<br />1000169 502
<br />~" __._ 83- 000288
<br />~`~ Form No.47•M uur.A..rc., ~'""-°"..'-"'+
<br />.... _.. ~ ~_.. - --•-......._ ..._. x~..n.b user. G.ro..ais e,..r..uuU.
<br />i - ~noW ~~ ~~ ~p ~(~ ~Ce$el~t~'a T~ .,NOR1_}iLAND MORTGACEY COMPANY
<br />4 oo-pwatiOr. duty wQantretl and wdrttsQ undw the tatty of the State oJ...Ttinnesota _... .
<br />d .._ ..... ........................._.._._
<br />parfyo/t~ftntpart,iwoD~wtdaattOwof tlyru~r-%. ~e dollsr an other valuable
<br />o .era ion---~_-~ - -- - -- --------------------------
<br />._._.5.._U~...........C........_.._ ......................... __-_ ......... w.~_._ -._...~.' wm... ~ ~ ~............................................................................ Dotlara
<br />~,~~ ~ FIRST NATt(TNA~-BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS a national banking association '
<br />part7t..._... of the wound part, rvoetPt ivh.reof to hsroby aetonowledQed, dow hereby wil, awign, trantftr,
<br />and wt oun, b said part.Y.._... o the wound part its successors ..............and asri. amain
<br />Gonzales and Sandra J. Gonzales, Husband and Wi_e
<br />rwo-tt1aN ti+souted by._ .........~11;......:....._.........._.........._......_......_....„..._,„,__......_._ ................................................................................_........
<br />w +werf(aQa-...., ~.,.. NORTHLAND .MORTGAGE COMPANY
<br />._M...._......._._ ........................................................__.....-............._...__................._.............................,........
<br />a mere a , baarln dab the....... .................................................. ...........
<br />Q ~ Q ^Mprtrxtsr+~ ~~Hpr~rEla.._...day 01.._...... lA
<br />Jtieai fw rteoed in o HaIT......._ .................................... -......and
<br />~ the County of ......................_......................................
<br />Scats o/ ACLItlt7tiit~3[XYi[~iL..Nn..kuaska .._ ............................. . day of ......... _......._._._ ._............................... , 1D. ,
<br />8 ...
<br />and rsoorrLd in Book .....1.5.2............af.i/ortQaQst, paQt . 38 ............. , at Daument Xo......._.... _ ....
<br />bQstker with oll right and tntsrwt lx the land therein dsaeribed, and In the rota ... and obligations
<br />therein sproiJtsd, and to the debt thsnby atourod; and heroby constitutes and appoints avid part Y of the
<br />taeond Part ............................. . its attornsy_.._......lrnuo~eabts to ootleo6 and reuiua acid drbt, and to foreolow,
<br />an/orw, and satisfy .ned mortgage tlu cams as it rn1QAt or aou,Zd lw.ua done wera the.e praaenta not
<br />assautad, but at tM cat and ssPsnw of wound part ,and don hereby covenant wick said party ...... of
<br />the woowd part, ........its...SUCCk:S9DIS ...............and awigns, that C1+tre u still due an.l unpaid o/ Ehe debt
<br />stoua+ed by raid mortQaQ~ the turn of ...... ......... ...._..___.. Dollar,
<br />..................................................................................
<br />roith inbrwt tharoon at .............. ............ pw cunt psr annum /rom the ... .
<br />y o .........._ ............................................. ........, 18........., and that it has g~ right to salt, assign, and transfer th.
<br />tams.
<br />X11 Qtffttmottp ~trt9~, The said /lret Party hat eauaad theca
<br />prawnts to 6a eaveutsd in Its corporate Hama by ita.5enioc ~V,iLce
<br />Proddsnt and ib.8&sistapt...Ses.X4t.~.ryand its oorporata a b
<br />DshsruntoaJ}'tsuttthlt ....1~.6....._dayoj November
<br />82
<br />..............._._.............., 19........ .
<br />Mate of ~Iinncgota,
<br />_`County oj._..........Raut~nX._....._,._.._.._____,_.__......~m
<br />_ t ~. ,
<br />--,
<br />:--~__-
<br />Rolland E. Tulien
<br />!b Senior Vice
<br />....... ~r._......Pnaidant
<br />... -_ :a...r~ _........-
<br />..................
<br />,.' Janean M. Berggren ,1 ;
<br />!ts As~.7.~s.~~1it.K...Secretary .......................
<br />ORDERS fdEMO. ~ ~ ~ ~~ _
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />tha this _........... 1 S t.~_.._.......-_.....__.
<br />Notary,,,T~b~ic .........day oJ. _N4.Y_~.~y3_ ............._.................... ........, 18..82...., before rno, a
<br />..
<br />"""""~""`""`~"" ------...--.-......uitktw and far usid Count
<br />.._.....~.~1..iL.~i.,....TSi.~1fiL_._ Y, Paraonally aPPeared
<br />"""-'--••--•-•___ ..............and .......iancan._M.....~frLtol;~~n........._........
<br />to:n~s ptnaa.ally kaowra, yrha, bsiwQ tools ms dul ........
<br />by y noora.._~aull......._.. did eay that they are rxaputiucly
<br />tks..SeR;~.4~._!~~e..Pn+idont awi ti4o.....1AS~s.1.staut....Secretary ..............
<br />f~t1~d instrunsswt, and that ihs arse a n/ the corporation named in the
<br />l){awt to saidintbTamentia the eorporata anal o/ said corporation,
<br />and tl~t raid ~ ww tijwsd and sealed in behalf of raid corporation Gu au.thar;iy e, its Board
<br />ef......~it.~.QrB.....-..... ....__.., awd said..&Q.iianri..E..._
<br />........_ Tulien_ .................... .
<br />.. °.. acknwvltdQed Laid instrument to bs the free sot and dsed of said
<br />oorMaisfi~. --_ ~ - -
<br />TM#S INS7p\rMEN7 WAi DRAFTED BY "~~~~~"""`~^' - ~r } -
<br />FIs~L.1~}atluncil ~f_.Minunupalis '~= .•`c-'~tL:?{-~• :~t.t_'..~7~-~............
<br />.....
<br />IZ.,,r,D SouCh Sixth Stree~n"'W r~
<br />tn+++...- Xotary P+rDtto-.......KamseY......_ .. _....._. .
<br />~~~' - - -- ...... County, Alinn.
<br />~l~flesaoti- a MinngyR.S~L._...___._
<br />.1/yoommiatsw tsPtaba _.__. _
<br />__._._.........., 19
<br />t -n
<br />' f 1 `'' ~~ .!N
<br />., ,~_. t~.x:.:_t ., r_
<br />~*+^~rt..^•~..o+•sarx~a
<br />