<br />;1 d ~T~-~ I~HTC.AGS-dWtlh't'~ Chew) ~ -- ~ j,~~ ~ ~ ~ -~~Iuffman and Fettnn & Wolt Walton. Ne, 68461
<br />flf' HALL. County and State of AIE~ASKA , ix consideration of she sxm of
<br />T~"EfSFY_Fit1E THGT35AAfp c, fdG,~IDc~ .. DOLLARS'
<br />in kand paid, da hereby SELL-and CONVEY unto ?iTZEL r"3LIibIDZ;~IG CQ.
<br />of MALL County 5tata of R.EBRASKA the fallowing described premises sitsrtetrd
<br />in MALL County, and State of ;VE3RASuA , to-wit:..
<br />TN£ ititJ??THE.RiY BZXTY_EiGF.7 ~cET (A:6lt) OF Lt7T 4At£r
<br />SLJG~ C?AIE HLA+DFED T~tE1~T?'Y-t1I*3E ~ 1~~ , 'J?iTC;H P4CiEiC
<br />?hiL:i:-'Y i..n.~~~i~~~ ci.v'~'i~ ~.~RTT T:V A~ Tv wQ ljaa~`w i~7in~'..~i
<br />~sALL CG~L':dTY, '3EBRA5KA.
<br />The ixisntiax being to coarrray hereby cn obsofufs tilts is fsa si~npte, including a!t the rights of hoxtsstead and datusr.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above dsstsibed, ttsth oll the appurtanaxcas tharsnnto belonging,
<br />entta tht said martgagea(r j and to his, her or their heirs and asrigxs forever, provided always, and thess presents era
<br />upon the espress condition that if the cord mortgagor(r}, his her or tkrir hairs, executors, administmtors or assigss
<br />sbeU pap or cause to bs paid to the said xeortgagser,'s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or asaigxs, thr
<br />P-rrr-p'al sun- of S 25~^Pi. pa+}wbts to folJoau. to adl; :`; U£fFAPb?
<br />z= ~ ',
<br />i i $
<br />ewill# ixtrrsst orcordisg to the tenor and effect of tke mortgagors written promissory rats btassng even dots with ttuse ? '
<br />pt'rJadtb' asst shaA pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said reot srtate, and all other taxes, levies and assassmextr j
<br />irvied tepeve this mortgage or ehs rata senyieh this mortgage is girxn to severs, before the saws bscoxus dstixguaet, and =
<br />keep tht beeitdieegs on said prsmiset ixsrrsd for the sum of ~ cS,~kC. toss, if any, payabts to the Bard ~
<br />~ ranasr, tb+FSS presents to br void, othermiss to be erui rcixaue ix ~ form. s;
<br />~~ IT tS FURTHER AGREED (r) Tbat if tkr said mortgagor shat! fait to pay sorb taws or procure such ix- ? .
<br />,tee~atr thr said ~r *Ma3' Pay verb teens aA@l,prorurr sorb ieesevoxte; aeut the sam so adexenssd, wide interest
<br />at prr cent; sbaEf br rr~id .tijr saidkgar, and this mortgage shall stand as sscwity far tht same. ~
<br />r*e) TAB tt ~ ta' pay axq of tam ~ ritbrr~prieesipa! ar ixterrst, wits for saesr breaesee dirs. or a fde7eers to I
<br />tsdsp teilbie asj Rf the f vr~a+ng' ~.aetu for adiatr ssm of mansy hrrsin sarsaed fo bacmnr dos and i
<br />at ont+a at t~ optiow of tks rerartgagrr.
<br />~~ .: ~~h ~ of fanuury i9 ,~ ,.~
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