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<br />This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />MORTGAGE under the one• to four-family <br />grrbirfsi4tis•~oP'tFiQ National <br />Hauling Act. <br />` ~ ~ , `. ~~j_~~~ <br />THfS MQRTGA'GE; made acid ezecutcd [his 19th day of 3anuary ,A.D. <br />lo:. gq , by and hctweeett ' <br />B~trtis. a°. Reran. atu3 Susan-L. Beran, Husband and Wife <br />of rile County of Hal l - ;and State of Nebraska,-patty of the first part, hereinafter caYfed <br />tltt``Afortga$tsr;attd SiYpe'rior Mortgage, Inc. <br />acbrptiratiuiiorgatiiitdandexistiitgundertheiawsof Nebraska , <br />parry of the'setaitd part; hereinafter called tfie Mortgagee; <br />WITNESSETH: That thasaid Mottgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Oise Thousand Two' <br />F' fir and No 100 hs----------°---- ~~s t$ SI, X50.00 ); Paid by the Mort- <br />gagae. ~e oft' w'MCh es herety ae~nowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gaits. Sell; ('ativey attd Cortfiim sinto the Mortgagee: 'its successors and assigns, forever, tht following-described <br />real asrar6, sitrrated in the Gtritnty at Hail ,and State <br />of Nebraska; to wit:- <br />Lot Fifteen {15)r in, Block Three. (3 ), in Le Heights:$econd Subdivision. <br />Hall Coumy, Nebraska; being a part of the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northxest Quarter (NW>fNWlr) of Section Eleven (Il) Tovmship Eleven (11) <br />North Range Ten (10) West o£ the 6th P.M., Ha11 Countyr Nebraska <br />of the Sixth Piiricipat Meridian, containing in a!i acres according to Govern- <br />medisurvey: - <br />T© HAV€ ANf) Tt) HDLD ttte premises attave described. with a!! the appurtenances theratrMO belonging and including <br />art txasittg, plumbing a~ul-iightittg fixtures~tndequipment rttrca car hereafter attached to or used in connection-with said €eal-estate <br />unto the ktartgageg, and to iLS successors and assigns, ftuever. The Martgagix represents to, and covenants withr the Mortga- <br />g~e.-that the Adortgagor has good right u> sell and convey said premises: that they are tree Erom encumbrance;. and that.the <br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend-the same sgainst the lawful claims of aft gerswts whomsoever, and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by°telitshtristtas alt-tights of homestead.:?nd alt martial rights. either in law nr in equity. and ail other cantingebt interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the ahttve-ckscri#}cd premise,, the intentinn t+ei~ tc+ convey hereby an absolute titre. in fee simple, inctud- <br />ittgatt rightsaf homestead, at:Ftmher rights and interests as aturesaitt. <br />PR04'IDEA AI.WRl'S, and these presents err executed oral ddevered upon the following rnnditirms, to wit: <br />TCte Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Murtl;:tyer, :rr order. the principal sum of Fifty Orte Thousand Two Httrtdred <br />Fifty sad NO/lOGths ___-__ ~glarstS 51.25G.00 )• <br />with interest tiom date at ltte rate ut Twelve pat centtmr ( 12.0 ~,) r anmtm on <br />the unpaid balance anal paid. The said principal and interest shat! be payable at the office of Sttperiar M ~ge r nc . <br />in Grand Island, NB 68801 , or af'such other ptac~ as,tlte holder of <br />the torte maydasirtttata in wriF~t, in nsanthiy instathnen[=. of Five 1ltartdr~ Twenty Seven -and i6/ 100tns-- <br />Ikillars f5 527.16 t. cammancirtg an ttte first day of <br />Maa+ch , t~ g3, and on the first day of each month thereafter unfit the principal and in- <br />terast are. frilly paid. eacafu that rim h#tat payment of pri~ipal artd aaterest, if nx canner paid. shall be due and <br />payable an the first stay of F~uaxy, 2013 ; alt according to the farms of a certain promis- <br />saty ttota c?f even data litrewith eaecutad by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Martgapitr in order mExe Putty to protect the security of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />i TIC ha wiH-pry the inrkhtednesa. as hereinlxfote prttv&ted. Privilege is reserved to pay the door in wholr, or in an <br />attttftibt egtai-D99Na or trtwe~rntntahly gaytnenls ttnrhe prittcipai that are rxxt dneon the torte, on eha first day rrf any matith <br />p€ior to trzity_ #tMnritit6,~lfRa~u~,'Dtat gtsittcn natire ,+t an intcntian to eaatcisa such privilege is given at teas! thirty 130) <br />days prtut~gt~,stt~. <br />=. ThiK„tt>t~l~r w0ft, antiua=a~d~fitiun to. ttte munttdp paymanta of prittcipat and intercat payalrb: ututrs tba lartus of the <br />mote t~:utpst>t~'eby. the Stnrtytr xis prey to liar Martgtt~e, an the first day of tact! tatxttb until dta aaia note rs fully- paid, the <br />fdlowag sums= <br />la) <tmuunf tfatTiciemt its prwida flta ttolcler )trtraf wirh funds to pay the »eat meme irtsrtance prrnutun it` thu <br />inarruntetit '?tse ttota xtti5d lierefty art ]ttsttred;' t+t a tnattrlity eht¢gr fin fiat aj tx rrratrgmpte' tnxerterre prr <br />aautrtrl kf'• err 'the rotary a=f i aitd Ltrliaa f3t~rclosrmi:tit, as ftdlaws: - <br />il) tt and t:u lamp, .s ~3,,, ,r:ue :>t rv~gf ,tn?e roof th;e ttlatcunxnl a±r utsuied :N are trrnsurad utuiat the p€a- <br />vtstosr: xm-rr,c w F~3:ar rnru±ting-ni°t. xn atn*l~iit istrf`iiseisi ra acctYrres'a5te to retr oastds ui ore nvuex uuc <br />rx+s € tsF Yt~trt ~+aav i.s urn; ~ uaprrtyt ~isawne ~+CA`f E: tilt ftt$BfiAS~A <br />Ntttkfi?t4J#a t~-'}fit <br />