<br />LI~u OF "I'ib. Y~E}rNE a ~F S:~T~ SE~TIt3Ns 14:i. `~ ~P:EZ' ~~ T'riE AC'iJ~;Z, POZNfi 0~
<br />._.:..~. `:i:'~G TkiERE~RO?f CE3=i:A:tPI FACTS 0. i.:r`si ii :='t~;~ A;;`'IGvLAi?LY ~L::aCi?:Lt~Y.,:i
<br />~.: ,~~,ah.r..:,.:~ ~~ n~~~ ;~.~~;~~~:~ lra ~~c~~ ~.;~ :~~~ ".. ~'-9`~ s~r~~ H~it7F;~J c~~~ n»'A~;~rti~.~,~~~~
<br />:1:.',.l, QitlrL'1~ ~~: ~~~,:~'~ 1'~ .`~.A Ct~ ~~`r l`1t?~ ~A. i i.,ie a~a~„\t.... ~.~ t~. TC:.~~r ~.:l .':S L°</ '~s~.'t ~'~.ir 'u ~Jk~7 a~.t:
<br />A tract off` laxtd located •iza par;: a~ vr:~t ~~ax^th~:s.s~r C~.uarW~:r of L~,e
<br />lartheast Quarter of Section 33, Tav v:.lr~ ll :3art~h, ??s.n~e 9 Cdest of tcie
<br />nth P.~~., Hall. Caurtyy .3ebraska, desca°1oL~ as fallorrs: ;~ferrir.r to the
<br />rorth~ast corner of said Section 33; ~;G.c~ sou~:herly on t<~e L"~:st lir:~ of
<br />the i•3orthe:ast Quarter of the Nartheas v GJ~,A~.rt4r of sait~ ~ectia ~:~> ~.
<br />cista.zce of 3.3.0 feet; t'rzenca westerly c~z: a lizt~: 33.U .:'cet sautxa~:rly from
<br />urd paa'~ti.lel to the North li. e of sw~~: .;v.^vn~::z:~t t~uari:cr of thy: ;~cartiz+~~.st
<br />Quc:rtex• a distance of 33.fl feet to t,~r x7~~1z. of be~rit^.rix:;; thence caxttiru-
<br />' ink; wester^ly on the last describea ca~tx•s~: ;~~. atzuc+~c a di~;`;,artcc~ as z+(7. i3
<br />f~Gt t:a a point on the West property l~.r:4; `cier.ce sa~atherly ar. ;~~aic~ ~~est
<br />property lire a distance of 15.3 fec~,; Li,~a.ce c:a~~~:r:la a c3~.starce a.~ ;:~2fl.+~
<br />feet to a: point. ~9 , 3 feet southerly '. air, paid Tear h line; titencu x;artherly
<br />a u~istar.c~e ot" 10.0 feet to a point 3~ - a .'wat taut~:c:rly ;:'zyarn said ;Jars
<br />li e; tiaence easterly a distance of l:.m . v ~ eat to a paint 3cj . 8 f~:et south-
<br />mrly front $aid PYarth line; thence ~a~:~;,L~•i,~ a di>tance of 193.5 fe~:t to
<br />~. point R~0,0 feet westerly frarn said ::~.s~~ line; t:~zence easterly a ciist~ice
<br />of 7.0 fe:ert tc a paint 33.0 feet wes;,~:a•:i~a ~ram~ said mast lire; therce
<br />r.ar•°ci:~a~ly+ on a line 33,0 feet westerly ;'ram and parallel to ss.ir ~:~.st
<br />lir^~e s. a~.aEtarace of X00.0 feet to tl`te ;~ai..~ of be~;irrir~, car>talrt~.n~r,
<br />~,a~22.~4 square fact, more or less; 4~~; ~z.r thy; area ~;i::r~~~~ secured.
<br />"7~her~R will be r.a ir.~ress or ~,~~•~~3 aver tYa~: abava d~;scz'i~~d ~;rs.ct
<br />Ga.s`.a ~y~~DC rt1^i~tP+SCjF.Ij.I:yi~C+~Vrl~alaa'rfdf.9 ofj~~t:~he fi~,YT+"iiyE"~I~,:/C>I~y +y ;1:Ct:j)`f{i. faVt:'.L* v:2'L'i: CaFi.f'~tti"~:iu.l p+~
<br />Ae{.Kr.i G.4•.{w r.~'. 4~ AaVyr yy,,,,tV ~Rt~~4s ~A ~~ 1. A.r 1nt .i i• W.1.~4A 41i 4V psnVtit .t. ~. rL: i~• ~.j'liJ ~l f+sYa~nl ~ r~}.'4_:., iD WV
<br />~X'C)L1 t; .^ty of ~rit~.' owr..er so long; G~.`"S tStC" s. i•^.. l~l :7 f:~ Cal~xs i::, uL-:i ~. `t~~~
<br />,r i. 4+PZ a ~i 5.; `'{`.: is .i Ga ~
<br />f:a3 dioul :.!l.i~r~.T'i~:38 activities 23,u they ~Xs °a'v r "+.Y]i: Ctr3:6rt:i'".ili.C::~ ai Wi...Cl'i :..'c: uC7
<br />U ~ac~:t<.cz lr?9 , n feet, ara 258. r3 I e~ w, ~,~ ~ly ».~ , `
<br />+C,~l;;t wC:3 W.G. l a'1 v1ii .,' +, .iae;Sl
<br />of :siiCi va~'tC3t'aSt Quarter of tftf". itiaY't;:.c~c_,:,v %;L...;it.;:;t' :;;y C::4iUi~,:Ll ..ait,
<br />CCt`~,Ci~i....'...:t3 a~'' to a ptj.~hway and l20 , fl :'~: c.L Sai:~C,;.~a::X'l;yr l ra ~1 'd~'i1L .`ia:~'.it ..:::u ai
<br />' ~sai+:;.:<ar1;,h08ESt QLiarter al L~itS: ~i'~Y°t~i E: c`'.'. ~:..r y'aur'ri i.: ~' %~.:.:.i .~:%^}%:..:.: iiiL'"Q a.~l ~7s. y,~ triV
<br />:.apt l~.re CJ Y' said .tortheast Qus.rtc~r a. c,..~ :~r~rtr.4a,s v ~,a~.rter. "
<br />AND
<br />,.
<br />
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