<br />f ~a~-~~t ~ni ___ _ 83--uU0266
<br />~~„M,,, ~~~ Foem Nw 47-M YWr.D~ArCw. YWrMW.4
<br />_ h - .. ~_.._..__ __ - .._......._. .._ 1[laaanr Ualia~ twenpndaa iWb tlrJ~
<br />_ ~ ~ ~n ~, rn~~L ~rcgtttt~, any ,NORTHLAND.MORTGAGENCOMPANY
<br />............
<br />o erryrnstiow duly orjantaed sniwsiatiwj unde- t)u rarer of the State o Minnesota ..................._,,,.._..,,
<br />....
<br />~~~~valuab ~e
<br />p~Y of ~ 1~'+t part, ias ooneidw+attos of the ararw a/_. One ,dollar...an.....other....._ .................._._..................„....._
<br />_._..S.9j}.~.~$erat ioaC,--,--,-,- ~~~~----- ~-w~' _.- ~M..„- ~- ~-.~-----------------------Dojlasa.
<br />_.. ...
<br />inhsni ~ FIRST NATf013AL:.~jK OF. MINNEAPOLIS: a.national ban~Cing association
<br />pa by ......................_..,...._....._. ........ .... ......................_......
<br />pauiY._.._. aj the aaoond psaf, rreetpt wAel+wj b heroby aabnowledped, does hereby earl, aad~n, tranajer,
<br />and art-Darr, to raid part.X....... of the arronat part its successors ,, ,, ,,.,and gad~na, Ghat os~tain
<br />.......__............_..» ............._.............. n a
<br />~~~eavaeutedby.~.-__.,~.~,~,y.,,I~,W.,.Hlty_,.and Ph~11is..L: HLlty, u ,and .an wife
<br />. .
<br />....__............_....M .............._.__...._..._._..._...._._........._.._............._............ .. ..
<br />a nrort(a~..... to......NORTHLAND .MORTGAGE...COMPAN7~......_ ... ........................................... .................................
<br />ae nwrtjapaa ., baartn8 data Ehs...........lb.tkl..........._ ......................day oi....._September......,......................., 18...7..,
<br />Jl~ j«' record In the o~tee of the Re~iatir of Deada of the CouwEy oj...._ H.~11......._ ........................................... and
<br />Stab o/ Bd~+tefkaos the....1.bth.........._ ............................. d4y oj ..~.~Btember.........................._.............., 18...E 0..
<br />ana reroraea in Hook 1S.L.._...._... oj.ifortPaQea, peas ..k.,?.~......... .._., as Dooumsnt Xo. ............................................
<br />topeEher udth all right and interrat in the land therein derrribed, and In the note ..... and obtiQationa
<br />therein apsaJted, and to the debt thersby srourod; and hereby oonetitutu and appoints avid part Y. of the
<br />aerond psrt ..............._........... fta attorney............lrrouoaabla to oolleot and rtetive acid drbt, and to joreolcas,
<br />anjona„ and aatiajy raid mort~aje tlu came ar it might or ooukl brae done ware thews preaenEa noE
<br />esaeutad, but at the coat and a,spanaa of aeoond part ,and does hereby covenant with raid pnrtg....... of
<br />the areowd part, ........] ts...success~tzs..........._.. and aadQne, Ehat there is atilt due and unpaid of the debt
<br />ateusrd by acid mortdag~ the aunt oj._ ..... .......... ....._.......__....... _......._.................Dollara,
<br />.............................
<br />atitk tntsrrat thsraon at .._............_......... per cant par annum jrom the . _..... _ .._ ............................._............
<br />ray oj ............._-..::::.._..._.._....._-..._..__ ..-...., 18........., and that it ha daod right to ael1, asai8n, and tranajer the
<br />ram.. .
<br />~~. ~A ~LfH1d01[p ~titOl. The said
<br />first party hat eauaed thaw
<br />praarnb to ba eabented in its corporate name by its.. Senior,,. Vice
<br />u . ~ President and itaAssiszaAt. Sec.re;arYand its corporate 8 to
<br />E" bs hsreunto afJtsdthb _.lS.t..... dayoj November Z
<br />_. .. - - --
<br />Iw Prrrana of ~ ._
<br />y......_.._
<br />Rolland E. Tulien
<br />jb__Senior .Vice _~ pnaidant
<br />~, r
<br />3 can M. BerEgren ;"
<br />fb. ASS.hs.Csll3.i;.._SecretarY. _...... ....._.
<br />~t~t Of li~tnnLDM~iIs _,. ;,.,mss r.~_i,a0 ~~ -' ' ~~ °L~_ ..
<br />Cossa~ ai.w.._.....lam.~irX.._..........__.........~..._._.... ~~ ~~~ ~;~; ~~~1' _ -__
<br />Re$, of Creeds
<br />Ow thtr.....___..lst....._.._...._._......,._.. _...._.day of...N9.X.t%..~.5....__ ............................._.............., 18..SZ...., bsjora ma, a
<br />. ~._..Nvtary.Publ.~c .._._,~„w.....,,~..__ .................._______.....tottAita and jot said CountN, Paraonally appeared
<br />._._......._.~.~.=~~.R~....~.a..`~.N.1~~A__ ....._._._.........._.aaui.......~anadzl...M..._.i~~r~~~:eA....._.... .._ ....................
<br />to nw y Iwsown. wlw, bdn.8 cools by me duly naern..-AaCh........... did ray that they an respeelie,ety
<br />flea,.....~~..,......_....Se:.Preaidant awd tha.._..F.~.s.LaAt....Secret~y....._....... of the corporation named in the
<br />jorv~oiwf instruasant, and that the lest afJlved to aaidtnatrament is the corporate atal of said eorporateon,
<br />sari that raid inetrnnsent aeoe si8ned and sealed in bshalj of raid corporation by authorjty of its Board
<br />oj-....._ ail'~~~.~~€._......._...._..._....._...., sad aald_Rtt.].hasd..E..._TulieA ...................._ _._... _..
<br />awd...........,I.~A;~,ti..21....~€1Cg,g,L~~,.,_......__... aoknaateddad said tnatrumant to ba the jrre set and dud of said
<br />aarprsliaw.
<br />TMti in81'RYMEl/T WAS CnAFTED B~[ rf ' ~(~,^o~tfy~~ f ~'/
<br />F{tai Narinnai nk nF i '~`~'•~•.."",•~s..°..... ..~~~:~•'•;..¢°...__._......__ __...._....
<br />.Ba Minnnapfl2is
<br />12t? South Sixth Streei~w'"'! ......_ .............. Cmcnty, .itinn.
<br />-- Xotary Puitlo_.....-~E3'.........__.......
<br />~Lits~eaP~s Hi_nngsota~~`a'b
<br />.I[ymmnsiswws enptroa .._.._ .........-._.._ ..............._..._..,..., 19.
<br />je..?CLR3Y,M•.OtP..xew•W~ltFit.Ttc~N"~~' JJ+T N'M1+1,
<br />~~. _, i bk
<br />