<br />83-.~~J[~~~,~
<br />~Enoiv ~rY ,ern ~p ~i~t~e ~regetttg, That, Wheroos, In an am rn ~Mritt Gawt aJ (he
<br />Eleventh...^.._._ Judieiat Didrict of the Sfate of Nelrrasks, within and for the County oJ...._.-----Hall ..- --- -- ---- .--- __._.... wherein
<br />The E uitable Building-and_Loan.Association-of Grand_Island.,Nebraska,a_Cor~bi„tig and
<br />Michael.. C.__Hopkins_and.--pebor¢ii._I?r._.I~9P.k_~?~s.._. _e.t--.,~.i...,.-._...-..-..-...------._.----------_.-------------dheadants
<br />~~__January_. First___._..-.-Term,A.D.l9_$3..oJaaideourt,T}S'*-..-~9VlC.~{~.1,.~.--~uilding..and_Loan--Assoeiatiof
<br />dido6lsinadamJ+ndinpflwtltureiadveJ,nn Michael-_G.. Hopkins..,and._Deborah_-_D.__Hopkins,__et.-_al..-,_ __.-_
<br />b~h~ .F..411.~~k,~~...B.ui~.dittg--ansi-.Loan_Assnna.atinn--af._Li=ansl..Island,Nehraska------_ __..._... the awn
<br />~ Forty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred._Sixty.-Eight„ and_59.[100__(-X48,368._59.)__._.. ,._--.dattm~a,
<br />and cods of suit taxed at_Thirty,_.Eigtl t__an d_- SQl ~.Q.Q..... C~ ~.~}.+..SQ~... _...... ... -._doftars, and, wheKas, it mar Then and (here
<br />Jar(her orderod in the said attian [hat in defaulE aJ fiat payment of the sum sa found due by the :aid Michael _G,-.. Hopkins,-_and-__.
<br />Deborah D. Hopkins ,.et._al._,_ ,___...__.__ -Nat ._%ttaries- r, Fairoanics__ _. _..-.-....-_
<br />Sherfg of said County of_.......-_-_.._-_ _Hall , a~hou/d carat fhe lands and lenernents leereinaffer described fn be
<br />adxrlixd and mfd acnnding fo law to pay the .carne, and. u;hereas, d fault haning been made (herein. the said_.__.-.__....._....__. _._ .... _..-
<br />Charles F. Fairbanks , .SheriiJ of said county, under and by wirfue of the said decree and
<br />f/u order of ask to him duly directed, did on nu-... ----..... 1.0th _ ,by f____,JanuaI'y.__-_....._.__.._d. D. 19._83
<br />lower lobby the Co l:owf Ifowr.:re llu..- . ~~, ty-.. _.........__. oJ-_Gzail-~__Z,S.~.a.Rd_.-_-----..-----
<br />atlhe-----___.......-... ~ J unty .._
<br />in said (,ounty of ...- _ - H dl l _ _ . _ _ _ .. - ,hawing Jrrat pitta due and k~l notice o(the time and place of said sale
<br />n epen ent
<br />Grand Island Dail ,arenas
<br />by pnbtiret(iart onrr m each ererk fnr fow xarcrsvirw nweks in lhr.....--..-_.__-_.___.......-.-_-..__X.....:...__. Paper printed arsd in general
<br />cvculatian in said Cwuay of .. __-... =iall..--._ ........ ........._ -..-- . sc!! said premisu of public auction to..Tl~e._F.rQu1.1:~-~,e
<br />Building and-Loan„Association ~f_Grand,_I51andJartheaumofFiftX,_Thou~and__and,-_QO/100._._,_--.-._
<br />,.~S S(3,OQ0. GD~ donors, which sale ans uflertmrd a! the .Jan ..... LS t..._Term of said caurf,
<br />$3 Charles F. Fairbanks -- vs srult Sher ,ordered
<br />A. D f9.. _..-• ezamuud and cortf'xrmed and the aaid_ - ......._-.. -....._ - .. ._. -. .. tjj
<br />to ounxy the said premises ur Jet sunpk ha the said..r~3e.L:q.Uj.t~k.)..E.B7,t~..1.d J.I3,~.~_3ncJ L.Q51}1...t'.~sS.QCl.a~i.4n._of._G-~an5d _Is
<br />~totn ~fjtrefore, !, the said... Ch.acles F, Fa1rb inks , Sherijj of the Courdy of
<br />-._.-..-.._-------- ------I~S1.J..].-..-.--.... -..__. us afureaaid. iat consideration . f the premises and br rovlue of the paaxra nes(rd in me by taw and fhe
<br />deaet of said court, do hereby Gitt, Grunt wut C.ontty W the mid_T.tL€_.Erii~i.Ls~b.J.e_. B.U_b~.S~~P.b...:~Sl.._~..9aR, AS50C~3t1QI1--
<br />of__ Giand_ISland, _',?et raska., ,a- CorpoTat i.on ~iYiY,Xvut assigns, the pnmiau ao us aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />`~
<br />_ _
<br />_ Lot Ten (10}t Ross }{eights Subdivision,
<br />h,
<br />I;I F{all County, tebraska _
<br />,,:
<br />__.._....__. - _ _ STAMP TAX _ _ _ -_.-
<br />- _ ---
<br />EMEffT AiTACHED-
<br />- -. ~-. _ -
<br />+j ---__ _ _... __.... _.-_ -
<br />SY
<br />-,ii _,._._..-_._ .. _ - ...... _._ , ........_
<br />t . ~:
<br />:~, _....._.__..... .. ..-. ----...._....___.-._-_ .. __..---. ._..-.-_- ._..--._.-. - ._.. ... .__.__.. -.__.with the appr,trlenarwu.
<br />I :i
<br />I ~0 ~Abt ari0 t0 ~OIa tfjt ~dittt anhr tt,e aa;d-_Th~._Eq_uitahl~_Suilding--and..Lc,~an. --._.._ ...-...
<br />;~; Association._of---Grand Island,-Nebraska_,._a_GQrg~.y~sw,aaaaig,,,,anatathen,wrathevauandbahoaJJareaer.
<br />___...m~_._ ..-_--
<br />j h3 3n ~tlltiriwrip Ti7']trtaf, I haft, as such Sherijj, hrreurdo set my fwrat n: is_..._ .-.. 2CItk3 _--__-day of
<br />,, ~ ~ _ _ .
<br />`~ Hseealad aruf detiwred in the presentt of ~/"~ Hall
<br />- .~hrrig'oJ_--..-.--.____..-.-----...__...---_...-Cawrty. Nebraska.
<br />"? ~. L. Wi311ams-- ---- -- -
<br />' Hall ~ t)nthrs.._.20th, ...-,_.dayof__.-.-January.. _ ---..__..
<br />_, GYwb~ _._._.._ ..._.._..........--......-..
<br />~' i9.~„_.,bgjarears,lheursr(eriiprr<d.-..~._Rodger,.L.___Wi,~liams,___ ._...
<br />-, m and Jar said a>wdy, persona$y appaarsd fTr aaaf _.. - - - ....-. .... _ .....--.....
<br />._..GhaTleg.,.F.__FBirh~ks ._.._ ___.....Shml~stfaaafC.txuyp,
<br />b me persae3aCty knmsn to 14e ihr irkr,tieat pu'son ~a +i9r+~ ~J rnG +ndrtarraat w ~+nnbr. sad
<br />ka aa4`tedpe$ the sarnr to be his ' ad and daeet, as e„da` ~.itt; far the nsas and parparr
<br />_llllwLL fM1w+t6-saffor~i. n
<br />my had and ieJ anal lke day and year above written.
<br />~,. ~ `--?
<br />1~O.riIYRYrp1t! t9kY ~_ f''~L~^~`~~ ~ . : ~.~ `'''~~° -
<br />v'
<br />C 'y,~l: -.'-....::; ,. -.... ., -. ~:..-._r. k' _....-; ate. -i:':~. ~ ~-._., .. .~.: ... .. -. .._ -'
<br />