<br />EXHIBIT "A" c C{;2dTZI3tTED
<br />Fart of the 'dortheast Quartex o.`' v<ac tdortYleast t~uarter c-f
<br />Section. 3;, ~owrship 11 forth, Razlge ~ .'rst of the 6th P,M., HaII
<br />County, ,'~Cbraska, as illustrated on t`r.r. ~.lat marked Exhibit "B" and
<br />beir.z, morn Y3i-ticularly described as ``o~io•,rs: '
<br />~'~~::.nirg at thc~ northeast cor:.~• ~;~' ss.id Section 33; thence
<br />wr.sterl,~• or. the North ling o:f the P~ior•.. .t quarter of the Northeast
<br />quarter of said Section 33 a distance ~.~•' ','i 3.0 feet; thence sautYaerly
<br />y~ de~,rees 'C0 minutes. left a distanee~ c~:° ~.Q feet; thence westerly
<br />9~ degrccs t~0 minutes right a distanc< ~~:' 1c36.6 feet; thence sautherly
<br />y~, degrees 0!0 minutes le~'t a distance ~~~:' :rs,jt feet to a pQ2nt on the
<br />southerly' existing highway right of w~=~, °.'_r:L'; thence easterly 90 degrees
<br />00 minutrss left. and on said southerly t . ;, :.rp; highway right of w8y line
<br />a distance of 452.8 feet; thence aouti:t ;,~-rly 39 degrees 0~ minutes.
<br />~ right a distance of 7~.2 feet; thence :~,a;;i;erly 46 degrees ~$ minutes
<br />right a distance of 133.6 feet; thenc% •.,:tinuinp southerly 00 degrees
<br />30 minutes left a distance of 314.7 fret,; t!:ence easterly 86 degrees
<br />30 minutes left a distance of 33.0 fe=:-~ t~~ a point on the ~:ast line of
<br />said :~ortheaat Quarter of the Northea:.~ .,~s;,rter; thence northerly on
<br />said F:aat line a distance of 347.0 fe~~ tc~ the paint of bep,inning,
<br />contriving 34,45.3 square feet, mare uz• less, which includes 31,089.1
<br />square feet, mare or lase, pre vioualy orr.~.z;aind as e public highway, then
<br />remaining 3,856.2 square feet, more or ~~:;s, bain,~ the additlona3. area
<br />to, bti secured in this action.
<br />fihere will be no ingress or es-rc::,:s from ttla above described tract
<br />onto the remiainder of sad ,
<br />~. art of the ;:
<br />~ oz•theast Quarter of the ~Zortheaat
<br />.quarter, axce~pt over two private residGr.tlal ertrarces, not to exceed 20
<br />feet ir. width to provide ingress and N,-;•~.~s to dwelling of the owner $o
<br />long es they era used consistent with t.c,r.:cal activities thereto, the
<br />cCrterl.ir~.as of which are to be locatead :'{>,.G feet and 412.6 feet westerly
<br />..^I'om tt~n: vast line of said Northeast ~:~t:~:•~ar of the Northeast Quarter aD
<br />mCasurct~ along the ce:rterlina of the t7i f-}a'~r~y and except over two
<br />com:~erci:al entrances, not to tlxceesd ~+G '.'C~t in width, to provide ingress
<br />and ngrc.ss to property of the owner, t:: ;: c~~:r.terl9.nes of which are to be
<br />located 165.0 feet and 272.0 feet sout!i y•1=,~ from the ;vTarth line of said
<br />,tortheas~t Quarter of the Northeast G;~uaz•~c:t°~ a:r measured along th~+ carter-
<br />~ line of the highway and as illustrated v,. tale attached plat maxked ~,xhibl.t
<br />"H`" All. mineral rights in the above _:;cribed tract shah be retained .
<br />~ and rCserved, to the Cordemr:ees, their :. ~r~s, successors ar assigs:s, T•he
<br />vordemr:res, their heirs, successors or ...;l~-,ns shall nave. ro right to use
<br />~ or entez~ the, surfaaa of the a:bave de.~c:•':;,~:u tract for any purposrz concern-
<br />irtp t~ac reserved mineral riszhts _, 2102 ti}; ~ 1 thw f,;_»riemnc®y that„ t...,t.~_
<br />successors or assigns in extracting s:a~:,: ,..inerals, damage~or in~anyiway
<br />impair the use of the above described ta'FCt.
<br />Egg pp,~,~+ ~& ~~~z~r~~
<br />~~~~~ .~fei1+G~~'tOg~ c~~~a
<br />cx1-,ibit ~:As, n.,,... ~,-~
<br />