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<br />t0. That the Mortgagor wil{ ketep the but}dings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />uptm saidtaad, nor suffer the sstid premises to be used for any unlawful purpose. <br />t t. That:if ihe.premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public <br />ass, the damages awarded, ffie proceeds far the taking of, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />aznountafimkbtednes upon ifiis mortgage and the note which #t is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Itfortgsgar to -[fie Mortgagee, and-shat! be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the tatter on account of the next <br />irgEtliitlg insi811Bte:ats of such indebtedness. <br />t.^. The iufartgagor further agrees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby not he eligible for in- <br />surattce utter the National Housing AaLwithin Sixty days from the date hereof !written statement of any otfieer <br />of the Depatxment of Housing and Urban aevr}opment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing. and Urban <br />Development-dated subsequent to the Suetty~ ~ls ume from the date of this mortgage, decliningto insure said <br />note and- this mortgage, tieing deemed conctus:vc proof of such ineligif3Jlity), the Mortgagee or holder of the note <br />may, at its option, declare alt sumssecurred hereby immediately due and payable. <br />23. Tfiat if the Mortgagor faits to make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and <br />comp#y wKh any of the candirions ar a~eements contained in this mortgage, ar the note which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pat stem-and accrued interest shalt at once become due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may <br />ihereupombe foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and <br />the cosraf extendiltgthe abstract of Ntte from the date of this loan to the time of commencing suds #orectosure suit, and a rea- <br />sonable attorney's fee, alt of which shalt be included in the decree of forectnsure: and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />and the nine secured ht:reby, shah in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the <br />same is made. <br />Tht covenants herein contained shalt bind, and the t>eneh[s and advantages shah insure to, the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plate! the singular. and the use of any gender shaft l1e applicable to alt genders. <br />` The foregoing conditions, alt and singular, being performed according to their natural and legal imparc, this conveyance <br />shalt bt void and said premises released at the expense of the 4ortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Mortgagotf4} ha ve3 hereunto set their handtsl the day and year first <br />above written. <br />to presence of: <br />„a ,:~ <br />~'~;~i,~~~~J~~ ~~ ~ t SEAL <br />(SEAL) <br />__:~ `~~ `e< ~ _ [SEAL) <br />SUSAN L. BERA2ti! '` <br />[SEAL) <br />[SEAL) <br />GPO 961-138 <br />STATEQFNESRASItA. <br />ss: <br />Cf3UNTY QF Hall <br />On this 19th day of )antler A.l? 19@3 . lmfor: me, <br />a ~n and far said County, pear«snally came <br />td€ttarv ?.~1ic <br />Dennis J. Reran and Susan L. Reran, Husband and Wife <br />personally to me known <br />to be the ittonticat persons wttosc names are affixed to the at3ave and fore- <br />goietg instnument as Mortgagor. and they have acknclwkdged the said instrument and the <br />execution thereof to be their vicetuntary act and decd. for the purposes therein expressed. <br />Fn testimony whereof, I have hercunte .rt my hand and affixed by notarial seal at Grand Zsland, ITE <br />on the day and date test about written. <br />r <br />i Notazy PubFic <br />a ~ STATE QF }~£BRASAA ss <br />E 1`t{ed fdr-.record thin da>' of A. D. 19 <br />~' '• a~. _ K .,.~ ~~k ~_ ?.d., and entered in Numerical Index, and <br />ret~ordes~ inl3tzok of Mortgegzs. on <br />~s id <br />Registarof Deeds <br />:, <br /> <br />t i(iie~N214,}ra1 ttt-7nt <br />>_ n say?-s.. <br />