<br />83- 51110270
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TfiESE PRESENTS that on the 17th day of September, 1981, a
<br />Contract ses entered into by and between NICf:IE J. KALIAS and RCSIE KALdIJ5,
<br />,u~ar,:, and wife, Sellers, and CORDON D. FRANCIS acXi HARRIEIT S. FRANCIS,
<br />husband and wife, Buyers, for the sale and conveyance of the following
<br />deseribe3 real property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />1. The South ninety tcn feet (92') of Lot Five f5), Block Twenty-seven
<br />{27), Original 'Town, City of Grand Island, FIall County, Nebraska.
<br />2. The East one-third (E 1/3) of Tot Five (5) and the West one-third
<br />{.7 i/7} of i~+~ L~ (~) F2iMF ~t1 _.m ±-jr-eight lit} llri ginal RYxm
<br />~" ~--" . ,
<br />now City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />3. Lot Fourteen (14), Block T++~D (2), Boggs & Hill Pddition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />9. Lot Six (6}, Block Sixte~ (16), College Pddition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, ebraska
<br />5. Tot Nine (9), Block Thirty (30), Packer s Barr's S~ond Ar3dition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />5. East five feet, eight (5'8" of Lot Nine (9), and all of Lot Ten
<br />{10) , Block Fifteen {15) , rr^airv.ic~v Park, City( of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska. -~~,, ,~
<br />--_- , s
<br />7. Lot Four {qtr; B3c~c~c---~ tv-s
<br />-- -
<br />Island, Iebraska. ___ _.-
<br />8. Lot Tai (10), Block Si~ctc-'ai {16), Packer & ~irr's Fridition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />y. Tne South sixty feet (50') and idorth S~*enty-t~.n feet (72') of
<br />lot One (1), Block TE31 (10), Gilbert's addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, N~raska
<br />The final installment payment is due and payable 120 months
<br />after the date of the Contract.
<br />S~r,'t~ {F NSA}
<br />FbAtZ. ~ ~ ss
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<br />I33G-I~IE ~. xaLZ./o
<br />R IE KALLOS~
<br />w BUYERS
<br />On this..;:.~d~}r az ~C,. 19$2. before mie, the undersigned a Notary Public, duly
<br />cn~ss3~and qus fc~ in said county, personally came Niclcie J. hallos and
<br />I~asfe Ksllos, and Gos~cut l?. Francis and Hax-riet S. Francis to lmown to be the
<br />identical person c~ persons whose nos are affixed to the foregaix~ instxtu~st and
<br />~le~ed tt~ eseeuti~ thereof to be his, her ar their vrolvntarv act and deed.
<br />Witcssss ttsg hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br />t,~missicx~ mcpires the day of - ~~~ r ~98~,
<br />~: >~..~~
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