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I <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST 83.... ~) (,l (~ ~4 „~ <br />(With Power of Sale) <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 21 day of January 19~_, <br />between Gary -. Taylor and Peggy A. Tailor, husband and wife , <br />whose mailing address is ~F 0~7-v%n Drive Grand Island NE 68801 , <br />~ Trtxstors, Stewart Title Guaranty Ooml3any <br />whose,mailing address is P. 0. Box 202Q Houston. Texas 77001 , <br />as Trustee, and Dial Finance Company of Nebraska <br />whose mailing address is P, 0. Box 1373 Grand Island, NE 68802 as Beneficiary, <br />WITNESSETH, Trusters hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with. power <br />of sale, the fallowing described property in Ball County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Eleven (11) in Block Qne (1}, Lake Davis 9cres Subdivision, Hall <br />Cour_ty, Nebraska. <br />Together with tenements, horeditamenrs, and appurtenances thereunm belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, iaeuea and <br />profits thereof <br />This mnvepance is intend for tjle purpose of t+t~uring the payment to Beneftciary of Truatora' indebtedness evidan y v v3ng <br />loan Agreement dated ~~.n. ~1 -, 19~_, pursuant to which an advance has been made in the sum of $ t , <br />together with charges according m the terms of said Revolving loan Agreement, and also any and all indebtedness, sums, future advances, <br />acrd tharges now, or as may hereafter 6e or become owing by Trustor to Beneficiary, under said Revolving l.oaa Agreement or any future <br />Revolving loan Agreement between Truster and Beneficiary up m a tnazimum unpaid baSance of $25,f1Q0, and also payment of any sumo <br />eapended or advances by Beneficiary to protect the security hereof. Default in making any payment shall, at the Aeneficiary's option and <br />without notiae or demand, reader the entire unnard balance secured heretmder at once due and payable. <br />To ported the security oC this Decd of Trust, Trvstor covenants and agrees: <br />1. 1'o keep the property in goad condition and repair: to permit no waste thereof: w complete any building, structure or improvement <br />being bwlt or about to be-bniit tfxerean; to restore promptly any building, structure or tmprovement thereon which may be damaged or <br />destroyed; and to cnmpiy with all taws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property. <br />2. To pay before delinquent ai! lawful taxes and assessments upon the property: to keep the property free and clear of all other charges, <br />liana or encumirreatxs impairing the security of Lhis Deed of Trust. <br />3. To keep all buildings now or hereafter erected an rho property described herein continuously insured against lose by fire or ocher <br />hazards in an amount not Seas than the total debt secured by Chia Deed of Trust. All pohctea shall be heW by the Benefidary, and be <br />is such cgvipegies as the Beneficiary may approve and have lose payable first m the Beneficiary as cis interest may appear and then <br />to the Trtratar. The srr+ount calleded under any Insurance policy may be applied upon any indebtedness hereby secured i^ such order as <br />the Ber~ciar;• shall determine. Such app[ieatron by the Beneficcarr shall not cause drsrnntmuanae o[ any proceedings to foreclose this <br />I?eeti of'E4nat or cure or waive any default or notice of default or Invalidate env act done pursuant to such notice. [a the event of foreclosure, <br />all rights of the Trttstor in insurance policies then in force shat! pass to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale. <br />4. To obtain the written rnnsenl of Beneficiary before selling, conveying or otherw•rse transferring the property or any part thereof and <br />any such ale, rnnveyancs or transfer without the Benefrciarv s written consent shall canststute a default under the forma hereof <br />5. To defend any action ar ptrocecding purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights ar pawars of Beneficiary ar Trustee. <br />8. Should Trusior fail m pay when due any truces, assessments, insurance prcmtums, l:ens, encumbrances or other charges against the <br />property heneinalwve described. Beneficiary may pay the same, and the amount so paid, with interest at the rate set forth in the riots <br />secured hereby, shall be added to and become a part aC the debt secured in flits `.?cad of 7'ruse as permittcvi by law, <br />17' I5 Mt)fiUALLY AGREED THAT: <br />1. in the even! any portion of the properly is taiten or damaged In an eminent domnm procxsediag, the entire amount oC the sward <br />ar such portion thertwf as mqv be necessary d> fully satie(v the obligation secured hereby, shall be paid to Beneficiary to be applied to <br />said obligation. <br />2. By secaptieye payment oC any sum secured hereby after tta due date, Beneficiary does not waive its right to require prompt payment <br />whoa due of all other stuns ao secured ar to declare default for failure to eo pay. <br />3. The Trustee shall recanvey elf or any part of the properly covered by clue Deed of Trust to the person entitled thereto, on written <br />roqueat of t)ee TttraWr and the Beneficrary, or upon satrsfactron of Lhe obligation secured and written request for reconveyance made by <br />the BeneFiciary ar the person entitled thereto <br />22+14 2821Nq <br /> <br />u <br /> <br /> <br />