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<br />DEI3TOItWAR12ANTSANDCDVENANTS:(1)ThatexceptforthesecuricyinterestgrantedherebyRebtoria,ortothe
<br />e=tent that C,bltateMal is acqulred~after the data herea#; will be, the owner of the Collateral free from any-adverse lien,
<br />aectirity intareator encumbrance; and that Debtor will defend the CuHaterai against all claims and demands of all persons at
<br />any timeclaiming the same arany interest therein. {l) That no financing statement covering the Col{sterol ors»y proceeds
<br />-- -thereof-ia:on fiieittany_public office and thaE at the request of Secured Party, Debtor will join with Secured Party in
<br />_ executing-one or mare flnancing:atatementa pursuant to the Nebraska Uniform-CommerciaF Code inform satisfactory to
<br />$acured -Party and will pay.the cost offiling xuch financing statement, this security agreement and any continuation or
<br />tetmittation-statement, in alt.public offices wherever £xling is deemed by Secured Party to be necessary or desirable; and if
<br />.She`Catlater8,l-3s'~aitaehed` t4 real ea#ate-psior to the perfection of the security interest granted hereby ar if the Collateral
<br />itn}tYdes crags dr oiY, gas ortitinerals tit be extracted or timber to be cut, Debtor will"on demand of Secured Party; tttraieh -
<br />t3ecareti lyarty-with a disclsiinerarzliticlaimers or aabardination agreementsigned byell persons hai+ing an iaterestinthe
<br />r~estale`,di'setaimtngarsubordineti»ganyintereatintheColtateralwhichisprioi<tatheinterest.bfSeaured'Fsrty:(31Not
<br />-to~sel[, tranaferrordlepose of thet',ollateral, nor take the same.or attempt to take the same fromthe~county where keptas:~
<br />- - above stated, withattt the; prior written consent ofthe Secured Party. t4) To-pay ai} taxes and aseexsmenta~of every nature -
<br />.which tngy; be levied:araseeseed,againat the Collatcrttt. (5) Not to permit ur allow any adverse lien, security interest or
<br />eacumbrance. whstsaever upon the- Collateral, and eat #+1 permit the same to be attached oe replevined. Cg)That the
<br />--CollateralieingoodaionditionandthatDebtorwiilathiserrherownexpense,karepthesameitigoodconditionandfromtime -
<br />+~ ~t„ie nr.k+...ttt.- .,...i>arn~>,nd ra+»air ail such Darts of the Collateral as may be broken, warn out or damaged without
<br />allowing aay lien to be created upon the ('oltateral on account of such replacement or repairs, and that the Secured Party
<br />[nay examine and inspect the Collateral at any time, wherever located. i7) That Debtor will at his or her own expense keep
<br />the collateral insured in a t,•mnpany satisfactory to Secured Yarty against loss, as appropriate. by theft. collision, fire and
<br />extended coverage, with loss payable to Secured Yarty us its interest may appear, and will an demand deliver said policies of
<br />insurance or furnish proof of such insurance to Secured Party. t81 A t ice option Secured Party may procure such insurance,
<br />d#acherge taxe~,liene or security interests or other encumhrancesat any time levied or placed on the Collateral and may pay
<br />for-the repair of aay damage or injury to or fur the-preserr-ation ttnd maintenance of the Collateral. Debtor agrees to
<br />- reimburse Secured Party oa, demand for any pt}yment or expense incurred by Secured Party pursuant to the foregoing
<br />authorization~IJntil stteh reimbursement, the amount of any sua:h payment, with interest at the rate of l6'S,perannum from
<br />date of payment until reimbursement, shall be added to the indebtedness owed by Debtor and shall be secured by this
<br />agreement-(~) That Debtor wilt eat use the Collateral in violation of any applicable statute, regulation or ordinance and if
<br />any of the Collateral is orator vehicles the same will nut be rented, used in rental service nor in any xpeed or endurance
<br />contest.
<br />UNTIL DEFAUt.T DebWr may have possession of the ('ottutern! tied use it in any law•fu I manner not inconsistent with
<br />this agreement and not ineonsiste»t with say policy of insurana•r thereon, ~tnd upon default Secured Party shall have the
<br />immediate right to the poasessian of the Collateral.
<br />DEBTOR SHALL SE 1N D1~IFA C`i_'I' under this agreement urn the happening of any of [be following events or
<br />conditions: (I) default in the pay meat or performance of a ny obl igat ion, arvr. n» nt or ! i ability can[ained nr referredto herein
<br />or in any note evidencing the same; ('L) any warranty, representation or flannel»I statement made ur furnished Lo Secured
<br />Party by or on behalf of Debtor is discovered to have been false in any material rexpret when made or furniaheil; (3) any
<br />event which results in the neceleration of the maturity of the indebtedness of Debtor to others u?tder any indenture,
<br />agreement or undertaking; 14i ions. theft, damage, destruction sole .,r enet:mbrance [u or of any of the Collateral, or the
<br />making of any levy, seizure or attachment, therauf ur thereon: {7M death, dissolution, termination of existence, insolvency,
<br />busine~x failure, agpointment of a receiver of any hart of th<^ prupe rty uf, assiitnment fztr the benefit afcredit~rs-by, or Che
<br />cammencementofanyproc.edingnndrranyb~nkruptcyorinsotvency Itrwsbyoragainst 1)ebioruranyguarantororsurety
<br />for Uebtor<
<br />UPON SUCH DI:FAUI;f and a[ any time thereafter, ur if it deems itself' insecure, tiecured Pz+rty may declare alt
<br />Obligationx secured hereby immediately due and payable and shall hav+• the remedies uCu secured party under the Nebraska
<br />Uniform Commercial Code. Secured Party may require Debtor to assemble Lha• ('ollata•ral and deliver or make it available to
<br />Secured Party at n place to be designated by Seto red Party whit-h ia~ reuKOnably r<rnvamient to both parties. Unlexs tlfE
<br />(:ollaterxl is perishable or threatens to decline speedily in culue ur is of• a t} pe t~ustumurily .old r.rn a recognized market,
<br />Secured Party wilt give l~btor reuxanuble notice of the time sad place of any public sate thereof or of the time after which
<br />any private sale or nay otha•r insended disp<>s:ition thereof is to !m made.'Che raKtuiremenes of rcas<rnahle eat ice shall he met
<br />if such notice is mailed, portage prepaid, tuthc »ddress of Debtor shuavn ut the beKinntng of this agreement at lens[ five days
<br />before the time of the sale or diapasitiun.
<br />No waiver by Seavred Party of any c1a<fuult shuts upertttr u. u w~uive r ai r.ny other da•Cault ur uC the same. default on a
<br />future accasian. The taking of this ses~urity uKreement shut! not waive „r imp;tir any other security said :11Y'U red Party may
<br />have or hereafter acquire fur the payment of the above indebte+iness, nor shall the taking of any such additional security
<br />waive or impair this xea:urity agrrrma: nt; but said Secured Party may resort to stay security it m»y have in the order it may
<br />deem proper, and notwithstanding »ny collateral security, Secured Parts shall rete+in its rights of seboCf »gaiast Debtor.
<br />All rights of a~'ecuraral Party hereunder shall inure to the benefit of its successors and usxigns; and zt11 promises and
<br />dotter of Debtor shall [rind his ur her hairs, personal r•c present»tive^s ur h is, her ar its successors or assigns. 1 f t here be more
<br />than one Dohtor, their liabilitira hereunder shall be joint and several.
<br />This agreement shall become effective when it is signcni by Dc bloc.
<br />ADDENC)L'+M
<br />The undersigned, hereinafter "OwneN Debtor",owns or has an interest in the eoilateral described on the reverie side
<br />of this agreement, but is not a party to the obligation secured by this agreement. 13y executing {his agreement.
<br />OwnerlDebtar undertakes nu obligation for repayment of such obligation, but waives all right, title »nd interest in and to
<br />taait# milateral to prrrvide security for prrfarmanee art the obligation. Ail provisions of thin agreement apply to
<br />Owner/I~btor and the term "Debtor" as used in this agreement and any accumpanyinq financing statement refers
<br />enllectively to Debtor, Owner/Debtor or lwth as the context may require. -1
<br />Dale Owner/ I )ebtor
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