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I <br />~IIOkt! ~Y men t1p eye ~regetttg, Thal. Whereas, fn an action in the Di,tr[et Court of ue <br />Eleventh -Jaduial Du4[d of the State of Nebra,ha, within and for !lu County oj_--....___Ha11-_--..r. - wherein <br />The Equitable .Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,a Corp~~i~, and <br />Jan M. Lawrence deJendanl. <br />ae the_Janua?Y.._First-----.--------.Tmn. A. D: f98.~..., oJmidtourt,.~.he-.;a_9.U3.4ak.~.~.._$uiXdi~S._and.._Loan..Associat <br />Jan M. Lawrence <br />didahfainadet,eefudinpthatthereisduefrom.______......___.....-..-_-._...-...____.._-----.___..._...__._....-..__-..-...._ .............._...-........-_.._.-_. - <br />h, The_Sgnitable.-Building and_Loan_Association-._of__Grand_.Island,Tdebraska-,_a..-Corp. theanm <br />~ Thirty_Nine_Thousand Five Hundred Twenty One and 79/100 ($39 521.79) dottera <br />'~ and tat4 of roil taxed aL .._._. _ .. .. __ _ .. _... ......_ ....... .ddlar, and wherea, d was then and [here <br />j ~ JmtAw ordered in the,aid action that in dcfaall of the payment of the sum ,o found due Gy the mid.___._. ......... _ - i - <br />~i~~ ~ .. ..._ ........ . <br />I - j Jan M. Lawrence ,h,,, Charles F. Fairbanks (i,,,lf <br />I ~ 41~ . _.._--. -...... -- ._........ -- .. _. ___. - ..._- - ----'-- .. . ___...-- - - --- - -- - -'- - ---- ~ <br />i , Sheri' of mot County of Hall --- - _ ._ _, skoufd cause !hc lands and fenemertts luremaffer deatrebed [o be ~ I <br />I, {I• _ ~ r <br />I! ~~ ,1~ ~~~ ~Ghar lesrdF9 [ Fa1rb anks acme,-and mktrras, default lwoing ~ f aide ~ n[vnunderaaand 6y nir[ue of [ht snid decree and ~ <br />' ~~ , ~ the ordtr o ,ale W hun dal dimkd, did on the --. day o A. D. f9. ~ <br />'~ Ower (' Court ttaue ut tlre. Blurt .-Girt .._ Jano arvG~-gg~ _Ialand- 83-- -, ''~II <br />`~ -~~ at Lhe._).. ... ... _.19kky_.. -~.(ihc .ounty y -- J ~I~I~~II <br />.' irz raid County of_ --__- _--.- . Hal l_ .. .... .. ... ........ . ha,ing fast gi,en due and legal notice of fhr time and plate of said sale j3~¶{~II'. <br />I ';f by puMiratian mar in etch seek for_fnur atwtess re twrk R f/rr.ltF.a[IS1...1S.~.r~Rd-.~s27.,.<Y---IndeP a nas paper pr+nted and in general ~P {Ip'ry'i~ ii <br />l~ ~~I oineutation in mid Connly of..-- --.,-- -Hall- --- .--- p p The. E Uitab le ~~ii~ 'I <br />~ ,'; Buildin and Loan Association of Grand Islan J__~ ~ ~;i <br />'3~ I ------ g...._- -.. ---.. --_-- ..---. --- afor the a[am od IhiFty l.FiveaThousand. and OQ/ 100 , ~I~!I ~~{i <br />'i'fi " ($35,000.QQ) __ ___. ____._.-- ----_-..dollars, which,akwasafterwardattlu..-Jan.- 1st J ~'~~~11i~i: <br />_ _ _ __ ._.T~ m o sa+d tour +~ <br />1 I . <br />I ;~; A. D., f9.>~3, ezamined and confwmed oral the mid-- - ~hailes F_.-_- Falrb antis- __ sac Sheriff, order ~ <br />„! ~-~' tatarweythemidpremisesinJeesimpktoUusaui._The_F.quitable Bua.lding,a1d Loan ASSOCiatiOn of Grand Is <br />-__ - -- - <br />~~_ Charles F. Fairbanks t!' <br />~obu ~herefoee, I, the mul _ . Sheriff of [he County of ~~,~_; <br />H811 aforeaau{, in ronsukralion aJ the premise, and by ,+rlue of [he powers rested in me by law and Llu 1 <br />..-....... - - _q s -~__._....._.. i ~`i <br />i ~I ~ d anoJd,aid ~.d ~~~ kC;•a+ti andCo+wcy ~ dw said The E, uita~b#le~~ a,aigm, [hc premdi,caoso a, oJaraau[lso[d, [o wi<: f , l <br />~,~~~ ., j ~ll <br />~fii <br />_. if <br />„i <br />~~ <br />~" ;. _ <br />_ ,:~I~; <br />_. __ _ <br />1'I .__ .. __ - - <br />~,,, ,; <br />t <br />i,I <br />~l ~........- __ __ - - ~~ <br />~I ~ _ ............ ...... ..._ .. ..-.__-. - -._._...._-. ...-___...... ... ... - _... .. - _. ..- -_..-wdh the appurfrrw+a~s. <br />I~ J ~0 ~At1t dlla t0 ~O~D t~t ~dplt antothemid.-.The Equitable Building .and Loan, -__ ; <br />' S - ~i~tt.On of._G ~-ajidmlt4~ 1y'i~iti~eb ras ka~A_Gor~t _-----ty~f ~ aa,igna, and to them and their u,r and beMof jaroer. -;~1 <br />., <br />~; ail ~LSCtimenp 77VlJEreof, , hart, as such Sheri', hereunfa aef my [wnd this ..._.. .. .. 2.91:tt.. __ ._ ..... - ..-.-day of ~.. 1; <br />i January ~~ Q ~1~s^ i,~; <br />. ._ --._- ... _._.-..._ _ _.....- .-_. _.._.-A. D., f9.$3 ,mil/ `.'" <br />e~ <br />7 <br />- r -l,ar7ded and de[i,ered in the pnaena of ~ H 11 <br />_ !.. Sheri,$ aj_.__...----- ---`----'---------. --<%at+++ly, Yebra,ka. <br />y, I.L. Ifiillia~s <br />y STATE 4F fVEBRASKA, ,~ <br />s. Giornty~ ..._... Hall .~........~._. .. .. ~'~ tktthL..-.....20th--.....-dayaj_ .._ Januar~p__. ....--- <br />f9 8~.,t~tJorsaw-the ur+daaipnaL~._._R~a~er L.- W111iams <br />r _....._- _. .. _.-_ __.... <br />in ~adJar,aid-~+l+b', [W ~ ihe,aid._ ...- ....._ . . _....- _.......--... _..._. _.... { <br />f ._ Charles F Fatirhanks _ 11' <br />.. -___ __, _ ....-..•«»..«...-..,._..a .............._.......,...,.._.a...._.°.'..~.......w ...,...... ._..._. , `![~arld Qf ,41d tAlaitj'. <br />' la nle a¢1f~'-l;.Mwli 14 ~ ttta itfealtait JMtION t61ha ,igt[ed fh4 J Inlif'tLnerit ar pMntar. sad <br />hR aahwteledpe[ ~e agate to he hit ,a~en6ary all and d,td, at suthr~. far the that and pwpaa,t <br />~tt~"ti-tl~flMi~.=/n1'~, ,Val lhf ~,' 61~~'!ar a~aM atf((tlli. <br />;~ -~ ~'I-lose#R.i.+rtfr ,...._....,._...~. ...............r. ~-t• - _,. <br />~, ~Mita•t+sMiwe4u.l~t ,'t~.~' ,~ 1 lfo; ~`~` ~°,[e~x~~~ <br />f <br />,„ <br />