<br />1000169 502
<br />83--- t~G026~
<br />Knav AN Men by these Presents, That FIRST NAT/ONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS, a notronol
<br />banking ossocratron, party of the first part, ur con~s,derat,on of the Burn of One Doll or and Other Good and Valu-
<br />ably Consideronon, in hand paid by ~`S Nbrt '?Qe C~r~Oration, a Nevada COxz+oration _______
<br />party of the second parr, recarpt whereof ,s hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell, assign, transfer, and set over,
<br />to smd party of the second port, and rts successors and assigns, that certain mortgage executed by_ -._
<br />Eli A. Gonzales and Sandra J. Gonzales, Husband and Wife
<br />_____ZtOR,fALA14D._~OR,fGp~E~CO1~Af+TY_- _____ _ -_-___ as mortgagors,
<br />Minnesota Corporation
<br />to o as mortgagee, bearurg
<br />Mortgage Records
<br />date the _____day of.._ ______.__ . )9__ _, fried for record Lr of
<br />or and for the [aunty of __..___1ia11.____ __ ~_ and State of .._ Nebraska __ on the
<br />day of . _ , ; 9___, at __ -o'clock _._ >Vr., as Document No..___. ___
<br />_ ~~~
<br />recorded rn BOOk 1S2 __-ot _-__ __'~`~____ lounty Ke cords on page _ _?oo__
<br />and
<br />memorra!•zed .n Reg+stered Volume - _._ _ -. _ - .. _. _ - . on page _ ___._. -_ _ .-,
<br />together with atf ngM and interest ar the load there u: described, and an the note __ _ and obtrgahons therein specr
<br />fred, and to the debt thereby secured, and hereby const,tures and upponit; said pmry of the second part its at-
<br />torney vrevocabte to collect and rece+ve smd debt, urrd to foreclose, enforce, and satisfy sard rrrortyage the same
<br />os +t rmght or could hove done were these presents nor executed, but ar the cost and expense of second party, and
<br />does hereby covenant w~rh smd potty of the second nor r, and its successors and os s,yns, that there rs still clue
<br />orrd unpo+d of the debt secured by sard mortgage the swn of ____ _ _._.__.. _
<br />_. .. _ _.___.. .Dollars. .v,th interest thereon at ________
<br />percent per annum from the __ ____.___ _. _ _ - _ day of ____.._-. _ - _ _ , 1 `) __, and that rt has good
<br />right to sell, os s,gn, and transfer the surne.
<br />In Testimony Whereof, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS has caused these presents
<br />ro be executed ,n its corporate rrome by its . F;SS1StaIlt Vice Pr2S1deI1_t _ and ,ts _O e~at~'o_ns
<br />Officer _ and ns corporate scot ro be hereunto aff,xed th,s-'rid - day of November __ _ 19~,
<br />In Presence of ~
<br />i
<br />i y
<br />•_ Susan D. Jenkins
<br />.~_._, _._~_..____._.-. -_-- - -----_. _ ,e.o-..~ ~ s~~tant Vice President
<br />Artd _
<br />` '` Bette Peterson
<br />l,s.Operatons feet
<br />,, ~ (CCrrporo~e $eol) r !
<br />i~ ~--! f
<br />r +~' RE(:ORDERS tiEtA ~ f-_1t<~~~~~~~- - --
<br />~.+p <:~ t
<br />ReQ. of Deeds
<br />STATE OF Muuresota
<br />COUNTY OF_ P~ !~ ~'ss.
<br />On tfas_,._ ~nd day of .Jovember `__ , jg $Z before me, o Notary Pvbhc wNhm and for sard
<br />tounry and State, appeared _. $USan U • Jex7}c].AS m,d Bette Peterson_~_
<br />to me personally known, who, berog each by me duly ;worn, did severalty soy,
<br />that they era respectevely the ~,as'aictan!- ~,rjrx Prxscir3_ nr and fhe C1(]Bratu1n~_Offlcer..____ _ of the
<br />F1kST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS; that fhe seal a(frxed ro the farego,ng ,nstrwnent ~s the
<br />c4frpafate seal of said carparot,an, that sad instrument was argued and sealed in behoif of sard corporation by
<br />ottthwrty of its Board of Directat s, aril sad ,. SLLSdtl,f~, JEi[tkins... __- ar,d __ ~ett~,_I}G ye.['sC~t7__----
<br />_.
<br />acknowledged cord iris trument to be rho fray act and deed of sard corpororron~
<br />_ r'
<br />~t$isrdrktf'9e~rtr aEO~ ~ -.._.. ~_~~'' Jc*-~
<br />_ __ _ _. _ ___a._ .. _
<br />v..-,~. ~~~~ ~ ... 4 r -;_ _
<br />r_.•
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