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~ <br />~" t~~ <br />MURT(.~#Gl° 2 1 2 <br />MClRTC;AGp I.AAN tVtl. _.~ 24, a73 <br />i~NO'+~' A1.L Ikil~tsa BY TPf1;~Iw PR~:,4Et~'I'S: 'I°taat Charlie C» Williams and Evelyn E. Williams, each in his <br />a~ her c~,vn right and as spr~tase L7f each C7ther, taSortgsgor, whether one ur more, in raort~d+erati~t of the stems of <br />tuaned to said s~rortgagssr Pay 'f"tse Pquitahle I#uilding ar-d Loan ,4iation crf f;rarrd I.~Iartd, Nebrasir~, Mores, upon 1,10 shares of stock of <br />xaid A,.S.StDsClA1`1GiN, C:ertifacutc :Nu. l.. 24 ~ , aiu taer+ctry grant, convey and raxortgage unto the said A.SSUCIATIt?N the fotiowing <br />cleaa^sribed teat estate, sitaaated ica tIBII Caaurcty ~'~te~rasira: <br />Southerly Eighty `T'hree Feet. ~$3 e } cif <br />LOt Five ; ;~ j lit ,CSiv:..`.~: '! :~ f-it,tnddx'~d 'l°'wenty <br />Six t1,~6) lr~ l~e>enig and Wiebe's ~iditian <br />to the ~'ity c~l< Grand Island, fial:i County, <br />Nebraskk,a . <br />tcrgethret w*tt#a all [tae teracmentx, taeredatarr~rrts asst[ atstsurtrraaatcxs thereunto trclcartgarag, iractrrdicrg atta,Clacct ftaar coverings, alI window stareens, <br />window stuaclcs, tatitads, stasrrra vrindtaws, swrrin;gs. taeatirr~„ aar a~taraditiurting.,grad plarrrabirrg arrd watxsrequiprrxsntac~d ar~asoeietr [hereto,ptamps,stcnses, <br />refrigaerstsars, aesd caftrer tixtures arsd ertuipnserat ana>vv r:sr hereafter attactacd tra car used rrr cursntiun witty said. real estate <br />,~rrd artsereas tla~ ;rarcl nrortgag+xr lxas ;:agrc~^d ara~t d~>es BaereP~y ar tars[ ttrer raacsrtgagr>r slaail vritl pay a1I [saes acrd asta~ertts l or <br />arssra~rd sapaxs said prercriscs argil aaptara ttai5 rrresrtgage anal the tstarad wet;~red ttaereby hc~l'tare the sarrrc shall bene detingtxnt; to furnish approves[ <br />iaasurancx upcaaa ttac taaxildirags Barr tsid preaas.isrs sitaaatarl irr tlae saarra a#~ ~ ~, ~„~ QQQ , ~Q taayaakatc to said;;L)t'IA-TION aetti to deiis!cr to slid <br />A.S.4Clt'tA"TiC#BV thin pralrr:iias f'ur satat insaararacx; grad ra+aa t<e tessasrrtit axr patens[ atrsy wa.~te Carr rsr about raid premises; <br />Ira ~ asf c'trfaratt er: tare pasvfasrnaarscr. a#° arty cef° tats terrraa grad a:cartditions eaf ttaia rtxsrtgagc ur ttte txstad s~.lcred hereby, tI~ ctvtxtgag~+la shah, <br />urr ateraaarad:, kac r+ntitterat tare irramr=diate Ixasses^~tan eaf' the: rrsaartg~t larerttist^s urad tars n~-rttu tserrhy assigtra, tracrafers anti acts over to the <br />rrtrrrtc alt [Pte rerat.s, resrrenrrt°s and iratxarasir taa tse di rimed freatxa thr rrx>rtgaged precnxses dur6arg such ti,rrxe as the nvorr indebtedrre~ shah remaiA <br />unpaid; axatt [tee rratartgagec shad taavr: th+e parv~r tas app%artrt arty urat <ar a~rrt~ st -aray a#esiare fut the pt~rrpoac ol~ repait7it~, strict prmrriptas and tr~ntitt~ <br />' [Pre saute and t~a>atrx-tia~at„ [tae rrrats, revenrse a grad irartanae, :seat rt rraay pay ~rf said iracarnr all expenses c>f reprtiuring ssrid prestasiak+s atui ncy <br />°~srrrrrai~asrearrs acrd rrxperascs rrs<.urred irr rw:nting arrd ra"xarrtxgirag [tar s~rn~c ars+rl cst ce,Biectiaag rr:tataCs tlrerefrorra; tlr•: l~aian+e~ remait#ittg, if any, to be <br />apyatied toward [Pre disa:taar +eaf said rrrrsrtgage arsdePatedrsaess; the-ae ri~,lrt~ ir# ttw~ rrmcsttg~ rras~y tse exercised sst acty timre during, tins ax,%stence of stud[ <br />detault» rrrespeertivr aaf array temporary svsivrer csf tlse saraae. <br />`I"trese Pa~eaersts, taurwever„ arrr upaacs the t°c>rrelitrian,'I"tact. ~l tyre sarcl Mcsrtrr ~r»ll rrpswy said loam am car I~fote tha matttri#y of said slsares by <br />trayrr~acnt; y rrrorathly tea surd A,~."st~C'lA`I°It`1t~i eaf ttsr nrrtrs specitird irr thr t3tand secarred hereby as mtet~t grad principal on said matt, uct or bafore <br />the °I`wrentieth day ut scar anti evtrs~ rritarath, taratr.d grad Itsara i;a frttty txaid; pay all tatxos and asse~sarnents levied against said pr+cmisoas and on this Mortgage <br />aru! ttte Fie~and sccnar+i•si ttaeretay, tacfcare atr;frrr+atua.~rac±a : fru•oas#a appraavett irrsuranc.e aaprsn the aruildirtgs theceun its the sum of S 11 r Ot~O. C3E? payable <br />tar said A~~()t:'I~a"I`at'tl~: repaty taa lead +~:~i.':i()C'tA`I"ttt~ rataeara dcmarrd all ~y lay it paid fur sur:at [sates, asaessnvcnts sect rnsurancc with interest at <br />tta nsaximatrra legal rate ttarrccsn frrsrn date taf" tsayrrverat alt eaf wPaacat ltirsrtgagur hereby agrees to pay,pcrtnit nu was#ec~taaftiprrmsrtis~CS;kc+ep atrMcatttp~y <br />w*irth alt [Pro moments and cxsnditrasns rat tare Brand tear i ~,~, ~ Q(j~} » (~~} this day gtvcn by [Pte acid Mortgagxar tea said A3.sUCiA~"i{7N, and y <br />with sit the rett~rerrzcnas tsf [Pte (;csrrstitutiura arrtt. By-i.,aws csf said A~'ritX`1ATii:~l+l: iPacra ttse~ pr~searts atrall larn+r ratdP and waid, uti~rv-P~a they <br />shtrll reaeain in foil fesra:r grad rraay ale fcareclasscd at [.Pre uptrt-n of the said A.SSCX:IA~'If)N after failure Tor ttarce ratonths to make any of u:;id <br />payarrrents car tae tlarce rrscanrtas its arrvears rrr rraaking said rrrusnthly payrracnts, emr txa keep and cucnply with the agreecrtetata and conditions of said Bond; <br />and. ta#ta+rtgagarr agr~et tes'havr a ra~ri~r appuiratcd fasrthwitPt in suds faarer.^k>sure prurscedirrgs. <br />4 If tPrrcrr h any ~ its uvrrship of tare real estate rnortgsg~rxi Prerxrr, lay sale ur otherwise, then the ,entire renstssinixt~ inch#tedn~t lr+ereb <br />Y <br />~, searastnsad ahsll, at tt esption ut' "I'°hc iquitattk Bttiidisng grad I..a~ttt A~ra+ciation eaf C:rarvd istsnd.Tdebrasittt,be~ itrtreradinsteiy due sect puyatsle without <br />~' frsrthea rrakt:it~, and the amcsunt rernainiseg dree under said horrci, and any csthcr raiser! for arty sdtiitiortnd adrras+ces trrtrde thereuet+der, shah, t'rocn the <br />` date asi' exert:inc of sairi crptiora* Iaaar intarcrest at [.Pre rcratxiareurn ~ rate, nand dais rnurtgtrgc rosy then be foretdotrod to snrtisfy tb-e arnoRttst due cxt maid <br />~, trtuad, arrd esthcr kaae+td tis~r crddit:el advancacs, tugtettaer with alt suctror paid iry said The Equitabire Buildir~ and Loan Asaaraastiwt of Grarui iii, <br />~: t'~rbraska fear itasttraua+ce, taxes [tract aaesessntearrts,land sractitsg extensicxr catargcs, with interest tttec»errrta, from date of paymcrtt st the rrtaaaurtt <br />'htl rstr, <br />a: <br />Aar prravvie#ed icr the iioerd set~rrred haxreby, vi+taile this ct~artgarge rerrmtins rra effect [ate rrusetgagce may betas!"ter advancx sddltisanal suzmtr tv the <br />ors of sates I'#errati; tx'scir ~s aar surcrssrrrs iR iratcttat, w:~i:.Ia atartaa sa~ll ts:, Kritarin teat saataerity a~f [sail 52°.~€g$~e ttiC aa,me as the (rands oriIiy <br />thtsrtsby, tlac total art~rerttcat cxf prinariipai deirt trot tea ext~^d a.t arty time tart origins[ artauunt of [;his tntartgager. <br />~~~ ~ I~ ~~~ ~~ ,. ~~ ~of ,Tans~ta.ry n. ta., l ~ 83 <br />yr <br />yyYY ~~I ~ ~ f '~ <br />~~ <br />'°$3~FM ~yw~~py~~y+N~ ~yTT~+4y~ ~ l4Wk~M7 <br />k` ' ,4~{.~ ia'R» ~i?7'l /Rk7~~p1~!"4M !!n @,.A~t6 t <br />~~" f~t~ i~a lath f ~Tar~ary ~~ ~3 , ~~' nac, <br />tt~ar, aaradarca,~µrrsd, a Nzrtsry Pul>~ic ht and ft>r sand t"astanty, perac~aally <br />~`.~:~+ (:, ~~ll i~ ~ ~1~ 6~,.1 lip, t:t ~ hip ~ ~r ti:~atric~ht ~ as~~~t„ <br />t r w et ~"e t tuawn are <br />t ~ritir„~rt pebralraa~ ~ rxarra~c~ ::~~" a1llateari try tiler ah ,` t as crude;, and ~ sevreraiiy <br />~ trtntwtw [tar sauri cactotr dE tea ~ 1~~. t;' s~rdr9artarPr tvct aa2tt dom., , <br />r ~Md1 I"trft'.'S,,'~ l~.,td l~tiatt tai tip rs# "'.~ '~. <br />f, ,~ ,~ <br />~4siriii~tltiiteda ,~.~, ~ ,~ <br />~ ~ ~ „ <br />~, <br />r •• ~ .. . "" '.. <br />,w ` <br />' * ~ <br />tg 1, k <br />y~ »~Y <br />rt4 ~.n+d <br />