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<br />b2-BEAT. ESTATE MORTGAGEf-~(~Wyil(kT'yaz Clause) Tne Fiuttmnn a«~drni envvir itnnae, t.tnrAm, xet,r.
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consideration of the sum of
<br />TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-SEVEN AND NO/100-------------($257,000.00-------pOLLARS~
<br />in hand ¢aid, do Fterehy 5'EL L and CQNi~EY unto CLZNTON E . JOHN and LOUSSE U7. JOHN 111111;
<br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska the foltozenng described prensises situated
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-zait:
<br />~i
<br />Lots One {1), Two {2), Three (31, Seven (7), Eight (8),
<br />Part of Lot Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen
<br />(13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16),
<br />ce.renteen (~ ~) Eighteen (1°) , Ni,.ete2,-, (l~) , iwcfi~y ~ y
<br />(20), Twenty-one (21), Twenty-22 (22), Twenty-three ~ ~'
<br />(23), Twenty-four (24), Twenty-five (25), Twenty-six
<br />(26), Thirty-one (31), Thir±y-three (33), and Thirty-four `~
<br />(34) in Reuting's First Subdivision, Hall Countyr
<br />Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee sinz¢le, including ail #1te rigltt.s of homestead and rtozaer.
<br />TO HAVE ANP Tn Hr7LP the premises above described, zcitla tit! the a¢purtenances thereunto belonging,
<br />unto the said martgagee(sj and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, ¢roznded alzt~ays, and these ¢resents are
<br />u¢an the .:x¢rrss cartditian that if the said snartgagar(s;, his her or their heirs, r°xecutors, administrators or assigns
<br />sisal! pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagea(.s j, ltis, her or ihrir heirs, erenttorc, administrators or assigns, the
<br />principal sum of ~ 257,000.00 payable to follows, to zrKt: on demand,
<br />with :merest according to the tenor and affect of the mortgcgars written ¢romissory note bearing even date z,dth these ! '
<br />prtsentt and-shalt pay all texas and.rassedsments levied upon said real estate, and ,all other taxes, levdes <snd assessments 1 ,
<br />levied. uprin this +nartgagtR,.~r tise.smte ze+hich-this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delingxierst, and
<br />ketg the lnntdixgs, a~"scid ~randtss insured far the sum of $ lass, if any, pa±mble to the said
<br />mutttgargte, then-#~NSe ~prz5entr tei bt. void, atherzaisa to be and remain in full farts.
<br />IT tS FUKTIiLA..4GREE11 {r j That if #ht said mar#gagar skald fait !a ¢ay sttcr'¢ taus ar ¢rocura such in-
<br />stutaatce, the said,nsartgaget nut}~ pay suds tales and procure such insuranc€; and the lam so adx~ancad. zaith interest
<br />aj per cent, shat! bt repaid by said ntortgagar, and this mortgage .chal! stand as stcurity far the. same.
<br />(zj Tha# a fai+ittre to day any of said rnancy, either principal or interest, zaletn the lama becomes due, tit a failure to s
<br />e'orttpd~+ tarp of tht fnregaing agreements, skull rouse the whole sum of inane}~ herein secured to became due and I
<br />Ettidtls err Duct at the option of the mostgagee.
<br />5"tytrtd tkis daq of January /_~ tg $3 / ;%~ /i {
<br />in prssence: af ......._._......-~-~a'`~t<-ra:~.r~,~ ....,~, ~::~...:..
<br />C:S I.n~£5YS ~. J07'1P~..~.r
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