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_- _ . <br />701t1i °4fr1Q4 OP DSOATGAGF.-Cozpotation~ ~~ ~~,~4 t~ (,J t~ ~} r.) `-'y Huffman and Felton & Walf. WaNon. Ne. 68461 <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the NOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ( <br />ASSQCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND hereby releases the mortgage made to I <br />HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAPJD ISLAND <br />by DONALD L SANNE AWD BONNIE SANNE, husband I <br />and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other ' <br />ate the foltouri»g described real estate, to-wit: ~ '- <br />(see below) <br />~; <br />of Section i» Toumshi¢ ,Range of the P. bf., HALL <br />County, State of fdEBRASKA which is rerorded in Book lQp of Real Estate ~Lfortgages, page 449, I <br />of the retords of said County. I <br />IN TESTIMOA`Y i~HEREOF, the said HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION has emued <br />these f.l1e exeeated by eV.~rbFe.giufext ~S~cIFk•t'ryrhnrate .Seal to be affixed hereto thir L1, ~ ~ ' <br />LOAM d n - ~ , r~3 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ~ <br />...,. Ss January <br />it4~ ©~ •, ~;~~ .-.AS•50CIATIIIN -aF- GRANCI-tSL•AAID• ...............__.----- i i <br />,. <br />a ' ©--- --- -~ -- .. B `' . `~"h - ...-_.-....- V i cePresident ilreas . <br />~ z .... C. C. Meyer ;,. <br />---;-..~--~°+ -_..__ditest _._.._- ..-__._......-.... -- - ._...-- ---, X7ftXb(>~f.X$'iAfX9(tX3(~ °j <br />OF.._- - - •°~~------ ----------_......... - 21st Janu _ r - !, <br />-' On this_........... .day of..._--- - --... ---a.~------...., 19$3... ! .. <br />L ss. f <br />-.-,. ':, __.._.._......_.-..._.._-..-.County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />said Co , per~nally came....-.._...__......-..- C. C. Meyer ---. -- ,.-VicePresidentT~~~e <br />H{~IE FEDERAL SAVINGS_ &_ LQAN AS5OCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND a Corporation <br />~g <br />to me personally known to be the lYresiden~anSd~identical person whose name is affixed to the shoes release and <br />acknowledg~l the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and E '- <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seai atGrand Island, ;lbraska in said County the dap and year <br />...... ................. . <br />~. t..,ve .;.+o., <br />~ ` N <br />t 19...,.~.~ .~ r-. `t~ --..... otaryPublic <br />~, 1 <br />_~ ~ _ _ _ . <br />_ ._ ~ _ ,-f ~.. <br />ate, sftaated in n of kall ,and State of Nebraska, to ~vit. <br />past of Let Teu~lQ~af Ii~aee Stttsdiwisioa of that part of the Northwest quarter (1+1N~) ; <br />-rof=-Se~tion~N >~ j To~ship Bleven (12}, North, Range Niae {9), West of the oth P.M, <br />~''~ Wheeler Avenue {as now Located) and North of Seventeenth Street <br />(as new located)- and Westerly from a tract of land deeded to Ernest M. Ruff and Viola <br /> iecorded in Book 105, Page 362, of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and tyre particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly <br />boui+dtry line of said Lot Tea (10} which point is 391.2 feet Southerly and 179.$6 feet <br />Westerly from th$ Northeast corner of said Lot Ten {10) and which point is-the actual <br />psis[ of. beginning; running thence Westerly along and upon the Northerly boundary line <br />of` 17th Street (ae saw located) Fos a distance of $4.2 feet and which point is 1fi.3 <br />feet Easterly-from. the West bauadary line of said tat 10; running thence Northerly, at <br />riglzt aag3es, for a distance of 29.7 feet to a point on the West boundary line of said 4, <br />Lot IO.; rupniag- thence North slang sad upon the West boundary line of said Lot 10 for <br />a di5tanee of 116.4 feet; running thence Easterly 27.55 feet at an angle of 11$444` <br />which paint is 1$0.65 feet Westerly from Wheeler Avenue (as now located); running <br />Chenee Southerly at an aagie of 90°QO' for a distance of 132 feet to the Northerly <br />boundary lisle of 17th Street (as new located) and the point of beginning, <br />u <br />i.~ ..__t <br /> <br />