<br />T
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />06137295
<br />THIS iC3()BTGAGE. made and executed this i3th day of .Tanttarp ,A.D.
<br />19-$~ ,bYandtsctt4rcn Steven 0. Crnmrine and Laurie A. Ctvtttrine, husband and wife
<br />of the Cpuaty of Ha11 ,and State pf Nebraska, party of the first pazt, hereinafter called
<br />the fvtprtgagpr, arx#
<br />a curporstipn organized and existing under the taws of Nebraska
<br />{iartp of the se+.rond Bart, herrinafirr caned the Mortgagee.
<br />WSTNESSI;"I'H: That tRc said Mortgagor, for and in consideration pf the sum of FORTY TBREE TfRIUSAUID
<br />and Ot}/it>0- t>crttars{$ 43+0~•~ },paidbytheMort-
<br />gagee, the receipt pf whicR is hereby act;nawledgrd, has Granted and Sold and by thew presents dues Gr;tnt, Bar-
<br />gain, Silt. Cpnvey and Z:anfitm ristpt the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever. the fotiowingrfescribed
<br />rea! e3taEe, RlrttalCtt m the LpnniV p[ •`°""- , ~~ :d viate
<br />of Nebraska. to wit: 120 Beachwood Drive, Crand Iaiand, Nebraska 6&801
<br />Lot Fifig (50), Potash Su'trttivision, Ball Countp, Nebraska.
<br />C
<br />TtJ HA4`E .3ND `TY~ Ht7LD the prernt,es ;tbove desenhed. unh aL the appurtrttances thereunto belonging and including
<br />aff heating, pt•a:nbang and fighting tixnur± and equipment nc*w .,r Rereaftrr attacRed to or used in rnnnrction with said rest estatt
<br />unto the Mortgagee. and to its urce>ors and :,ssigtt;, forever. fhr Mortgagor represents ta, and covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />gor, that iRr Mungagpr ha+ gtxrd right to sett and camvr>• Said premrsrs; that thcp are free from encumbrance; and thst the
<br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the tawfufi ctaims of all pcrsoas wRomspever; sent the said Mortgagor hcre-
<br />hy refirtqui~Res aft ripRts of hptnestead. and aH rnartnd rirFhts. erchrr in taw or m rc}utty. and atl other contittgrnt insrresfs of the
<br />Ltortgagtx m and to the aRpve-drseritzed premises, the intrntipn hetrtg to convey Rrrrby an ahsptute title, in fee simple, includ-
<br />ing atl tights of Rpmcstrad, and uttrer nghts and interests :ts atpresaid.
<br />Pltt)VIDED Ai.Y4'AYS, sad these per>ants ate executed and detiverrd upon the tottowingcatnlitions, in wit:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to psy to the Mortgagee-ter order. the principal cum of FORTY TRREE TBOUSAND
<br />and OO/100 tArttarst5 43,000.00 l•
<br />with interest Crum date at ttte fate ot~LyE and_ QO/100 per crntum ( 12,000 `~) per annum on
<br />the unpaid tatlsaa:e tsnlif pact. The sau! pnrtctpat and mtrrest stmli be payable at the office pf
<br />Cottrrartia3 Paderal Savings 6 Loan Association
<br />in O~abi. hlRbraa]~a , ur at such ether place as the holder of
<br />tfx note tttay desigaate rn wntetg, to mpntRly iastatiments of FOUR BIfNDRBD FORTY 2110 and 47 / 100
<br />tkrNan 11 4$2. $7 ?, irommencittg an tRr first day of
<br />~ , t4 83 and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />ttvrst are ftdly ezt:cpt that the fittest pa7yrnenr of principal and interest. if nut spotter paid, shall tx due and
<br />payaRk on the fast day pf ~~r~ir=s8is4 Mortgagor _ 2413 : aft acc:prding to the terms of a certain prpmis-
<br />stvY etoeG of rtes date tttrewitR rxecut v t
<br />llic tlanttrgarira prdzr mane tttlfy to protect tRe security pf lltis Mortgage, agrees:
<br />f. TSia he witf. pap tRc ra~Irtetfaea>. as hereintretttre provided. Privilege is reserved tp pay the debt in whole, or is an
<br />atapaet e~tfal. w uae:ur mute matnthty paytnents oa the txinctipal that are rrrxt due on the Harr. sort Ax first day of any month
<br />pram to mattxtitp: Fturirfed, hwtsvrt. That ssritten notice pt an intentitm to ezrrcise stash privikee is given at least thirty f3(t)
<br />days pritN ht firet?rs'rt..
<br />i, ITtrt, ttt~tRsr wit9, sad in addition to, tRe tttonttsly paymtnts of prittcipat and intcrcnt payable uetdcr the toms of the
<br />rmta mad itrttcttr. the lAortt~gtu wiR pxy to the l~tgagcc, cM rite fiat dap of cxch month aatit the sail! tutac is tu1tY paid. the
<br />f~iagat~s;
<br />ts} Matxart atftat taY pruvtda Utc ttddat hereof with funds tar pry the neatt tnorttiq¢c tnwrance ptrtnium tf Utis
<br />taatttttncat tRa testa aeotrted Y tno ittnnrd, pt r nttutthty s#trrgt {ut ttru of a mcmr irrntr~rcr fNa`
<br />c# tf tl^e>•y rte hid by t~ Srx~ietary crf Nuuring and ~t4ran t3errlppmrnt, as t2rtbws_
<br />:; i «Lr ttt~ ':`~ ,,....,.t of ra~aA. d;~rr Re,d t6wc - rats .v um~rwrt ..nirr ahw n..,•.
<br />n~q, .:..o.. °..~"tr:- .,~ .~ «r t't3rt~nt _~ _ - ..-. _ ..,._
<br />wit of- ttxs ~ i~ Act, am rttaumt rutfirrcnt to rcrtmtnlata itt tttr Rants of the itutdcr cute
<br />~ €ttat-2t+t~t,hn+r~ cs asieer.~it szattrtw s err„w+s+rn ~T:1'ER pf' N$$RABKA
<br />rtxtU9:tts:Nrt tD•~15tt
<br />
<br />
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