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~1~r~ <br />r ~r,i' <br />4. Candamnatiian_ The proceed; c># any a~n•ard <tr : laim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with and. <br />condemnation ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or fair conveyance in ?ietr of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall lye paid to Tinder. <br />In the event of a t«tat taking of the Property, the proceeds sha?? he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking ;>£ the Property, unless Borrower and I-ender <br />ottherwisr agree in writing, these shall '.re applied Eo the sums secured b". this IJeed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal. to that proportion which the a~mounz a3F the sums secured by this laced of "Ptvst immediately Ixior trx the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market valor of the Prttper[y immcdiatel}' prior to the elate of taking, witty the hatance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned b;~ 13tarrowcr, ar if, after notice try I_endcr Po Borrower that the condemner offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Btarrowcr fails to respcinci to Lender within 0 nays after the date such notice is <br />mailed', Lenrter is authorized to collect and apply the praceeds..u Lender's option, either tp r'estoration or repair pf the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Iaced taf Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree: in writing, troy such application ta£ proceeds to principal shall oral extend <br />or postpone the due' date of the rncrnzhly installments referred tr? in par.ageaphs I anti 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />stuck installments. <br />10. Borrower Not ftrieased. Extension <at` the: time for payment or modihcaiion of amcrriization crf the stuns secured <br />by this i?eed of Trust granted by Lt coder tc~ any sttccesr~r to Interest of 13orrr~wer ~,hal! not operate to rciease, in any manner. <br />the [iatsility of the original Borrower and Bt~rrower's s[acccssprs in interest. Lender shall not be required to c;xvtmencc <br />proceedings against such suaeessor or refuse: ua extend time for payrucnt or otherwise modify arnortrzatirrn of the Mums <br />secured by this Iaeedl of Tntst by reason a€ an;~ dcrxranct made t,y the tarivinal I3orrowrr and BCrrrowrr`s successors in tnderest. <br />C i. Forbearance by fender Not a 4k'aivrr. Aray forbearance by 1_.cnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, rrr <br />otherwise a€I'orded tae appticabtt: law. shall not tar ;i waiver of or prec?ud~. Itte exercese c?f any such right nr remedy.. <br />The procurement of insurance ar the payment cif taxes or other ?lens oar e~harges hi' Lender sha?1 not be a waiver ref Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturin• of the. indchret~lness secured bt this raced of 7Yust <br />T2. Remedies Cumulative. :111 rcmettics prov~cictl in this LTeerl of ~Trtsst arc d~rst:n~t t:ntd t:umt.~lativt: to arty rxhcr ei};ht <br />or remedy under this [.geed of Trust or allorclcd by law ,ar egtriiy. ,ttrd m;+p be excrcisetl crrncurrently, indeperadt:ntl}' t,r <br />successie=elv. <br />33. Sure+esiars and ,Assigns Bonndt Jaim :end Several Liability; L'aptians. 7hc covenants and agrccmcrrts herein <br />etunt.a6ned shall bind„ trod tfie rights laerrundtr shall snore te. ~he respccti:~e ~.uccess~+rs ;.and assigns o£ Lendear rand 13prrc~awer. <br />subject Its the iarcyvisians o£ paragraph 1' hcrc<rC .yli covenants ;,nd ,igrccments c+£ l;car,~otver sha31 be ]dint and scvera?. <br />`floe captions and heading at" the paragraphs o£ the, I'7ccd .~t ~t~ntst arc for ~;anvcratencc e>nly and ;arc Herr try he used try <br />interpret tar eiefine rite prov:sitans herctaf. <br />tA, Aaticr. fZ~+ccpt for any nottcc rcqu~rcri ianda;~ at,lti?r~;tdaic I:r.t to "~c ~^ its anrathcr manner, =a) any' [tntice t;; <br />8orrtawer prcrvudrd #pr in this i)c;cd ir£ "Trust ahai9 he ~±evett to ~ tiiiast n[rch ttr,t cc icy -:crti#~icd ;n it addres5rd U~ !3trrrnwrr a[ <br />the Property .loddres~s tsr at such .ether addres, as 13arnnticr ^uav desi anatr 17y notice to l.cndcr ;rs prrwidctl hector, un~ <br />Ile} stnt' notice tta fender shall '~t given tae ~crtitird .anzrl, return~rcecipt regtacstetl, tt, I-finder"s address stated lacri:in r+r t,r <br />s[tch rather ai~dresa ats l.ett~de. -a:a ~r.~szgnats Ens t7t?ticr tea l~torruwrr .ts lac<avrded £+cretaa 1ns~ notice przivide<l €ar ~.=a tuts <br />t~+ced of "Crust ~nha3i be dcr,r ~ ~ t~.s ?aeon atvcrr tea 13tarrr+ticr ~ • Lczadcr tthcr ~i:ivan in the t a ztuncr elcs.~n,ztcd hcrcttt <br />t~. {..niftarm arrd ai T~rst; C:avrrnint, f ,uw: Srverability, Ih~~~, ferny tat ~lccu ,rt [mat ~xttrtbinen matt+rrm cr~tt~nantn ltirr <br />=zatit~nal xase .,amid r?on-urtaforro -uvcnantt; wtth ]sniited rrrrtsn~an ?~y ;rrr+;di i,~n .,~ s;anstiturr ;a urifnrna ~ecuritc i;tstruntenr <br />,,:errng real prtrpcrtg- T'has f~ccd ea£ °I"rust ,rz:~rd3 t~ac ~rni~r~ncd tau th+~isu' „~ ~~. -~ndretrun in ,ti~hich the t'rnl>et°i~,~ ,. lor;ttec9. <br />In uhe besot that ;toy prr`+~~rsion gar c'l'ause of ,h~a 1)acd :,, '1 r;rst t,r ttae ~~ _.•_~r,l~,~ ~s wi[h .tpplicata;4 tau, ,u: l: .r~trtli sha;: <br />rct .rifeit+~itectr i'ito;t<,.~f rhos 17tc' r'rf 'rtzsr tltc \txic .atai4h sn t .,t+~u at'~c4 wrthotat the c'tsttrtt;arrtF; I'rtwtsror. <br />stt , to thts etad t~IrtalvtitanS a; the 1)crcd art I.ji~C ,ax+i .he \a[c arc tctl . ~ -.l „~ ! c se.era`le. <br />ffi,..~gttrrwtc'a Copw»- T3on'ttuct niaail , ~, t, ~} ;: ~:rrut~rrtarrd <<pp .,? ihr ~i„tc .oud r~i !hts 13.:ut? ~.~i trrr:~t ,.t tftc ?imc <br />~`' ~x:CtAtt?n 'tit'"Stlcr rrcz,t~taticrn ftt:rCC+t. <br />T7, Trata!4frer o3C the 1?'rapcriy=: ~a"!;atnpiion. ~ 1. , . ;.t;n~ Ir.u t .,i tier lattapcnr r,r an nttcrest. the ,. 'd :'r ti ans£er~rcd <br />3~t Borrower with,~at Lender`s prig: wrtttcn csa[a^;rtat. e•tcizading t:, t th+e; crc; ni s i~etn rrr t ...r~~^t ~ita,t: ~~:t,hiortiitt;ttc a:r <br />;n_. I~extY ~sl .`rust, sh} the crcatian rrr ;a ptuchase °ru~nct occur ^y o+rtcrcnt fr+r hcazisuhca?d .tplat~nnccs, ~~, ~ i transfer >,t =1eti+5N•, <br />z:r,;cnt tar by~ taperatian taT law u~za the death a=tat ,:rat tcn:artt rrr , d 1 the tram gat .:rtt d~";zschcald intcresr ~ tt truce t;e ten nr irsa <br />e,r~t tr : tz . ~,#rr uptzcaat [cr purc.!ast, l.ctrdrr ttt.a~~, .rt I tctdCt'', trpar?tt. ,rt4! trc ail he ntan7n ni ~urr~ct rya this !Iced .'f I r ut na fµ" <br />s.+ rrtca,a~.; drat ;rztdl pavalalc. l~r[der shall h.ztr ts;ittcd such r,ptit5n „~ ,a~~clc.a•t ,i,. ,a.r~rr t;r ,hc Hale ,,r titzttst+.r, l.cnclcr <br />,rttd the ;~. ,,,^a ,~ whtrnt the #'rcapcstl' ix fc+ fay „aid r+t ~a ,±;rreel °cach al;rcetrc[,z ,, u~rititsg that ',hc credo r+£ suit, arcrsott <br />is srtist:r.rt,r~. s',z~ I-cttdrr .rod that the intcrest ?+,t}aahic <3za the r,[.a,; ecctare:ci ++~, this i')ccti :>2 l runt ~,hai? tit; ~at su,,h rate :r, <br />T.rndcr .n-:a@ rc~yue*st. If Lender bus waived the t}pzrtaza ' provtactl nx thrs i?araer.rph I ". ;ind if Brrsr[~tacr's nurcesstar <br />to zntercs='~.rn ~:xrctr?Iect ,t tv°rittcn axszttnptrcrar .zl;rcesztc.:: .;,..e:,teci try wtituat; h~,~ Lc;x3er, E,cndcr shall release i3tarra~wcr lrt?nt <br />;all vsbhg;tt~~anv under this Fa+:~ecl cal" Trttst ;arrd Ihte ?vit>tc. <br />Sf f_cno~r exercrses sorb t?pti<an tea .tccelcr.rtc~ t ~ ^,h~~ ,h.rl ;trail iit~rrnwt"r n+at~icre ~l a;<ct lcrtttit~n ut .o~:cc7rti,atitc v.~sth <br />la:ar:tgraplrt l~• Sus:h nuHCe sha3i prcn~ttr: a ?acre.,.? ~ :,>, iaaas thazr it? u';ztn frt~na the c)ate the ttr?ttce as mailed tvithir, <br />which E3cao•rtvwcr zuay pay the Hums dcalarcd +itze, i:.3ti: ~=~.c~er £ao'is t,~ tats ouch stuns ptrrar zr, the expir;ttttan of such i~riod. <br />Lcndcr znav, withoud, turther ntrtice rrr dezaaatad stn Br'arre:wer, nrv,+ke; ;[nr t~z:nq.dies permitted +ac paragraph ;tl hcreol. <br />tVtar;,Latrr-cjka,a t'tave~?snr:a°a. 13carrcawcr .arrd Lcndia ?tn'thcr ciavcnartt and agree as ;o'Irtwa: <br />lti. ;Accrl+eratiaae: ttt,:mrdies. !Except :ts provided in paragraph I7 hereof, upon Borrower"s trreach tat tune covenant rrr <br />agtrcrmrnt o@~ 13tarrotvrr in thin t}erd of 'Trust, ins:ludint; the i•avenants to pay when der any Burns secured"by this Derd <br />of 'Trust, txndter pricer to acceleration shall mail notice to Harrower as provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifying. (T) the <br />breach, f2'l Iles action rrgnircd to cure such breach; t3) a dale, met Irss than :3ti days front the date the ~ert'rcr is :trailed to <br />Barnawer, fay which such breach cowl be currd::end fi) that failure to cure such tarcach on or before the date specified <br />in the notice may result ire arcrierauon of the sums secured by this i?ertl of Trust arrd sale of the t'ropeRy. "the notice <br />shad! further inform Borrower of the right ttr reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert <br />the Wort-rxistemcr of a default or ;any= other defense eat Borrower to acceleration and sale. if the breach is trot cured <br />an ear befnrr true date sprsitir._I in the notice, t..rndrr at f'ender's option naay declare alt of the sums secured by this teed <br />of 'Trust to hey immediately doe and payable without further dcanand tend naaytnvoke the power of sale and any other remedies <br />permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be rntitieti to collect ail rcasoreahle costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the <br />remedies pra~vided in this paragraph T8, incltading, but not limited to, reasonable attorney"s fens, <br />tf the power of salt is invoked, 'trustee shah record a native of default in each county in which the Property ar same <br />part thereof is located and shall mail copies ref such noticern the manner prescribed by appiia:abtr law to tkrrariwrr and to the <br />other penuns prescribed by applicable law. .lifter the lapse of such finer as may be required try applicable law, "Trustee shall <br />giwe public notice ail sate to the persons and iza the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on <br />$artower, shall sell tlhe Property at public auctitrn to the highest bidder at the lime and place and tender the terms drsignakrd <br />in the notice of sale nn one ar more parcels and In such order as 'Trustee may drterrtaine. 'T'rustee may postpone sale of alt <br />ar any parce8 of the Aroperty lay public annatmcrmraut at the tinge and place of easy previoust}" scheduled sale. t.rndrr rrr <br />f.ender's designee ma,y purchase the Troperty at any sale. <br />Upon recrrpt of payment of the prtC4' Iard, t'rnster shall drli5e[ to the parclaaser TrIIrStl'r~~ deed CanF`rF'6ng the T'raprrt4' <br />sold. The recitals in the "Trustee's died shadbr prima facie rcidrnce of the truth of the statemeaats made therein: 'T'rustee <br />shalt apply the proceeds of the sale ire tttr following order. (a} to alt reasonable casts azrd expenses of the sate, including, but <br />.not limited ta, T roster's fees of oat mare than _ _~ » ~ -- _ _. ' %~ of ttar grass salt price,. reasanabte attorney's ices and costs of <br />title evitlent'ea {b3 to €tftaurns secured try ttris t?erd of "Truest; and (cp tlrr excess, i€ arty, tea the person ar persons legally emitted <br />themFo. <br />' et. 8arrawer's Rst;ht to :Zeirtstate. ?~lotwiihstanciing I.,en ter s aces?er.ttioz ttf the stints sr~ctr~ed by th~•; Deed i?f "l~r[rst. <br />~ t to hav <br />F r .::~; ;i1 ha ;~ r r any proceedings began by T-esadt:r tta cnltar;:e this LTewd .a# 'T`rust ;lisr;cantinued az <br />an _mc ~ar °r~,rt _ ,;i~. ,,_-_urc ~ 3 the fifth day bef<ase the salt r7f the Prespcrty lattrsue:tot to the pewee of sole ce>n€ained <br />~ '` t . <br />i t .n : I?e `. _i ~ t Trent, a°nfrs'~ing this '!`~cetf ref '~rctst sf: t,.a+ f3arrrrw•rr pays 1_¢zcic;r ,at su€r3s sc,l ich s~attl<i <br />r;t .` r. „~,9.r ~ ,,:: ~ _ ,. ;;e 'Vote ;Intl Eotvr '-.tsrrng, f~ut„t: ,~:c3z,r-rtc:•s. t +,}, t.a~? r;r> ;:ic:c.(trifttcr;. r :_urrr:d; <br />1 ,,- ~[ ~ ., _ .r,:. . ~ ~;t, yr cr+:; ~:r•u - ~~ I3orr€>wuzr ec»,laincct ,n tlr„ a>ecd +tir -frost; <br />' _, , , ~ <br />t7 ~ ~ -~ - -. t,'. i a tn'f '~ ~i tr :._ Pfr n'?!u 1L :a7ttta `:S rf r! ~ ,..ry -rE <br />a r ,, rt tl`:.^, , t, ., ,, ! _ ., ~ t ,:: t s.taac,s ~ , rat-tiled is. i-~ <br />~; o .. ~e that r£te~ r~t} [ .r'i r~,-~' , +. ~ r :.~?,. <br />£r7 .. fi'r -•It . ~ <br />