<br />~3riginat
<br />"~etUrn tp ~~fi"
<br />Tbia made aad entered into thin /D t d flay of ~c.,n u ar
<br />19 ~,3 , by and between :,AI,PH A. STARI~N anti PATRICIA STARFII~i, H band and Wife
<br />(hereindter rdtured to s. morgsgor) and the Admiaistntor of the Stnal) Bttainw Administretioe, as agtatcy of the
<br />Government of the United Sates of America (hereinafter refereed to as mortgagee), who maintaiaa an oi6ce aad
<br />pbtee of bomeas at g~jy~ State Building, 19th arsi Farnam, Omsha, NE 68102
<br />ptrs, that [or the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is htxeby ackaowledged, the
<br />taortaagse-does hereby mtnY6age, se11, Rant, assi6a, and convey unto the mortgagee, his sutxason and assigns. all
<br />of the following elestxfbed property situated aad beiag in the (:otmiy of IiAT•T,
<br />State of ~~~
<br />Iut Six (6): Block Eighty-Four (84) in Wheeler arx3
<br />Berutett's Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Islatxl,
<br />Y3ebraska.
<br />Together with anti ineludiug all buildings, ail 6ztares including but not limited to all plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventflatinR, refrigerating, imeineratfng, air conditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed !o have been permanently in.
<br />stalled as-part of the realfy), and all improvements now or hereafter e+cisting thereon; the hcreditaments and
<br />appurtenances and ail outer rights thereunto hrlanginR, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re•
<br />vnrsintts, remainder and remainders, ail rights of redemption, and the mnis, isaoen, anal f~rv `uis of the uiiove
<br />dekrrib~ property (provided, however, that fhe mortgagor shall he entitled to the possession of said property
<br />and to collect and retain the rents, issues, and profits until default hereunder) . To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the mortgagee and the ruccessons in interost of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if any. as is stated herein.
<br />Tbes ~earemants that-he is lawfully seined and powered of and has the right to sell and Canvey said
<br />property; tha# Ehe same is free from al} eneumtbraaces eztxpt u her+tinabovr. recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />biasaei~ tgid hia we~raea is interest eo warrant and deftaul the title aforasid thereto and every part thereof aRaiaN
<br />the claims d all.p+~ryata?r<l-aslwoexer,
<br />'Phu stn is given to scenes the payment of s pramiswry note dated ~a n„e;n~, ,t? f .'f 3` a3 ,'mss `
<br />ire tba pttieeiipal wam of ~ 14,600,00, sib by ilph A. Stott } Patricia Stain+an
<br />:n trwi.atf of at.~~t.~
<br />+asr e"-.y+. ti°s .s-~sa r...a.~. t..au...... ca,.~n».
<br />