i ~.
<br />A~meM of Cmtract for 17a~. L+ ,~T n xr ntiil.~r-lln~, c. ~In capali,
<br />Hy_I ,ide+tl Yandor. Naedee or Agues. ['d191 LSO. 501#'1 17 in nr.~».i L'n~1~~r;ii t.~~n.~~ynn<~~nF ill,nk. fk~~vi.~~d 19"'h)
<br />. ..._.. .,,_.__.._ .. ................. ...._._--... ........... _..._ r
<br />83-i3~d73~Y
<br />~ligtU ,ill hg thPSP ~resrnts, z•tt¢t . Burton C....Hae.hne ..and . S.har..o.n .............
<br />Nsar3.a...Haehne.,...husband...ans~.. ~i.fe... _ ......................._. _.
<br />........._ ....................._......_.........................._........................................_ ......._ ....._....._.._...._.._..., part.lES...of the first part, i.n
<br />consiaaration of_...qne....I.~1:.~.qQ~.._QQll.ar.....a.n~..-nther....goQd...and.._va.1.uab7.e...consi.~erati.an-.-x~aaa~x,
<br />ta:........thetlf ::...... ....... in hand paid by .Lm~er.i.al _.Homes..Cnrpnra.t.inn.,._an.. InYra...cnrporati.nn.,................
<br />party- . of the second part, do_... hereby sell, r~~t~~pl~fansfer unto said part.y....of tha second
<br />part; ?tS.._i.U~~~S.~Of".5 ... ... ...... .and asaL~Sts~3l~L.....__.~t.((~le...7LelldDr's interest in that certain contract,
<br />datad the ....._..... 9th .... ...................cZay of .......... 3.Ut1e..... _. .... __........ _....., 19.$2....., made by _.G &. H......._
<br />;Pra~erti.es....a. Mi.nnesata._par..tners.hip ....... .. _ .._. _ _ ............ .. ....... ....... _. _ ......
<br />....._ ............ ....... _ ._. .........._ .. _.._ ..... _ . ...__ _.. .. _ . _..... _. ...._.._._.. ._ ...__., ns vendor,
<br />to:..._.. Gary...A.._~'1.i.ckl.e...... _ _. _._ ._._. _. _ .... __ ... _ ... ............. .......... as venaaa,
<br />agd roe ~rt~,t of~ica of the C'ortnFrt Recurdr<r.in a.nrl for tha County of ...Hal.l....._ _.. ....._ ............... ..,
<br />Stata of K , as.. Document_.tlo.._ 8.2-.gq.266.5., aaaoaaaa~aoaoac, far the
<br />sale and eon~eyanea of the tract...... of land in. said County and State, described as foZZozus, to-wit:
<br />Lots qne, awn, Three, Four and Five, Block Eighteen, Baker's Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska,
<br />sabjetst to aLL the coi*erzants of said assi~lnor in said contract contained, zctiich said party . of ttu
<br />second part hareby assume S.. and ¢g'ree-.5.... to kaep and perform.
<br />Said part,. ]eSo~tha first part hereb}~ rcnnan¢nt ttzat !tore remains z~nptfid under said contract
<br />ttta8it7nOf..-Xr..?`Sj. ."fl'c,s.c??~GC...TL'G..r:.Y..~1L1A%1n:7.: lz.t`4. .. _,{. rl:~ -'' ._!L'Z'"--'-...DOLlars,
<br />with interest thereon from ttus. ~~~ "" da;y of f=c't5.4_)rr.L :t, _ .. , 19c~',~'..
<br />and that._.. t: taa.y . ha..Y.e_. ~oozt ri nht to sell, transfer and assign said contract.
<br />~t1 ~t~l!{mmtp~ ECYAf, The said pa ""-3.e5 of the ,first part h¢ ~~rhereunto set.. th2 t 1`....._ . .
<br />tuznd.~-.._...thzs :a:.x.~.:. day of
<br />.
<br />__ .
<br />Burton C. Hoehne
<br />Sharon Marie Hoehne
<br />' ~tIClt~~it#$> f 3
<br />._, rs 4
<br />County of .. ..... __, :~ ~'r _. ,
<br />i
<br />1ltc ~ =~doi¢g iw-.. r(rx t+rtt ;rots ae~A-,n,u ir,forrL F 'r,r.~ t,,,
<br />t!*{~ i~tt1 e~f ttjC''~ i'ft:tcs,~- .
<br />~t~ssa.H.. :.:
<br />A/~Ai+~,.. ~ J.l~~.
<br />,~+, ,,, tom- wr vu~,.~.
<br />N~EM
<br />w~~4/MM~IK: lf.gM-
<br />t Sharon Marie Hoehne a marred per~ahi
<br />~w st a Rh N'es-t tt -
<br />..~,„d__-~ ~ ~~~~ ''{-~~..-` .' r .,fir. ;t'~_., r~
<br />~' ~r~.. ti,rtar n ens a ,,tx ^. a~a tr,~„wa.,
<br />tlt~S )NSTRtih1ENT y4~A;s ORAF1'Ep BI'
<br />~. ~ESt b6t1t SCr~$t_ t~,~•'
<br />