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~.., -._ <br />.This i~rgartgage is entered fnta between '~~~ k9_ f3ECHI~ER and JL~I';:~-I k_ EiF:L~~, <br />Husband -arid: 'i'~if e <br />(herein.-"~Zortgagor")and. <br />4VII~~ ~dATIONAL BE1NK OF G~'~3V-D ISI~I~ND, Grand Island, Nebraska <br />(herein ";~7artgagee")_ <br />Mortgagor is Indebted to Mortgagee in the ptzncipaf sum of ~ 65, ~~ • ~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />dated January 4, 1983 {herein "?v?ote")providing for payments of pr#ncipa# and interest; with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid; due and payable an .3uly 5, 1983 <br />Tosecure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of .alt ether sums, ctiith interest, <br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the .security of this Mortgage; and the performance of the covenants and agreements of : <br />.the Ndortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and. convey to ?43artgagee flee f<>tlowing described: <br /> faceted. in Hall _ County, Nebrast~a: <br />T~cat Te:n { 10) , 131ock Seventy-Qne (71 } , tVheeler and 13ennett 2nd, a.n Addition <br />to the City of C7rand Island, F1a11 County, Nebraska. <br />Lot Eight (8}, 131ock Sixty (60}, t~Vf~eeler and Bennett Addition, an Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Fall County, Nebraska.. <br />Lot Tl~venty-Four (Z~}> 131oc1~ Seventeen (1'7}, Ashton Place, an Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Fia.ll County, Nebraska. <br />'d'ogetLuer with. aft foul#dings, improvements, f#xtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and:.. <br />appurtenances: Located thereon ar in atzywise pertaining thereto, and t,hs:~ runts isues and profits, reversions and rerrtainders <br />thereof; it~etuding, hint not limited ta, heating and caot[ng equipment and such personal property that is attached to the <br />improvements so as to constitute a fixture; all «f which, including replacements and addittans thereto, is hereby declared <br />to lie apart of the real estate secured by floe lien of this Mortgage and aft of the foregoing being referred to herein as the.. <br />"Property". <br />Mortgagor furi:her convenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows: <br />d. Payment. 'f.'o pay the indebtedness and. the interest. thereon as pravidet# in this i~#arigage and the Note.. <br />2. 'd'ine. Mortgagor is the owner of the Props*rty, has tha> right and autharil.} to mortgage the Property,. and <br />warrants that. the lien created hereby is a gust and prior lien an the Property, except as may atherwisc ~ set. forth herein. <br />~i The Property is subject to a :mortgage wherein .___ _.__._. _.___.._.. __.__.__._.__--_ ..~ <br />is the iti7ortgagee; cecarded at Baak _______.__._._ ,Page _ __ _ {~t the aVtortgage ttecords of _---__.----. ___e County, <br />l~ebras#a; which Mortgage #s a lien prior t.a the lien rre~ated hereby. <br />t7$ht:r prior liens areacumbrances: .___._ ._... _ __.._._ _.___ _..._ --- _.._--. _--_--____-_- <br />'~. faxes, t~assessments. "1'a .pay. when due atL taxes:, special assesstztents and at# ether charges against the Property <br />acid, i=ran xt;~ten demand by Mortgagee, to.add to the payments rectuired under the Note secured hereby, such amauntas <br />i tnay b« st,t:;cieut. ti+~~nabie file Mortgageeta pay such axes, assess€nents ar ather~charges as th~ybecamedue_ <br />_. t3':St~rBn•~Y. `P~: b:e+ a Y:he #mpxavements new ar Liereafter located on the teat estate. described herein..€nsuxed <br />again:;i darnige '~,.~ ?ir± ,,,f strcr, other haza~s ~ P/Iartgagee may require, in amounts and with. companies acceptable to the.. <br />h'Iora"ag~=e, dtui -.vit#. loss t"a.~aY+de to the IVdortgague: In case a£ toss u;~dersuch pafic"ses the~Moxtgag~e is auG~horized to=- <br />srii, ~nllF r .,,r' ,•r n:n..~, ~~ .. # r# cnwt n dt _t..: ....; fh, ro~irriigr of ttc st~1P nn#:itirt a ~#h~•. A} 4hn .r~~la~ tnex <br />proceeds to tne- resl,ura tc~t +,i the Property ,ox upon the indebtedness secured .hereby, but payments hereunder shalt can- <br />tuntn artilt ~:he wins sxurer','~_ri oy axe uaid-its full: <br />5. r scrru~ r ~r 'f'zxes and tttsura€rce. Ndtpar n~c~_„di,~g anything contained in ,paragraphs 3 and ¢ hereofto the <br />catttrar, R'I_,rtga<.~or slues[ pad ,.a c`.tc~ :tmt;;ayee at the ,;mc ~,~ paying the monthly instat;menfs ofi prirtctpat and interest,..' <br />ont i,,v~ifth o€ rate ~ i=aC#y ta~:~ _, ,i.:e,at~tects, hazard~it.5urance prerraums, anct ground rents !ii any ; svhieh may' attain a <br />pnri:rty c,iea rri, ~~t tga~;e, all s -sa.. rtabiv c~c:nzated framtirne to time by the Mortgagee. Theamounts so paid=shalE be <br />~ held b~, Ltte l~lotct;agc~~ c-vithout i!tirre: att~ appiiea to tite theitems in, respect £awhlch such amounts were " <br />depcKiied. 'l'he seamy paid so ~1~rtnagee hereun,~er , re piedgedas additionaLsecurit}~ f~rithe this <br />,tan 1~a&_. !.tUrlgagor,ha"1 ~a;f t<~ ~torc age=e the at~iuunt at sexy def'tc}~ncy between the actual taxes, a:>sessments, insurance <br />_ r"re,~,iums at,d gr:~wt~ r:nrs rand _he d nua~. nereander ~,~it#tin lt? days_afterdemanstismadeupan Martgagarrxquesting, <br />patr~te~nts.e,ereot_ <br />Vii. ltetiair,siaireEer+am~e t±nd C"~. 'i'o puarnptty ratipair, restore ar ra~buiid any kru~tding~ or i~mpravs rnertts now or <br />Y;t~rea2crr c>r .n, t're n r' - ±~, kr"c~p t-he 1'rnpf'rty $rt grjard r~ndttioar and repair; withaett ~"s>~ "~, at?d fret, tram ~u~~e panic's or <br />vlhr r f=t-t, °•";r ~xpeE-ti i. :~.b*rrtk.n~.t~d to thefit ,t b- r" ,~i` nntto make, ~,~uff{ar ctr pern±it ar„ ~~:rne~"" tae :~ i~t, .i"r j;: ~iit:rtin- <br />i;h <,r r"-ra~a~. !:~a, ::rig} , of ttm E't~o~~•rty by'ansr act nr orniss€vn to acta and t+~ catnpty° w°•.h .ul re~qu~ren¢err> ",t iatie with <br />u•.1ir ~.'i t.~ ire- {irs.,So.., ~•„ <br />