<br />~_..~~~~~c~,~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INflENTURE, trade thin ._--- 7th,_-------___day of._Jafiuary____--- --.-__-- 19_$3., by and between
<br />DENNIS R. TJADEN AND JUDY TJADEN, Husband and W9fe
<br />aF Ha I ~ Cotmty, Nebraska, as mortgagor S _, and Home Fedarat Savings and Loan Association of Grand ts}and, a corporation
<br />orgsated. std txfsting under the laws of the United States of Ameritx with its principal offim and plan of btuiatss at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mor[gagx; -
<br />wFFNESS£TH: That said mortgagor._~_.torandinconstdcrationottlusumo£. THREE THOUSAND ON~HUNDRED
<br />SEVENTEEN DOLLARS AND ~4/lOD ------------------------- Uollarsts 'x,]17 ~/t ),
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknawtedged, do ________- by these presents mortgage and warrant tmto said tvortgagee, its sttcctssors and assigns,
<br />tortva, a)3 the fotfawivg dcs;~.ritxd reef estate, suustm m the fcumy o€ ___..-ti3~~-------- -
<br />ard State nC Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />ToKather wuh a!1 heating, art ctmditeonmK. ItKhtmK• and pMmt:mg eijutpmrnt std €c rtures, :nctudmK ~a•reens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />dttora, and window ehsdea or Minds, used on ar en cannacttun wuh Sad pmprtt }~. wtre2 her the same are raw located on scud pnrperty nr henmf[er
<br />pieced thereon.
<br />Tf7 }{A4`E AND'fYY Hg1.D THE SAME, taipa, [ir+K wrth nlI and a+nKUtar thr tenemtm4, hetrabtamenty and appurtenanr~ thenvnto trr-
<br />iongtng, ar !n avvwtaa appnrGamtng, iarever, arni warrant tl:r retie tv thr .amr dad marKeKar S irerwby covenant wuh vrtd
<br />that - - t ha,X 3£"~ at Z+[r drfiverv hermf. the lawful owner S of the pretnrsas xtmvr canceyrd and descrihed.
<br />ard_T_t11.'P _. ~saed n£ a Kood and ttdefeae[bfe estatr of enhrrrtartar thrretn, free and cker nE art encumhrancrs, and that ~. ht~t...- wdl
<br />tvavratst amf defend Gtre title [hereto forever aKtmat tfrr rlaunG anal drmatxis of art perwns whamsaever
<br />PROVt!]1iD ALWAYS, and tlrzs inatrutmnt is rztrutrd std dr3rvrnK£ to .scrum t fte pav~mrnt of the sum of THREE THOUSAND, -.._.
<br />__~'iEHUNDRED_SEYFI+ITEE4i--DfILLARS AND.i9J1S10 flaua~t;s 3,11734--- --------------t.
<br />whit ir[LeeaC thttteon, WZI#ether w[th such charltaa and advances as may be due and pnvanie to satd me nKaKee under the trrms and toad ttians
<br />of ihC proasisaoty tttNa of even data herewith end securrei ttetzby. ezecutad by swd vnrrtKaKnr §._ to sa[d mortKaKre, payable as ezpressad
<br />in acid ta[te. aid Lo encore the ryxiormanzr of all eha terrna end condtttona rontarnerf thvmm. The terns of sad note are herctry ua:.orpnrn[ed
<br />heretic by Lhi6 refelenee_
<br />it ti the iatantian and agreement of the partiaa hereto that tMs ntortKaKe sha{1 also vecure any future advant~es msde to sad mortKaKau S ..
<br />4y aafd vaa•LgaiGea, std say a[d all vtdeiriatlnma m arWrxam to the avrouvc aMrve stataa whu•t.:wtd mnngagore. ur env ni tMrm, may nwr to
<br />said tvortgrgue, however rvdantal, whither by rate. Mwk account ur ntheewisr- 2'hts trwrtgage shaft remain m lull Torre and effect between
<br />the lrsrtiea herew rrd chair brace, paraowl tcpreaevtat[ves. sutrrswrrs and ass+Krts. until elf amounts secured herounder, including future
<br />advances, are paid is ft[il with mttsaet.
<br />The trtortBeA,u._~.. hereby asstga _ -__. to sad raonKagee d! rents and incurne easing at any and all timtx front said prolx+r[y and
<br />hereby authorise raid na*ipgea ur iu agent, at tta option. upon delault, to take charge of said pntptr[y aril cnUeet all rents and income
<br />thenettaa and apply the same 6o the paytnatt ai inieraett. pnnripal, msurancr prcmrums, tares, assessments, repairs nr tmprovement+
<br />veasaaaa'ptaiia~aaid psnpart~ a tenrmta~ eonditivn, m to Daher chargt*a or pagtrwvta pravithd €tx-herein sx to the ante harrlry securarl. 'Fhia
<br />rem. t ahdf cantiutae m Ioeee unto the utgtad tuiauce o{sad note +s fuS}y paid. T'he taking ui fwsarssion hrmandcr shaii in no mannrr
<br />paeveai.or retied acid aroetgagae m the twilert£aur nt sartt ttume by tamloaure or othenvtse-
<br />- - Tl~ [aihne of the-atartga@ea tar astaxt anp of its rights herattntler et any time shall oat 6e cansttvcd as a wafvar• of its rigf[t to assert the
<br />setae at anp httai time, and to i[ssa[ opus and abtotce stnct. errmpiiertee with all the terms and provisions of sad note ntxl at tfus nartKaKr.
<br />it sad taeatpgor ahaUtattae-to 6e paid tb said tnattptgee the antrta atGavnt due. it hercvmder. aril under the terms and provision,
<br />of eaid nice i~7 aapued. irtcia~ future advttrxxa. std any az~tamna ar raraewa£a thereof in accuraance wuh the Berms and pnrvixans
<br />tharzrel, wd aN atYdmaEE~nrS..__,. ahaU tvrnp{y with elf tht prtrvialnna tit said nttee aril of {Ma tnaKKagr. than Ihta+a taesents chaff hx void:
<br />saharsiaata rt[sltetpt l9$>!Orce sad atfarl. fwd said nartgagre shall he eMitiad to Ghe pot+atecsian of alt of sad prertretty, anal may. at its nptan.
<br />dtstlturr fha vlfteM ati ta3d-orate acid a4 ibdahYrL[aaa repreena[ed thereby to t+e immedatefy due aril {iayabla, aril rosy forackwa thta mnriKaKa
<br />of rata au# Debar M[s/ ac~~ na pratarti ifi ri~tt. Apprstaema[x waived-
<br />T~Ia ahait be hiadrrK upap eM ahaif amrtr ta the Lwnetit bt the !tetira, a•.zeiw War, admmtstnuoro..uc~tvamrre atvl ltsatftt*~ o£ thr
<br />nwpr+kive'piatM~ hereto
<br />f1Yf W lVfFi=,~EllY~.~+~ AlrxtgagntS, . ha herr[tcto eat ~~t@lt", hamlg flrr day aril year lint nfntvr~
<br />-s'[YiWM= f,f i
<br />Nt1I ~ J13D TJA~EN
<br />___ ,_T.. _ __ __
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