<br />THtS TRUST QEEi3, made this ~? sr day of 1lnr~Pmhar ,13 82 ,
<br />be and between:
<br />t~) Jerry L. & Rosemary iS. Winget, Husband and Wife of Each Ot:aer and Each in His and
<br />Her Own Right ,whether one or mare, hereih-
<br />aftercalled "Trustor" whose mailing address is max 81 , t'a; rn, ~:F tiRft~4
<br />and
<br />~~? John A. half, Attorney-at-Law,
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />address is_Pt3 Bax 428, Grand Island ~1E 68802 and
<br />~C) First Savings Cnmpany
<br />as "beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />Pp BOX 1556, Grand Island, NE 688p2
<br />WITfdESSETti: That Trustor, in consideration of fine l~oliar {~i.QD) and o#her valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grant, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated In -HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being tee convey hereby in absolute title in flee sirrap.,le; Indio irg all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower,. together wi#h sill buildings, fixtures, impravements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the
<br />'foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "i~roperty."
<br />FOR THE PUi~f~taSE C3F SECUF?IPJG performance of each agreement and covenant +,af Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum ~Ihi ~' 3OIJSANli LSG13' tiUNDitliars {~ _~.8E~1 u3 ,r-r
<br />as evidersced by a prornissary note bea~c~,'vt~a~~r~~~ r~~~t~~st thereon which may hereafter ba paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust [deed; both prinoipal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, referenda to which is hereby made, at the office of the beneficiary or at
<br />such other piaae as the holder may designate 'sn writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 21st _._._.._.~_day of De.cez~iber ~._ , 1885
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t_ Warranty of Titre. Trus4dr is lawtErYly sarzad at ^Iroe Proparry; ti has good r;ght and
<br />'.awful authority id satr and Canvey the Property; the. Properly is iraa and clear :if ail
<br />?tens and rDnanrnbrarl'pas except Ilene new of r@Cf3rd; and Trustor wt!i warean4 and
<br />defend Me tiffs to the Pr~nperry he -r_gaee and iq~
<br />Asians
<br />toravac, agadnsf the claims at alt parsons. 'Truster, at is axpa tee, xrii maintain end
<br />preserve tba lien pf flits FrUSi Eyaed as a lion upo,? the Trust Property suoject only to
<br />anau:nbrances existing as of the date haraot, wilt cause tors Trust i7aad, and earn
<br />arrrandmant or suppiemart thareio, to Lie .'lied And recortlatl as a mangage of Ina
<br />Trued Properly in such manner enc. ir, such place, and will rasa soon oilier action as
<br />in lhQ OPini6n a# Tru5fee may de required b4' any present of fr;tUra IoW 3,ry ardet id
<br />partec t, maintain andpratect ilia lien of thrs Trust a7aed„ as the same ;may 4e trove
<br />tfmq to timaarrsantledor supPiemenfad..
<br />2. Payments} irrirYCipai sad #Merest. Truster shall punctuairy pay the Principal af,
<br />and inierelst on, said promissory rusks including arty advances tharekq as provided
<br />herein on. thedates. andat r'.Re p?aca and in the manner provided tirerain and will
<br />pssnctuaify parforniai agreamanis, r:andtt+ons and previsions of any p;her security
<br />(nstrtimenR Bevan in connedilov wk?h th{a transact,on.
<br />3, P'nservatlon and Mainfenarece aF Property. Trustor wilt Hat cammiE any waste
<br />uPan rile property .arid viii, at all times. maintain ilia same inn Flrraxr and
<br />condition and will make. from i+me. to t[ma. elf repairs, renewals, naptacemems,
<br />edditiom and.. imptovemants whirtt era raaspnaDiy required to prevent waste,
<br />impairment, or.0eterroralion of sajd. property. Na txuiid'+ng. qr improvement new ar
<br />hsraaite yr-<:4ad :~pandha. Propec'!y shat? oa altered,. removed p: damofisnad
<br />withr ur m ^rbr wr ^. ten can5ent aEE3ene#ic7ary.
<br />4. DamsBr= io Property. Ira easaot any dafnage to,. ar dashuctioo o#, the 6vlldings,
<br />imprdirer~r,ni' dr?Personal praParty coasiitubng. part at ins Trust Property, wnathae
<br />suClt lass: is covered by insuranat+ ar otnerwisa„'rustar, at its sa;e cost and
<br />expanse, web promptty ra8lpre. repair, repiaoa sad reou+id Abe same as Hearty es
<br />practiaaate ,a3is aonditidn im!nadla',lety prior to sucndamage or desiruC! Ian ar wile
<br />such ctaangei, and alterations as 7:'?ustor may deem apprespriate provided such
<br />changes and aftarateons do not !naiariaily lessen Fns uaVneand utility of such
<br />bvilding$,impravemenis andpersonatity firom teal existing imrnadiatety prior to
<br />such damarga ar dastrUCtrgn. T'mstor shalt ba antiitad to reimbur9emant fro:r. tie
<br />Tnrsteeto tare extent pf tfia net in5urarviceprot;aeds receNadby Trustee, Cut only to
<br />iheexient otthe acir;sk sum expended Und+x thisp{pvisian.
<br />5 Corpdrats 4rvatt9r, 4t Trustorisa Corl3ara, an, t° will do r ,f~fngs reCassarr to
<br />SK9earva tta gpr(j(irate aX3'.3tanG'e,'sglPtS and pf. iege} a;ndrzC fi7_ iaWFi RI tike 9ta Sa Uf
<br />ri5 1#'if,;i)rppr?lidrjn_
<br />5. lnaisra+sce Truss 2t ,. s°: +rlc"~ . ... .ved :r
<br />Bar,Mttcia ,na+sac, /fib(. ,.~ :ri _. -.• ~. - ,
<br />CG ESirtisl ' -'rap.+aµ Cv ''S '.Gr' ~.}
<br />;S. ~fe, ,.. iF 1k7!, r er.: )e9 ~.
<br />iP.SpagtiV9 par lea. nil in511ianC6 poiiGras malntatned Gt=rSUani ~ 1h15 '~rtJ3! seed
<br />~unal! name i'`rustea and Saneffdtary as in5lJredS, as iftar= rdspectivg tnterasis may
<br />apprar. and F`ruv;de that !here snail he no Car.CeOation ar madif;aat!on without
<br />r.t n CaYS praor wnitan ipnfta34ipn ip I rustee and Sane7iCrar'}. !n ine evani ary
<br />poll ~y hereunder s npl renewed an ar before tilieen days prior to +ts sxpiratirn
<br />data, T1USi8a ar 6eneftciary may pFOGUfe Such in9UranGa and !ne cost tharedi Snd;l
<br />tre sddad tp tea lawn seduced by ibis Trust bead ono snarl dear lniarest at ibe
<br />greater pt One Fn{avast ra22 specified therein or the hFgneSC interest rate auinorizad
<br />by the taws of the State os NeorasY.a, Trustor snair deliver to danaticary zee original
<br />pafiCte9 of jt',au{anCe and ranawal9 tt`areot ar me?rD captss Cf Sr1Cn paliries and
<br />ranawafs iberadrY. Failure id furnish insurance by F?usiar, ae renewals as required
<br />nareu nCet seal{, at ilia O^yt3dn of Sane#i Clary. CCn5tlYUte a defauf;. Aii Unearned
<br />prC.m'trm4 ace he; coy aSSiq Hari la Tf US'taa as addttlana{ adC.ufttV and a Bata and
<br />eonveyanta at FhP Property by the Trustee snait operate to convey io the purchaser
<br />iri.4'-"rusicr's interasl hn and to elf paliales pf insurance upon the Trust Pregserfy_
<br />7. Ta X89 artd As$e$$rttent$. Tru52or sba('r ..^.ay aiV taxe$ antl SpaCiai a9SESSm P.nt5
<br />taviatl or assasacd against or due upon the Property before datinquancy, and wit?
<br />deliver to 8enailclary pePios of raaelpts strowing payment ct su:,n taxes and
<br />SjteCtat assaSStnarit5. if 3aneficiary snail so request,?_ rJator agrees that there Shari
<br />- , ,.~,:<,dw yrti roc; ;ayu~red w ne made narecnder err amount
<br />eat;ma,ad •dy 7'UStae to ba suttiC3ant to enabfa Truster is pdy, at :east 34 days
<br />before ±;ei}ngvency, ail taxes, assessments ar tithe; pudiic ct:arpes against the
<br />?!esi Prdparty. the dote secured by ?his Trust Dead, ar upon account of the debt or
<br />ine -"an Of this 'rust ileed, 4ogethar wth premiums for irrsuran.,e required ':o be
<br />iaiL idP<7 under this ±ru5t Deed and G 'ninres4 shat, be payaD!e to TrCSt47r rn
<br />raapeCY !hereof, l9pon demand ..^.y Ttir StP_6, Trffatpr 5hai, deli4'er to Trustee SUCt`,
<br />additional sums of money as are necessary to remake up any defic+sncy in ilia
<br />ama:.'nts ^ecessary tp er<abie Trustaa to Gay any cr Fee ioragving !lams.
<br />>'•. AdrifttonaY Liens. Truster shad make a;i payments of in?ores? and principal anti
<br />paymeris of any oTnor charges, teas, and expenses eantrarietl ro be paid [n any
<br />existing ;ten borders or prier beneficiaries under any praor Trras4 teed, Mortgage or
<br />other security agree meni, aefore the dale They are delinquent and ie pay any other
<br />Clair„ which jeopardiEes [ne sac~.urlfy granted Herein.
<br />9. Proteetton of flenoifciary's Security. Should Trustor fart tp make any payment,
<br />fart to d0 arty acf a9 tFarem prav;dad, iJr ff any ectian arprpC9edfng rs GOrhntenCad
<br />whtah materially a`ects 5anef m rare s tote eat In the Prapeny in.iudrnq, pat not
<br />:irnaiea to eminan uomain ~ 7ivency rUngene rots ar proceea nqa Inv< ~; rrq a
<br />bar k 4f decedan hen . nfsrY d r.,Stea t It Ki'nOUt (>hlltjd~ `)S tw d a
<br />qnC w,thasr{ fiGYice jn t,a U3 r nit ni)-Fl ff.}697f, Ano Arthn i~ r~ii ._.., •+•:n
<br />hrl{' a {)at1Gn nor Ptinl'i{'f ~ , ,. ~ '~'!4 `. L.nik?. ~ r,~ .i i ,
<br />:.o r,.,r net ...n~~..- ..~., ,v ar ,, n .~ ,.
<br />