pricer to entry of a judgment enfarcir3g this ?l9ortgage if: tai 8orrazker pays gender all sums }which would he then due under
<br />ibis Martgage, tPze ;Note and notes securing Future Advances, it asay, had rxa acceseratian occurred: (b) t§arrower cures all
<br />breaches af'any ath°r covenants tar agreements of l3orrniver contained in this A~fortgage: 9cs Borrower pays cell teasozxable
<br />expe,~ces :incurred: by T:€;nder in enforcing the. covenalxts and aareeznents of Borrower contained in this :vtorigage and in
<br />enPorctrg;t,ender'sremedies as provided in paragraph i iti horeaf. including, btrt rat limited to, reasonable attorney's >eas: anti
<br />da B<,:r:awer takes sxich action as i;+~nder tuay reasonably require to assure that the 3ien ae this Niongage, Lender's interest
<br />rn the t'rapert}x and l3orraw•er's obtgatian to pay the sums secured by this iv4arigaQe shall continuo unimpaired. €Jpan such
<br />pay'a1en- arced curebyBorrowt;z, this $rlartgage anct the obligations secured hereby staall remain in €ull Force and effect as if
<br />,~~, acceleratioti ltad occurred.
<br />20. Assignanent of Reetis: Ap~raintnterat of ~tece8wero Lender 6n i'etssessaon. As additional security hereunder„ §~orrower
<br />hereby assigns tai Lender the rents of the Praperz}', pravrded that E3arrau~er sktall. prior to ;cce9eration under paragraph t~
<br />hereof tar abandonment of the d'roperty, iroavc the right to collect and retain such rents as the}' heccsrnc clue and payable,
<br />upon acoeler:atian tmd~er paragraph if3 hereof «r ab;xndanntent of the Fyrapert=~, C,.ettcier. itl person, by ag:*,nt or bra
<br />judictalll~ appain'ted receiver, shall he entitled to enter upon. take ~ t?ssessiotl cif and tttanage the Property' and to eallect the
<br />rents of the d'r~pert}°, rnt.iut3ing those past dare. ~r rent', r«olrc-ttct~ h4 l_encicr :rr tiros r~cerv~r ,ha,l 'oe appited 's`trst Yes payment
<br />of the casts of managerrcnt c7f~the Property and cuEticr«.}rt of rents. me=uelin,.. trout not irnlitod t~}, foes. prs;mizlms can
<br />receiver's bonds and r'casanable attctrnev`s fees, anci then to the sr~ms secured hu phis siila~rtl~age. lender and ±he rer~`siver
<br />shall be li.ebtc: to account only for those rents ;ectualtx; rccetvec#.
<br />21. ;future :~.dvane°es. Upon regvect of E3x>rr~wer. l cnciel', :,t l.cnder ~ 4~ptinn pr<.~r tA7 elease crf Phis PvTar n~,~~, ;nay
<br />rnakc Future Advances to Rorrauar. Such l~vture ~"edvarneE°s. •,i~ith snterest .;7eseu>rro.. h:31i S}~ .,~.c;,:red hz,- =his ' ,r ;.._ r swnen
<br />cvideaeed by pre>tz:Eissnry notes statittf? that sale; n;~tes err ,~°c;rred l~ercirv. .a,t ncr ,;rue ;h;l'I! tare n.rns,ina4 :ne
<br />tadebteetncss ,eeelred hs this '.vlorigas!e,. no iili:lut3 n~ strnrM tttx-;attced in as.,;c,rclana~c hcrcw'ttl? ttx tirs.liect :"re ..r :', cof this
<br />~~ortgage cxc.eed the .~,,igutai amnunt ~,. the ?tiat< Mrs E"~~.. ~~~~
<br />22. }Zetes+se~. t.'pon pay°ment ot` .tli sums .curcc' ~ v tiers 19 +*tga~.;e. i.e=fete, ;hadd r.•,vtr.rare tni ~~ic ~ _age ~.vrthatit
<br />.lt<trge to l3arrc~w•e:°, l3orrc~'~scr shall l,:rov t. cast. rec:r,7rd.:it~n. i, ;im
<br />iti ~~+"rT~t-5,~ ~~'t~F;PZr:t)C~. }3t?t'rC~u.°cr h:x '~„ xsic; this 's'ft?i'i,~att~.
<br />Terry !_. Saner . --£~oezrvuer
<br />-6ertower
<br />.,
<br />~~.~~.t a,~ ';~drsl~sx.~.. , ........ Na........... .. ... t::'~a;atacy ss.
<br />f}n ttais ..J_~~1..... .tfay ~s~.. , ~ldE3U~r,}'... .. iy $3 htic>rc ~ t ifr~ atncit~rsa~ntd, a `vt>tary f?ubiic
<br />.iuiy ~c~izzanisstatnc+i3 itu~3tiTitalifieci ~~~r ~.ttt3 .'xru7lt'+', f+oYStynaliv canac.. Terry ~ Saner, A S7nglE Per5017, .. _
<br />.......................................... ...... ...... ...tratnekns~'.vntoi'±ethe
<br />r~'t7t &11 ~5trk(5n{~) '•t"7,t1tit," Ftii ir34(ti; EE'C: ;; lYf)v~r }'o C. C °(} ti:l'. ~(~rt'~Oln4~ it35:r1E IY1t:.nC td7 t1 i1C..~:ni)kJiC'.d~tr~ rrtti. `,:~U'CI3itL?n
<br />.,err 1 ~ueir
<br />.tt :x^ 4•olutttary act an;i >,rwxt.
<br />`~'"`~.. ~rana Island ~edraska
<br />1L`ttnus;~ °na;e': 1 ,>.ttc~ :c,}ariui >eai :at ... ... ......... ?.......... ........ ... .i:t ~axc~ .ouratti', 4a'ac
<br />cl~:~ :ator;:saad,~'
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