<br />THiSTRUSTDEER,madetfiis 7th _dayof Jan. ,19 83 ,
<br />be and between:
<br />AfID 'HER. OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more; herein-
<br />aftercatied "Trustor'" whose marling address is 2420 WEST ROCx, ruanm rcT Hun ~ NE ggggl
<br />and
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />addrgggig PO BOX 42$, GRAND ISLAND, NE 6880 and
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing
<br />0 BOX 156b, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />WITAlESRFTH- That Tnin}nr i,, pnnyir„ie.Etinn of Anc Qnlinr (it MT a_nri nfher yait~ahla ppn~ivf0r9tlnn rurntrnf
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the
<br />failowing described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />Ttte inten#lon being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simn!e, including ad the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, toge#her with all buitdings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the
<br />foregoing, togs#her with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FQR THE PURPUSE OF SECURING performance of each a reement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of ck~r~~u~~n~~~n~N~~ii~S~(~ 5, 274.63*** },
<br />as evidencedtay a promissory note beartng even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms ofthis Trust Deed; troth principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />tca termsset forth in sa#d promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other p#ace as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shad tae due and payable on the 7th day of Jan. ,199 T ,
<br />Trustarand Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />of THM~T ar~rtt a iawtutry attuit pr tM Proiterty; a nos goad rignt arm
<br />Y COny81''tMPOpatty:tM VnparFy fs flap andeWr4}all
<br />AHta aim-Htaainexaneea exCtpt liens rtow d reegU; aM TYU9tdt viii wartant end
<br />3aTan1 ilia IiIN id TM WoptttY ui#a tM Trwiae Md tti gatSMape aM aaAQns
<br />irNa+sr, ayaltut tM ldaima 4f ail ptraona. Tnmldn it lip aAtitttaa, w!d mamtaHt and
<br />prMHYe tM wrtM mY Trtmt Uaetl as a Mien utton tM Trust PropMY subjad Ooh t0
<br />+nwamntieap esiq[np as of tM den itaraot, wut uue: tNa TnrBi Utad. atw sago
<br />aintambtant-oi aupDiHtierlt ihttttpo. ro oa Need aM raeordad sb a mortp~a ca tM
<br />TrwaPtoogRFY M autli rtvrmtr earl to atit'arpla(a, era waf taw m,pn Otharaetbn as
<br />H eta opinion W Truatta inip W teMired by arw praaMt « htturo iWa frt Order to
<br />intfad4littinYaR ittid 1itoNOt TM ItM d FiHa Trust Oetd. as tM suite--stay D8 from
<br />tiny b Ndte adwttdsd a auppMtnaitted.
<br />2 F4MRaaEp(:PiMidpM+pd9HarpaL.TrOatdr snatl DUtwtuairy pay tM prinetyW Of.
<br />sad ieLnat ryr,.µq Orpmks>atY'rtate inCWdthp any adwrtaea tiprtio as tirOVideif
<br />rfalata raF 7M d{tia aM aT Otte Dtace antl {e tat rnanrKr SroWDeti fnerMn Hid will
<br />f>~patTwmaii at3rtw+tam, ootidttbna acrd puoYiatonaei any sitter sa¢urity
<br />aunNifmaM Qieenitt Odr1(taPiten wdntiae ttartaaetfHt
<br />~.-aMYMtialrRp et ~la1TY• Tn/atm wet trot eammif arty waste
<br />uppa tiA+ Hld 1Hb{. Y at3 amaa. m4wtNSi+ tM same M good ordat end
<br />Oelfd{ffOrt aatd'eda itltiga' itivet tone ro tUaf: as 8epetra, rHtawaia, MQ4KHPaPta,
<br />atpnieaa aFaT: !taproeaelenta rRiINt tae rpsednNMy repiartd to prevent warts.
<br />Mapt~RlM, Q tltW1iloisdm ># aaW 8tegterYy- Pkr 6uudieC >r irnptewMAgrw stow p
<br />t!ata~}Ily-artaTtQ-tNfa3 ktva.pttYQMEY lhaa W Hllred. ieTiWrW M dWnaltaited
<br />aBWaaLgletK+sr wtMTiROOaleei d BIMttWlty.
<br />~ ~.M rs~•. {8 asaa ~ Hry dataaGa 141. O+dawtYtiGiion t#, dM lWi8FIP4a
<br />`MMII#aMarpaC818yipoparq ZwnalaWatq Pgrt N fns Trtpt PraPeTFY. wftetiter
<br />asap-ttga b OpgHa/ hY'etaprattca ar OtMrtebB. TitYHm, at Ha atHS coat and
<br />aa~allalK alit -i'glpili, !aRan, npalt a A tepudd tM same ti naHlY as
<br />;~NI4lY9W~sYUaCCaelldau rmmaWr~y Pgertoauett danfrya ar dtatreoltott a WM
<br />>ati~s~o.,a ~ ~ ~ Trittitir emaY dasitt apprc4xiatf D+osMad aucn
<br />- t8aeen <ha YaaM and Ynpty at aucn
<br />tgWiNrw,~ ttglltiliaA4rtM HYa pNftat7iPY' iqm~ tMt e%itlfng trt8ttttliatap iMlPr to
<br />g11iB dalgglra aY 11tle. Tftlal6( itfM {M te(dW! !a wed Nrn+ irN
<br />rtalw.aaTQplRM14NM.7i1-gl.e~taRgtp9paae4 epoHepptrf TrUgtga, LUt patY to
<br />SNrtaMalN'Maat~uai aamaatAaadtdundat ptY amlHen,
<br />• LV41HwA1i:tipgE. ~ TetpMr_k a eerAayatitin, :r wva dP as tntnya twawasa.r :a
<br />~ ayAtei~n{a ffisd &+ri#~tlaw HriMFAwa MYMihkitt~
<br />6 eelitpatMa Tlretay~ ar hs eafiyrnpa: we. !tiun-a-~ . to tneezRra eppeaved by
<br />Mtwrsapk wvPn 'laeer+ sa Mlt +mPgYe+v,plw end pt,yx„V Diade'SY.
<br />lrta t46FMr VM tf¢' Pia. F9a(r'1e6. tSa4Yde. apd crlrw cede
<br />>o'+wa.i s!Y MrasvO tz:enalsd„a a+va, r e",..~a ..,:,a, r„ ..
<br />MFN`t vd+'•rsla,r *aezs0 Hl+~r~xh arrc .r:H e,
<br />sea .-0al.: Y1n ./ ku^.+~ar a-.` one E .... . q,'. ~
<br />1~4!arm," " W -+L Hit}ye,.. -
<br />fiY!R 65*r t8 t>Ae rM..ew *.5 n -+lfiklvaYB- pt ti!8 a.: Lwacr J ~"-
<br />reepacitve partbq. All inauranoe pollcwb maintetne0 pu[suant to ihie That Oeetl
<br />soak nartro TNatee antl BeneticNry ea ineilretlq, d6 inelr rebpecilvB lniHegtB may
<br />BDPeH, and provide itut inera ansli De nP cMCeltatton or mpdfllcation without
<br />iiflaen tlgs Door wiafen POllfication to Truat¢e 8ntl Berreticiary. In iM BrMI any
<br />polE¢y Mreunder is no! renewed on or MTOre Rkeen days prior 10 its ¢%pit811on
<br />date, T(uatee ar Btneliclary may procur¢ aVCh Ineunnp end tM coat tneropt aMil
<br />Oa added to tM !Pert aeourad ity thin Trust Obad end argil hear inlerert At the
<br />preatH of iM interest nit speefflM the gin or iM Itigneat Inieroat rate autliorfiad
<br />in<th~ law of iMState of Nenrtaka TrugtOr aMH deavH EO 88ne/toiary tM ddgmal
<br />DtliiLtas of inaVranee and renewals tneraor or memo topisa of aucn paliGes and
<br />rgnpyrafg inerpf. Fsauro to iumiah {nar}rAnfA %' Trustor, or r8newib as regtthetl
<br />MrsuMH ; fM option of BeMnPhrY, Oonaniute a defauh. All uneetrtetl
<br />premiums are ltereDY easiynM to Truatea aq eddilipnel security eM a Hale an0
<br />LonveypnGp or tM FrORertY nY tM TrUgteO EMI! operate to con reY t0 TM purOM8H
<br />fM TrUStOr'S interest In and to ail pm}pips ci InBUranca upon tM TeUat Property.
<br />7, Tasty axd AtaNtattnb. Trustor glwa pay all lazes antl special aapesamenta
<br />+eveia a assessed apHnai or dVe uiMn tM Property t»fwe delinquency, and wUl
<br />y..~_.._ ..__ ..,iu, evp3es vi taceipta siowinp PayrTVni O`e such iexsn and
<br />species 8geeagmenib, If BenefFP}ary aMif sa requebt. Tru8lor Sprees lost mars Soso
<br />M adde0 ip seen pgrtpdio DAYment repuired to ix made nsreuEtder an 0rrtount
<br />eatanatad by Trua[¢a td iR.sufiteknt to ntwnie Trustor to pay, at tease 30 days
<br />ndtOfe deffnquartOy, at7 iaHd. a9HeeamMSa Or pfnet DPnlIC cnariJea Adainsl ins
<br />Treat PrOpepy: tM pore secuad nM ;hie T:Udt Used, to upon ace0unl of the dent n
<br />fns hM of lots T/Uat Geed, tOrJetPer whit premWmE fdr InSUranSe reQUHad to ne
<br />prmided ends/ tnb Trust teed and n0 tniNeat atoll ns pay8nte to Tntsttx in
<br />respell tnormi. yppn demaml try Trustee, Trustor Hose detivH Fo Ttuatae aucn
<br />adiflttOrlH sums Ot nroM1y a3 are M<BaUfy m mdka uD AnY dafbt@ney 1n IM
<br />amvtMa.naGeisiry to enable Tru82ReW D+Y ar+y of tM tortpoing aama-
<br />8. Ad~IWnat LMIp. TNb7H Htnfl make ail payntenta of Int8teal and PNnctpei and
<br />pAytrtHrtfa Vr ateY WMc lMrpea, fees antl eApeitaaa lpnlralled M tM paid to any
<br />eaiMnq liM hoWert or prior pamiilurtn u/uler atW prior 7ruai Used, Aloriyaat or
<br />OttMr aaaterity.aprwmant: tf8f0+6 (M tRfs tMY era tlalinquent H+d M pay MY ptner
<br />ciatpt talACn itbpartltzaa tM selurltY tNatdW M+Hn.
<br />p. PvaTatilYan of /aaalkWy'a 9attretTP. Ahoule iruaror tau td make any WymHit.
<br />tea to dairy adt.aa hsrgn tirwidad, or it my adtam of Pra wtitnp tY tommertwd
<br />`anfen!naTaneaY Rifaota ~anHtetlzy'a integal m 4M PreOHiy. GV:iudin{p Dul nor
<br />smites ea amuwaw aO+eaBt. #MOnwney, arrartgeftNntt o+ prOpaadinge nyMyina t
<br />r'ananiPt tt de0edartt, tMtt 88MfiGSaty 4r Trustee twE wltMPUt oiNftyatldn la do w.
<br />slid. wlutoat PDtiPa ti8 W dEnrtHld uROn TruHer, amt Witnykn releaatn4 TruBlor npm
<br />PM Pntttttthwt ippraUtwMr, may maw m do t1M ata», lend may Pay- parnatu.
<br />4orNaat a+:canPr+xntaeary am:umwanca, cna/Ae m ken. wntch En me iud$anwnt of
<br />t¢`itltr eDflzare io •%nNd agiW MOppt,; In eaHM[inQ +nY buDn pUMra V+p
<br />ivtatrte~.~y w- rraa.a-~».~,_..,,~
<br />~ch6.~^4 .`. '+~.*eMna4fs :Tf €easonatwr atiomera 1ad2. +rnxP i ~e plr enfrK,st;
<br />.c<Yn~- :',may ifie ng(-aagary, t,Y Hn avAn! tna/ irUte% 4naa tall iC $>x"~ rR
<br />,.. ,, ieaY, antl za+ele, 8aesaewwes *d' to a*atai eny 4Jeywi+ertta iv
<br />i!x-FH,. :~ ~+ L,.. S% `Mn iV9agra ass ftaanY}r„:Arraa_ tw-e tlarayi K-serv mAY DKrtSr+'a sec's
<br />Wa~a++le W^*1 ~~ tv+ih 1mYtwa~*4p. A}: Ham xiw-~3ea1 EnW 4tR+wth:lafy
<br />:v er<,atea<r .a.. arm+va wile isa ore~me-+es~.a a .*-~al arad era aa::ar%a nrr.nv
<br />