<br />This form is used in eonne~-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />Tl'tFSMt)RTGAGL,tnadeandexecutedthis }th day of January AD
<br />t9 83 ,buandbetween Bradleg J. Czaplewski and Susan K. Czaplewski, tatsband and. wife,
<br />isf the County of -Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part; hereinafter called
<br />ihe#idrtgagitr,-and Superior Mortgage, Inc. ,
<br />a corporatinn organized and existingunderahe laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part: hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />WTl'NESSFTH: That the said Mortgagor. for and inconsideration of the sum of Thirty Six Thousand Nine Hundred
<br />F9;f and No~T the -- -- --- -- -- Dollars ($ 36, 950.00 ), Paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee: t receipt o w c is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sofd and by these presents does Grant: Bar-
<br />gain, Sell; Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the fnlbwing-described
<br />reatestate: situated in the County of Ha11 ,and State
<br />of gthraslta; to wit:
<br />I.oi Three (3}, Goodwin Subdivision, an addition to the
<br />city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridean, containing m nil
<br />mentsurvev;
<br />acres according Io Covern-
<br />T(1 HA4'E AND TO Ht)LD the premises above described, with ;dl the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />aft heating, plumfsing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors attd signs, foreczr_ The Mortgagor represents to. and covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />gee. that the'.fortgagor has good right to sell and convey .aid premises; that they are free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />Stortgagor well warrantand defend the same against the }awful claims of ail persons whomsoever; and [fie said Mortgagor here-
<br />by relinquishes off rights of homestead. and all mania! rights, either in law of in equity, and all other contingent interests of the
<br />bfongagor in and to the above-described nremises, the Intention heina to canvty hereby an absolute tit{e, in fea simple, includ-
<br />ing all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />PRC)VIDEf) Af.WAI'S. and these presents are txtcuted and detivertd upon the following conditions, to wit:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to psy to the Mnrtgagec, ar order, the principal sum of Thirty Six Thousand Nine Hundred
<br />Fifty and No/100ths------ _r___ fAiUarstS 36,450.00 !•
<br />with interest from-daft at tht rate of Thirteen and thte-Half per crntum { 13'1 30) pet annum on
<br />the anpaid lntlaner until paid- The said principal and interest shaft be payabk at the office of Super for Portgage, Inc .
<br />in Grand Island, NE , or:tt such other place as the holder of
<br />the notettmydesif~leinwritiog,iamonthfyinstatftnenaofFour lfundred Twenty Three and 23/100ths-----
<br />_ t)otiars {$ k 2 23 1, cotnmenraag on the frrst day of
<br />March , t4 83 , and3on the fast day of each month thereafter unrit the principal and in-
<br />terest are fufiy paid, txct~t that the final paytnent of principal and interest, if trot seroner paid, shall be. due and
<br />~~'~' ""' ~ ~' d-°Y of e bri*_n ry 2013 : a1E aeCCrrdrr& io tfte terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory nnte of even date ~rcwith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />Tfte ~ in order itxue fully to protect the security of this Martgage< agrees:
<br />f: Ttad,he will pay the irtdebtedtus^s, as htreinbcfore provided, Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, ur in an
<br />atnottst cqutt! to vtte ur mots rnonthly payments on the Principal tlmt aro nett due on the Hate, on the. fits[ day of anY month
<br />p€ior ro tttaittrity: Ptttrrded. hoverer, That written notice of an intcntiott to exercise surlt privilege is-given at least thirtp ('ip)
<br />daps Dior m prctmYmdtt-
<br />1 'ifrn: &er with. artd in ttdditiaa tu, the moo p pal and interest payabk utttkr the terms of the
<br />~Y PaYatents of rfnci
<br />a+ ~€eby: the Amour wilt Pag to the MbrtRa~fee. on tfte first day of each month antif the saiif note is tatlY paid, ttte
<br />fr~ytt,mas:
<br />(aj Amtatdtt-tatfticgimt t>}:provide the haidea hereof with fundx to pay ttm next ntortyagc insurance ptetnium if that
<br />Nt~tutnemt and ttm. tratr secvtad hataby am inwt~ed, of a mtmthty charEt: ff~ tiro a}°8 ~ itwrrwtre prsw
<br />akwral if thtty arc hekf hY t)m Sectrtnty of ftottung and thbtn #)ecsrf~rrnettt, as &>}lowa:
<br />fft ~ ~ 3~lt:~ tttde of ttvttn:data attd tftie irutruraent me Insured tx nee rcittauterf nrnier tha ptcr
<br />vta.TS cn Crtt: f'tatia~,i`AA net, nn atrwtntt stnitcient to accurnutatn u: tht ttans/a of the f:oitfer trot
<br />ttawrnrr tr~wslt~,t ran, a. a.w , a «,a +'f ATg fl>~ NCt3RA3llCa1
<br />teutt eatastr ~-tgt
<br />