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<br />AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF LIFE ESTATE IN REAL ESTATE <br />KNOW ALL PEEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />The undersigned Seller hereby sells to the undersigned <br />Buyer, the following described real estate for the price and upon <br />the teams and conditions herein set forth, and the undersigned <br />Buyer hereby aecegts said terms and conditions, agrees to pay the <br />purchase price, and covenants to perform the obligations of the <br />Buyer hereunder. <br />1. The Seller is: THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, A <br />Municipal Gorparatian. <br />2. The Buyer is (whether one or mare}: <br />Winifred V. Burmood, a widow, as a tenant for life <br />3. The Iegal description of the real estate (premises) is: -- <br />North One-Half iN 1/2) of Lot One (1>, and North <br />One-Half (N lj2) of Lat Two (2}, Block Eighteen (18), <br />Original Towa of Grand Island, xa11 County, Nebraska <br />together with all improvements located thereon. <br />4. The purchase price is One Dollar---($1.00)---, payable <br />at Glosing. <br />5. The campletion of this Contract shall be contingent upon <br />the sale of the premises being approved by the Community <br />DeveloYment Agenc y Board and the Gity Council of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska. <br />6. Buyer covenants to perform the following obligations: <br />A, To pay Seller, beginning upon Buyer's possession of <br />the premises, a monthly amount not to exceed <br />twenty-five percent (2581 of Buyer's gross income. <br />Such monthly payments shall be construed as Buyer's <br />payment far reimbursement to Seller for <br />rehabilitation of the premises, the total amount f or <br />which is $20,633.00. <br />B. To pay all real estate taxes and special assessments <br />before the same become delinquent. <br />C. To gay all casualty insurance premiums and utility <br />charges before the same become delinquent. <br />D, To maintain a neat appearing grass lawn and to avoid <br />the storing of garbage, trash, or refuse on said <br />lawn and yard. <br />E, Ta live on the premises. <br />'1. Buyer shall be entitled to possession of the premises <br />upon Blosr'ng of this transaction. The Closing shall be within <br />thirty f3©} days-after Seller has completed rehabilitation of the <br />premises. The- exact time and place of Closing shall be <br />na~yotiat ksst~een the par-ties. <br />8. Risk of loss to the premises shall be upon Seller until <br />the. time of Closing. After-Closing, risk of loss she 11 be upon <br />Buyer, and Buyer sha1L insure the: gremises against casualty loss <br />for the reasonable value of the premises naming the Seller and <br />Huyes au insureds as their interests may appear, <br />4. Seller agrees to pay the real estate texas for 1982. <br />All of the 1983 real estate tare- acid- suequent years' taxes, if <br />any, shall k~c paid by Huger. <br />