut#ICtenl to snepte truatw eo pay, at leant 90 tlAY#
<br />tMtMe rtnttnguency. all !oxen, aSaeaSrrNnta or 6ltgr puMtC cnatge8 agMnet the
<br />Tru3l Pfapertq. fM Ngt4 fleLred by'nt3 Ttuit thrat, W upon aCC9@n! gt H.e tlabt ar
<br />ttw ;inn of Nia Trusl Thad, togeinM «fln preiaiutna to insurance reY.::.`W la ire
<br />.~. gaxNe under in~a irusi i)aW aM rw irNMeai anotl tb RaYAON to Truaror In
<br />r@taegt inaseIN. Upgn garantM bT Tryatsa. Tnyat« anaU Oelwer le Tfaaiwi ouch
<br />addilianaf auma at money ai am neC@laary 10 maMe up arry daficlanty ~rt [he
<br />araatmta neaeAnary to enahfe' irastae to paY any of the Faegoirtp t1eaW.
<br />B. AddtdaW lone. Tractor shalt make ail paYmerrN of Inter@At and prtrtgtpal and
<br />oaYa'tH>ti a# NY nitre CRMg!!, tWl, iMi aapMaOA purnr@CE@d tq p! paid Iq any
<br />extt}tng ii@rt PatdatR ar pritx iNAHiGMtee agder nay prtM iruat Wed, Mortgage w
<br />otter aetantty agnanwrt#, WtM! itW data they Me tlMlrpWnl Intl (a ptY any O11Nr
<br />CiMmarttaa deppaMtzaa inn aec@rdy grsnlad tWMn,
<br />g PtaleWlaa e/ UaendMy`a taarwth, sttewHi 7rua!« tad to make enr PaYman4
<br />laH ro iro arW aqt as nMeM (Bgekhao: IX H arty agtion « practldtng fa CdtuMr,CW
<br />wtngn mMMµHy a#tects BervhCiary l mtYpt to iM PropMiy.. mntudmg, #wi mtt
<br />flmiteea t0. eaVMmt ddnsela, inaRMeacy, MgrrgMnenN w «ooata Wings UtyrNYtng a
<br />igakrtrpt a daCepenl, than Barytiorary W Fntahro WI antnoul aWigenan to dq aR
<br />and witttpu} NtCa la M dea,aad uppn Trerafaa, and Minaut efklaMrtg Ruat« nom
<br />am obt!gswsa aera@nder, ayr rna%a « des rx. Musa, r,w may paY, aurena+a
<br />:~a:4aet a Cam«aatae arty MKU±YSytanr,^iR cn«ga IX iaa!t, wnlM e^ the luogunam c+
<br />affnar appease ro attacr 4aW AeParty; m s%wctstng any aeon p43wers the
<br />Baranc,aty a r,aatae mar urcM~ Mry FeWtNy arta aktrerW wttafeasr amexr+*a.
<br />.tr.:ru8°na MYRUrgea%n!t9 Jt rgagnatrin atfi+naY'a rAaa wn!c`n ~rt !h@u an#W4N
<br />arFC-ratMr!, aaaY E;g rMC'aeM.7 t^ n@t awni lilt! traatar anai< 3~1 n: tu5cirta
<br />`°" . sad w~+"viz -rraaeaaPaere(s err la many an( p!M *t} rw.+
<br />ax,etleyi sV t/'ttY~ieM n~Hrtw. [a M t6eVP+e~4rtYa Frhk t{anr,fhi'a=, mA) (YUC-vra 4+a.Y?
<br />' s++r+r.'! 0r!~'rKeP r::~t, fw'."ra2ri..`.;: }us~,+i ..'\'rerraJ M friY:rvfea 4! Ha•wfecra<y
<br />,v truxSaf+;• x~'uNHK.ir w:th Sqe prywNit. +a e, frr•a treat Brent, sea Mxi+a~ uaeeny
<br />