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<br />f 33--ASSiGNi4iF.NT QF RENT4 U FJ l! ~ ~i's' The aoe,s„r, v at supetr 17 -.e. [ ~ to Netr. {
<br />~_____...... ~__._..r .___._._ _ ..,.__.__ _, ~ ~ ..... ___. -__ __...__~__ _.___ ~_ _ ---__ - . _ -_ _ _ .. -_ ~..,__.~.---
<br />KNOW ALL biEN 13Y TIiE$E PAE9ENTS: That we, the undersigned-..Duering__Incorporated_.___._______ ___._ ;
<br />i
<br />i
<br />Grand Island ... County of.....Hal1.__.........._...._.._-...--...-----..----, State of.....Nebraska.._ .....................
<br />r Thirt Two Thousand T ~** ~
<br />for and in consideration o.._..__._...Y_..._.......-..._.....__....._hrea, hundred,: two_.dollars__and.._22/,1.O.Q...-_...-...DOLLARS,
<br />l yFirst Savings Compan Grand Island
<br />to us as s loan in head raid b ........_..- . .. .. ......... Y __--..- - ..__..- _........_. . - of..-- .-.......... ._._._..3....,
<br />in the County of....-..°-..._~11 -.---.-._... and State of.-.-_Nebraska........-__....----._......----_.------~ and other good and
<br />valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, da hereby assign, transfer, and set over to_....._.._.__._..._..
<br />_ .First _Savin~s Company..-__.,,..-___ as caLa±era! ar.urity for said Loan, far so long as said loan or any part thereof
<br />remains unpaid, the rents and revenue accruing for rite period of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon iha following
<br />described prapezty situated in County of_.HaSl___...-.....-....----_..__ -.__._, State ef._-Nebraska.... _.._..._.._........._., to-cvit:
<br />iot une (i} Iu Siock Th;.rtti-Gne ~3:} In Russel Wheeler's Addition to the
<br />.............__.._....-.----Gi'tg of ~ Grand Is~an~, Ha11 County; .Nebraska __..._.. _....._..._..___....._._.-......_........._...----_...,._... I
<br />_...__- ,
<br />And we hereby authorize and empower._Frst_Saying$_Company_.____ -,
<br />-.. ;
<br />to act for us, and rent the above described premises or any part thereof, and in am glace collect and receipt for said rent,
<br />either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as....._they may see fii. and in default of the payment of said zeni or any part .
<br />thereof to proceed in.-...thP.3i_..._...._owm name by suit er suits at law for the recovery thcrcoi in such manner aa__they_,.. -'.
<br />shai3 deem fit.
<br />This assignment of rent is being made for the express nurpeae of having the rent collected hereunder applied to pay-
<br />menu of principal, intcresr. and fines nn th2 ioan of -3.2>.~N.2..2.2*~*.._...._.above described, as agreed by ua to be paid in
<br />the real estate tnortgaga on the! property above descrfb~~d -,ecurin~ said !oan.'
<br />Said Assignee may, in.....[hElL_._-_ -- discretion, use itte. rents sa far as necessary for the purpose of making such repairs
<br />upon the premises as. tn_....-.._....--._ ~, ~ ~ p:apcr and ma
<br />their ;rd'ni.r.t, mss b.~ y use said rents so far as necessary iar the payment
<br />of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises, or ar}- ether payments to be made b}• us under the terms of the mot•tgage
<br />atutvu went-ionetl, t.ite ba!ant•e to be applied ugctt the ,.ayrnent ut ntant hly uues, interest and fines an sa;d certificate and loan.
<br />This aaeignmera and transfer of rents and revenue to )x absaf u?e to the extent of the total of the payments above
<br />mentioned from and after this date.
<br />Dated,.ihfe`" t dal of..Decetnber ~_ t~82
<br />>~
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