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<br />8~"~ VUV~r~{ <br />EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE <br />A PART HEREOF OF AN ASSIGNMENT OF <br />RENTS BETWEEN DOONAN TRUCK & EQUIPMENT, <br />INC. AND ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORPORATION <br />LEGAL DE.SCRIPTICN <br />A tract of land camoprising part of Lot T1,ro (2) , and part of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW~ NW~i), all in the West <br />Half of the Northwest Quarter (W~ NWT) of Section Twenty Nine (29), <br />Township Tea (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. is Hall <br />Caemry, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the north line of said Settioa Twenty Nine <br />(29), said point being One Hundred Thirty Five (135.0) feet east of the <br />northwest corner of said Section T1reary Nine (29), also being a poiat~ <br />a~n the easterly right-of-way line of High>ray No. 281; thence easterly <br />along the worth lice of said Section Ttveary Nine (Z9), a distance of <br />Eight Hemdred Twrary Five (825.0) feet; thence .southerly pariil.el to <br />the west line of said Section Twenty Nine (29), a distance of Ode <br />'fiotssand Fifty Savor (1,.057.0) feet;. thence deflecting right S i9' <br />50" and naming southr+esterly, adistance of Two Fhmdred Five and Seven- <br />ty Qaa t~tmdxdttu (205.71] feet; thence southerly parallel to the west <br />Iiae of said Section Twenty Nine (29~), a distance of One F~mdred Forty <br />(140.0)'feet; thence westerly parallel to the north line of said Section <br />z~ry Nine (29), a distance of Five F~mdsed Eighty (580.0) feet; thence <br />southerly parallel to the west line of said Section Twenty Nine (29), <br />a distance of Five Hundred 'IhirCY wad Sixty Sevin fiemdredths (530.67) feet <br />m the n~r3y right-of-way line of a caimty road; thence deflecting <br />right 59" Ol' 30" and reaming sout~esterly almg said right-of-way Ii,ae, <br />a distance of Ninety 'Three and Forty Six Fhmdredths (43.46) feet to the <br />easterly right-of-waY Iine of said Highway No. 281; thsaca northerly <br />aitng said highway right-of-way line, a distance of One Thousand Fight <br />famed Ninety Nine and Foes Tenths (1,899.4) feet to the place of be- <br />giffiin$ wad COat3i211IIg 25.267 acres more o2' less <br />