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__~.___ <br />i <br />a <br />MORTGAGE 83---~~~~ <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this ___.._24.th_-___-_- day of ___-t1liOlld.C~!._ _.._ ____,__ . 19 ~.._, 6y and betwner <br />---,---J,A~LES W. GAR~T~QN.~NQ~_~~G~1.~.A~3.__Ca~[3EIS4N.>_ HUSBAND ND ~E_~._.~ <br />of Hail Coun[y, Nebraska, as mongagar _S~" and Home Federal Savings and I..osn Association of Grand [stand, a corporation <br />orgaNttd attd txixting under the Paws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />martgagtx: <br />W ITNESSETH: That said mottgagor _ S ,for and inconsideration of tht sum of .._._, <br />ONE THOUSAND TEN DQl.LARS AND N4L~ 02-~----------~- : >L~uilggts_.1 t~1000 >, <br />the rrccipt of which is hereby acknowledgtd, do.__ 6y thtse presents mortgagrandwerramtintaatddinmflsyee; itisuecessors and asslgns,~ <br />forever, all the foliowittg describM real tstaze, situated in the County of <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18) KENTISH HILlS SUBDIVISION, IN S;NW;SWq OF SECTION 25, <br />TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 7EN (10) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Ttytettms with all heating, atr candrtmmng, bghtinK. end piumbmg eympment and fixtures. includtng screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or m mnnectmn vetch satd property. whether she same are now located on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TG HAVE' ANDTO HOLD THE SAME, tagether wrth ell and singular the tenements. haredicaments and appurtenances thereun[n ba- <br />tonging, or in eaywiae appertammg, forever, and warrant the [itle W the same. tiatd rnvrgagor. $ hereby covenan[.._ _ -with said <br />mortgagee that she ~ drE' _ . ac the delivery hervnf_ the lawful awnnr S nF the premi~ws ahnvr cnnve_yet! and decrrihed, <br />tied _____d1~.. _ satzed of n good and indafeeslbte es7.ate of tnhentanee therein. frre and clear of ai! encumbrsncea. and that ... the _1!_ wiH <br />wartattt end defartd the Ut{e thereto forever against the ciatms end demands of el! persons whamutever. <br />FRGV I D£D ALW AYS. end this uestrurnent is axntutad sad delever d ut se ore the paymem of the sum of ..Qjt(~..Tj~Q()~ANQ_.-__-_ <br />___._:,.EN...DOLLARS--AND-t~tDtC_1D0.___________________~________ ~itarsi~_ 1-,-010-QO-_____________1. <br />wifh inteteat thereon, together with sorb charges ead advances Lis may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and rnnditions <br />of the protniasory note of even data hetesviUt and seavrrsi hetdby, executed 6y satd nwrtgagor ~_-. _ to satd mortgagee, payable as expressed <br />» said cote, and-to sttrai[e the ptg{armattce o[ atl thr terms and condit»na conlvned therein. The terms of said note are hereby »corpurated <br />herein by this rehxaace. <br />it is the irttmtioa ead agreement o! the parties heteao that this mortgage shall sLwt secure any future advances made to said mongagar_$_ <br />by Bald tnartgagee, ead any and all indebtedness itr addition ut the amount nlwva stated which said mortgagors, ar any of them, may owe to <br />saki tnatgagoe, hawevar evidenced. whether by ante. book auvum ar ethetwise. `t'his nwrtgege shall remain in full force and effect between <br />the parties hetelo and their heirs. persona! reprearmtativea. sucte~ewrs and a. signs, until alf amounts secttted hereunder, including forum <br />advances, are ptt~ is foil with interact. <br />The trtarttw(for._ $ . },erahy tasaiga _._-._ . Co said mortgagee sit reau and irxome artslag at any and a!) Limas tram said property end <br />hereby authariae acid tmrtgagee or its tigeat, at its opitan, upon default. to take charge of said pn>perty sad called all rents end income <br />fhasttom ead apply the same to the payment of interest, priaripal, insurance premiums, [axes. assessments, repairs or improvements <br />- sarsytaiaeapasid~ptoperty !a uxrantabk caaditiwt, w to other charges or payments provided far herein or in the mote hereby aaeured. 'i'bis <br />reatassigarsant s#taif tantinue in forte unW the unpaid ba}ance ut said carte is rvuy pasd. The Inking of possession hereunder shall in no manner <br />paeventor renuti uki awttga~ee in the eoIlectirut at said sums by foreclaaure or otherwise. <br />The Iallum of fate mmitRagee td ttstttat any of ifs rights heretnder at any time shall not be eanstrued as a waiver- of its righ! rA assert the <br />armetlt.aay it7~ tiate,:aad to insist upon ttttd enfanx start ctaapiieise wish all the terms and provis»ns of seiti note and of this mortgage. <br />it said mat{pgar- $ sbtdl arose to fie paid ta said mmtgtigee 6lte entire atawrat due n hereunder. and under the terms and pmvisKnixi <br />aI said twos i:a~y aettitzri. ttteiudvg future advautas. atu! any extensions or reruawsis therm[ in strnrdanca witty the terms and perrvistans <br />Lhasa[, trod id tlriid taerRSagor _S__ sAaR tbunpiy with a!I the pnivisinns at said note srx! of this mortgage, then tlteae prrsaaets she}! bu vend: <br />atiMtwir to tiimrfa l~~ tarsaa atad dfeet, and tttiid tnartgagea shall be etuit.ktri to the pvseeasinn of all of said ProPoriy, and may, at its apt»». <br />daiiitne-the ~tp1s of aAid}apGt and rfH #ndaAtati~ese rttfansented thereby to be itmnediatalY due and paYahie, and may farecluae this mrrtggge <br />m• Yet u sift. Appmisemeat wsivad. <br />Vitt ahali.tta open ttnd atsall anuro to the Eisaafa. at the heirs, axecttwra, admimstraton..stxoesanra am! assifms of the <br />reapattivr-pirtasa . <br />I - tM1'iTM Wit ,said ha <br />~~ f ' yg._.. hereunto sat ~~ lt~Iai .5 e d yefd rear uai nhavr <br />wrfttem fir' .._ :.d~:~.+~~ w. _ _ J~ ._ ., / <br />J1~5 W. fARR~TS{Nh, CEC LIA R, GAR TSON <br />